
- Case File - 001 - The Smiling Creature - 02 - The Campsite

5 hour, that's how long it took to get from the school to their group's chosen campsite (all groups were at different sites and no one knew where the other group's sites were) in Elsier Forest. 5 hours and mind you the trip as no where near comfortable for Alex, the heat was atrocious only made ever so more unbearable my the constant murmur and shouting of the excited students.

On top of that Alex was sitting no where near Darius and Xavier because when everyone had been filtered into the coach the teachers gave little care to who sat where (everyone one wanted to sit at the back, typical) this had led to Alex being pushed to the back meaning that he was sitting near the front of the bus (these were then assigned as permanent seats for the rest of the trip).

But Alex made it.

After the teachers had completed a head count everyone was allowed out of the coaches. As soon as permission was given Alex had sprinted out in to the campsite.

The campsite was a large clearing, surrounded by medium sized trees that cast shadows over each other leading to darkness in the tree line even during the day, god knows how deep into the forest it was (all Alex had seen for the last 2 hours was trees and bushes). As for what was in the campsite it had several medium (large enough for 3 people), green tents dotted around (in no clear pattern), there was a large fire in the middle of the site and near the edge of the campsite (so the area where the trees started once again) there were torches not currently lit but worn and clearly still in use.

"Probably to keep animals away at night" Alex thought. But as Alex was deep in thought he did not notice the figure approaching him from behind.

[???]: "Give me your flesh!"

The voice came from behind Alex it was monotone, horse. Alex jumped, adrenaline pumping through his veins, ready to fight the person or thing that had said the sentence. But behind him stood Xavier, bent over clutching his knees laughing.

[Xavier]: "You should have seen your face, that was bloody priceless!"

Without a second thought Alex walked up to Xavier and punched him as hard as he could. Xavier yelped then clutched his arm, still giggling.

In a sort of mocking tone he spoke.

[Xavier]: "Hey, what was that for?"

[Alex]: "For the trashy 'Prank' you just pulled!"

[Xavier]: "Did baby wet himself?"

[Alex]: "Screw off!"

Darius then walked up to them at a brisk pace.

[Darius]: "Hey guys, what's up?"

To this Xavier cooling replied.

[Xavier]: "Nothing much, Alex just wet himself."

Having calmed down Alex lightly punched Xavier's shoulder this time.

[Alex]: "Shut it!"


The teachers gave the students 3 hours to get familiar with the site and unpack the belongings they had bought with them.

The students would then need to come to the area with the fire to receive instructions on what would be happening during the first day of their 1 week stay.

Alex, Darius and Xavier then walked to their assigned tent, 'Number 53' it was one right next to the edge of the campsite, one closest to the trees. The 3 boys entered their tent, they saw in their tent 3 flashlights, 3 wristband, 3 sleeping bags and 1 note.

Darius picked up the note and read it.

{'Hello gentlemen and welcome to Elsier Forests Campsite as you may be aware all sites in this forest are managed by our company 'Funton Outdoors' on behalf of the government.

As you can see you have been provided with flashlights, sleeping bags (they are laid out next to one another) and wristbands.

The flashlights and sleeping bags are self explanatory, as for the wristbands they have distress buttons that relay your location to a squad at your campsite this is to make sure you don't get lost as Elsier Forest IS very large.

Please keep the wristbands on you at ALL times. Also for your safety please follow our staff's guidelines carefully. Well that is all that you needed to be informed of.'

'Please enjoy your stay'

Yours Faithfully Funton Outdoors}

'Okay then' they all thought and put on the 'Distress Wristbands'. After they unpacked their belongings and putting them into small cloth compartments hanging from the sides of the tent they set out to explore the site.

There were many people out of their tents already, walking around getting familiar with their surroundings (of course on one was allowed to or had exited the clearing yet).

The 3 boys began to walk around too, they and made mental notes of where important this were like their teacher's tents, tents with medical equipment, the bathing areas and most importantly for many where the outhouses were.


Three hours passed like lighting and the time came to meet up near the fire. When they arrived they were organised once again into their groups of 24. At the front of each group stood a teacher.

The teacher standing at the front of their group was a man called Mr. Eclair.

He was short, he was fat, he had the a worn expression (one only a person tired of life was capable of putting on) and he was almost entirely bald, the little bit of hair he did have was held to the top of his head by hope alone. Despite this he was well liked for being a very capable teacher allowing even the most ignorant of people able to understand complex topics.

[Mr. Éclair]: "Hello gentlemen great to see you are all well!"

Then he began to speak of the dangers and hazards of the forest this was where Alex zoned out.

To Alex, safety had always been common sense the only thing anyone ever said most people could deduce with basic thought this like: don't touch weird looking animals, don't go in murky water, don't eat random plants and don't go jumping off of or standing near the edge of cliffs.

Alex zoned back in when Mr. Eclair mentioned the activity they would be doing tomorrow.


The teacher then mentioned how to used their caving equipment, where to meet and if you got lost what to do. The teacher then mentioned more safety rules this time specifically about caving to which Alex listened.


As the sun began to fall and darkness began to set in they were ordered back to their tents.

Alex, Darius and Xavier upon going back to their tent changed into night suits and went to sleep without a word to one another.

Likely due to the excitement they had not noticed how tired they had been from the trip to the campsite. And basically fainted as soon as they got into their sleeping bags.

9 hours later the suns rose and day consumed the darkness...

A little longer than planned but I felt I needed to set the scene for this story. It will pick up in terms of action from here.

So stay tuned.

I hope you are enjoying if yes feel free to comment what you are enjoying + any possible improvement. Yes I will read them. Thank You for Reading.

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