
- Case File - 001 - The Smiling Creature - 08 - Playing Games

Horrifying, that is all the sight before Alex could be called. Blood dripped to the floor that was covered in shreds of viscera, muscle and bone. The trees, originally brown, were now crimson, decaying to orange and black. And there upon the tree lay the source of all the mess. A deer. Its lower half missing, more specifically eaten or ripped off, its entrails pouring out, slowly. Gored upon a tree. The horror of what had killed it still engraved within its lifeless eyes. The pain of the death carved upon its frozen expression.

What ever had killed it made sure it suffered.

Alex felt something crawl up his neck from the inside. A liquid. It filled his mouth back to front. Alex fell to his knees and...


All of the food Alex had eaten last night poured out, digested, chewed, caked in saliva and mixed with stomach acid. And still more pour out. Thankfully Alex hadn't eaten anything while he was at the food area.

Alex cursed with the knowledge of what did this had a complete mental collapse, still puking, tears rolling down this cheeks. Alex's vision darkened to black. His stomach hurting from dread and fear. As he was at the verge of fainting he felt his pants begin to go wet.


Alex opened his eyes, he was in a green. No one was in his tent with him but he saw medical supplies meaning his was in the medical area. Alex thought back to what he had seen the deer the blood, he gagged a little then close to not over think what he had seen he already knew what he needed to know. Alex got up, he felt his legs go out and he fell. What ever medication he had been give had a numbing effect.

But it wasn't too major Alex had only fallen because he had not been able to centre his balance due to the slight lack of feeling in his legs. Alex got up again, still a little wobbly and made his way to the tent zipper. The opened it and stepped outside.

Outside, the sun was setting, the sky was a gradient of yellow and orange not red though.


People were no where to be seen, he needed to go back to the seen, he needed to see the deer again, he needed to confirm that he had seen what he had and that it had been killed by what he thought had killed it.

Alex began to walk, then jog and finally broke out into a full on sprint. Last time had ad seen it was during the night. So if Alex went to the place where the deer died and came back before sunset he would be fine. At least he hoped he would be.


5 minutes that's how long it took Alex to get the the place the deer had been gored upon the tree, to Alex it had taken too long and the sun was about 10 minutes away from being completely set. He looked around.

Dried blood, once crimson now black and orange covered the trees and painted the stained the floor, the large parts of the innards were gone leaving only small shreds of bone and muscle that had been missed by whoever had cleaned the area. Alex took a deep breath. Braced himself and...

He looked up, up to what had caused the scream, up to what had made him faint of fear, up to the poor creature who had fear branded upon it's soul by no fault of it's own, moments before a death, that by no means seemed quick.

Up on the trees lay nothing but small chunks of muscle and bone. It had been removed, but then again of course it had been removed, no one would leave a brutally mangled corpse behind in an area full of students. Alex looked around for anything, but found nothing so then he turned around ready to sprint back to his tent. When his sight happen to fall on a leaf. 'That's weird' Alex thought to himself. The leaf was bright green despite having fallen off the tree, an more peculiarly it had a red dust on it. Alex moved closer and reached out a hand. Seemingly drawn in by a force, that beckoned him to touch it. Alex's finger just the tip reached the touched the specks and...

His vision went blue. He was suddenly in a white room. He tried to move but couldn't when he looked to see what was limiting his movement he saw that he was in a strap jacket. The door to the room opened and in walked two figures. They wore full white, pants, formal shirts and lab coats, one man, the other women. The man sprinted at Alex and grabbed him, the women pulled an injection out of her pocket and moved to Alex, then injected him with it. Alex felt woozy.


It the cave sat the monster calm one moment. The next, it was writhing in agony. Pain pierced its thoughts, and rippled through out its mind. It knew what had happened. It ran to the water and look, surely enough during its fight with the deer, part of its insignia had been chipped. The red symbol on its head glowed a ghostly light, it precious insignia had a small crack in it, a crack so small most wouldn't have even cared to notice it. But to it that crack explained the crippling, mind numbing pain, someone or something had touched the broken off specks. Someone or something had peered into its soul, its memories.

A minute later as the small crack healed and the pain subsided, it thought to itself only one thing.



Alex was suddenly back into the forest, his head hurt and he was laying on the floor. Alex thought back to what he had seen from the dust. What the hell was that?

Alex considered the possibility that it was some problem from hitting his head but no it had been over 24 hours since then and he had experience nothing. Alex looked around, he had been so deep in thought he hadn't noticed the all consuming darkness around him.

The sun had gone down now. Alex ran into the campsite just to be halted by what he saw when the got close the centre of it. Everyone, teachers, site staff and students sat there, the campfire lit, blazing, flickering in the centre of the sitting circle. Their eyes clouded by uncertainty but more so.


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