
A birthday to remember part 1

Alpha 25th,4000

Fala's POV

Okay, I know this might sound a-bit homicidal but-I really feel like strangling someone…namely that over-entitled,over-pampered, and over-indulged 'madam Hys'…or whatever bloodborn title,(not that she is one mind you)-in fact, she's actually worse than the two actual bloodborns that had actually accompanied the Arus Voltron-queen Orla's stayed at the base before and knows how we operate-and her niece has been more than reasonable and understanding…the same could not be said about Hys-needless to say that old woman was a major pain in the quiznack.

To top that Raible was back and a small drule armada was spotted near Aprexis nebula-but hey that was no reason to be all doom and gloom…Raimon insisted on continuing business as usual despite our new house guests-so that is exactly what we've been doing.

Yesterday Raimon asked me for help with a little art project he and a few of the space mice were doing…being such a loving older sister I naturally agreed-though I am beginning to regret that decision.

We were in Raimon's bedroom…just me, him, and three of the large colony-like nest of space mice that lived in the natural caves of the mountain.

I stood in a rather awkward and uncomfortable position wearing one of my best dresses-though the latter was more my personal choice…I expertly balance a plump purple-colored space mouse that Ray named Platt.

Raimon was sitting on the small wheelchair of his rather spacious bed sketching away on a large black and gold-colored sketchpad.

"Ok, sis…now just slightly lift your right leg a little more higher!"Raimon said with an almost ear-to-ear grin.

I lightly rolled my eyes but ultimately did as he asked-lifting just enough to ensure that Ray didn't get an eyeful of what I had underneath…Raimon quickly sketched away at his drawing-pad briefly before setting down his pen on his bed and quickly jumped somewhat onto his feet excitedly as he turns the sketchpad over to reveal his latest masterpiece."…what do you think?" he asks with a beaming-proud smile on his face…and looking at the drawing-I frankly could not blame him.

The drawing was not exactly what one would call 'accurate' or 'realistic'…but that did not make it any less beautiful or sweet! In the drawing I appeared-and I am saying this to sound conceded or vain but-I looked like a goddess…the drawing depicted me stood atop an ocean lined cliffside that overlooked the calm and gentle ocean waves that lightly crashed against an almost rocky shore as the sun made its ascent behind me-my blond hair appeared like a long golden mane serenely flowing in the imaginary wind.

The mice appeared to resemble what the four earth men would call 'Angels' with the small and somewhat pudgy rodents wearing long-white robes…tiny wings that resembled those belonging to some sort of bird-what appeared to be a halo-like circle around the mice's small heads as they gravitated around me with the one exception of Platt, who was standing stoically on the tip of my nose with the small-pudgy spacemouse wearing a shining suit of armor and wielding a cute little sword.

I giggled slightly at the idea of Platt fighting off enemies with such a tiny weapon.

"…that is nice drawing Raimon!"Ray's birth mother,(and my genetic doppelgänger)-princess Allura of Arus complimented standing in the doorway with a hand awkwardly on the upper part of her right forearm and her already pinkish face glowing bashfully-the young woman looking as if she had just walked in on the two of us doing very naughty.

Ray crosses his arms over his chest with a suspecting look on his slightly scrunched-up face."...is there some kind of emergency or something that you came to tell us about." he asked in a tone of voice that was lukewarm at best but still held some obvious venom in it.

The princess smiled a weak-slightly sheepish smile she looked at Raimon with a slightly puzzled on her almost heart-shaped face."…I want to show you something special I put together for your birthday today!" the princess says and I mentally faced palmed.

Allura's POV

Raimon's face turns a light shade of red-though it appeared to be from anger rather than embarrassment," thanks your highness…but I just remember I'd promised Al that I would help him upgrade his hoverbike today!" He said quickly without so much as a brief pause of hesitation before trying to squeeze past me.

"…Wait!" I said quickly grabbing his right wrist-fortunately he merely jerked his wrist free from my grip-giving me a cold and bittered glare that made my skin crawl and my blood run cold.

'At least he didn't punch or kick or whatever me this time!" I thought sadly to myself

"Oh come on Ray-"my-uh clone…still coming into terms with that nugget of information spoke up in my defense and Raimon once again folded his arms across his chest." fine" he grumbled,"…thank you Fala!" I said appreciatively before asking her and Raimon to follow me.


Third person's POV

Prince Lotor and his father's dark sorceress and main adviser, the witch Haggar arrive on barren…nearly inhospitable planet known as Azara…not too unlike their own homeworld of Kornith,(more commonly known as planet Doom)-the sky was clotted with rust-colored acidic rain clouds that seemed to engulf the entire planet-Lotor was astonished when one of his subordinates reported that the planet's surface next to no life forms on the desert-like surface below them.

"What on doom would possess any sentient being sane or insane to settle on such a barren rock so far from anything that could be remotely considered civilization?" The drule prince asked the woman standing beside him.

Haggar did not give the prince's question any mind though-in fact the elderly woman appeared as though she was in some sort of trance like state-her familiar… sickly-looking blue cat named Jaga.

Jaga hissed and meowed with his head cocking about as if the twisted and dark creature were in pain.

Lotor raises an eyebrow at this curiously, "what is wrong with your creature old hag?" he asked in his usual blunted and disrespectful tone of voice-the witch simply gave him a long-cold glare before looking back down to the dark blue creature violently trembling in her lap."I do like the feel of this !"Haggar finally said to her prince.

Ordinarily, the drule prince would simply laugh at the old witch's threats and warnings-something about this world and this mysterious scientist that seemingly thin air.

The drule flagship jostled slightly as it suddenly got caught up in the middle of a massive sandstorm-fortunately a mysterious tracker beam suddenly catches the alien craft in its steadying grip.

Everyone onboard the ship's bridge is left slightly disoriented by the experience-Lotor leaning over his common chair-feelings of nausea and disorientation filling him as an unwelcomed of bOth bile and the morning's breakfast swiftly made a return trip up the man's throat.

"Apologize for the slightly rough entry your royal highness!"Lotor lifted to his head to see who was speaking-and was stunned to see that it was a humanoid man appearing to be dressed in attire that strangely remembered him of the Arusian man that would stand beside the fat woman that always wore a common servant's clothes...that being said-there was something...'different'-something...darker!

Soon enough the sleek-bird-like flagship lands gently on the smooth stone-circled sharped landing pad-the ship's landing gears activating a few inches from the soiled ground; Lotor, Haggar, and a few other less notable members of king Zarkon's royal court.

"…Welcome to my humble home your royal highness !" the man from before warmly greeted-though something about his calm Demeter and almost robotic tone of voice made the prince of doom's skin crawl all over.

The prince nodded awkwardly-clearly displaying a look of discomfort and unease."…well, you claim that your occult science can creature strong enough to destroy both the Voltron forces?"Lotor asked in his usual snarky air of skepticism…but there was also this almost alien feeling to the drule prince-a feeling that would be seen as weakness if he were not so diligent and disciplined enough to conceal it from the eyes of his men…fear! Not the same mild fear that he felt from his father's meaningless threats or the faint mockery of fear he got after being driven into retreat by the Voltron of Arus…this was a type of fear that the prince of doom had felt only once before in his entire life…Lotor was a stunned-the man had visible cybernetic implants…including a cybernetic eye that was barely noticeable-though the same could not be said for the metal jaw that had completely replaced the entire lower part of the man's face...in fact, it wouldn't surprise the prince if it turned out that man was mostly scrapped metal and spare parts-though did little to settle Lotor's unease.

The man politely bows respectfully,"...please allow me to properly introduce myself-" he says lifting his head to reveal an eerie mockery of a warm smile."...I am Raible...former chief scientist of the planet Arus!" "...' former' ?"Lotor snared snidely-though the information that this man was Arusian born." oh really...and what is such a highly respected man of science doing out here in such a remote region of the cosmos?" the prince of doom asked with genuine curiosity tone in his voice.

A semi-translucent energy dome that had so welcomingly opened to the drule vessel.

Raible made an awkward-sounding light cough to clear his throat." I am ashamed to say that I was dismissed after I used the crowned princess for a particular genetic experiment!" he said lightly with a dismissive wave of the hand.

"What!?"Lotor growled angrily as he quickly drew his plasma energy-bladed sword.

The drule prince soon held the sharpened tip of his energy-based sword."Tsk Tsk now prince Lotor surely there is no need to make such a fuss over one little artificial insemination!" Raible said with an unnervingly calm Demeter despite the blade's tip mere inches from his atoms-Apple."…if you'll please allow me a moment to explain?"


Lotor's mind raced with over a hundred million questions which were only interrupted by Haggar giving a light cough snapping him back." you…you used my DNA to impregnate the crowned princess of Arus?" the drule spat out almost flabbergast-the prince not certain whether to smile pridefully at the thought of his 'beloved' Allura mothering his son-or to fall onto his knees in disbelief.

Raible nodded allowing a faint smirk of pride,"…and in fact, if my sources are correct…you have already met your son!" 'Son' the word was like sweet music in the prince's elfish ears, "oh really?"Lotor says with a rather toothy smile.

"Yes...does the name Raimon Altaius mean anything to you!"Raible says with an almost teasing smirk.

Lotor's purple-skinned face instantly turned pale white with fear.

Back on Altea…

Fala's POV

"How much longer is it until we reach this surprise of yours, princess?"Ray asked clearly at having been blindfolded by Allura who was doing her best to lead the young man by the wrist with me following a respectful distance behind them-purposely dragging my feet along the floor.

"…I promise it's not that far now!" the Arusian princess says confidently as she leads down another hallway…though that was only because I was subtly giving her directions.

We finally come to a stop at the open doorway of the base's common room-abruptly I get this sudden uneasy feeling in my gut." Uh princess…please tell your not-"she shushes immediately,"…you'll ruin the surprise!" she says with a warm smile on her face.

I sighed-'oh well she'll learn hard way then' I thought to myself as I watch princess Allura lead my little brother through the door; I followed as just outside the door's threshold behind stopping-I soon crossed my arms in anticipation of what the tragedy that is about to take place.

Allura's POV

I stare puzzled at Fala, who was standing on the outside of the door with a disapproving scowl on her face.

"...can I take this dump blindfold yet?"Raimon asked sounding more annoyed than irate as he lifted the blindfold from his right eye to reveal a single eye that was a lovely shade of greenish-blue peaked out from underneath the blindfold.

I smile softly-carefully I help him remove the blindfold from his eyes…of course, making sure to keep a respectful distance-I've learned my lesson after last time." ta-da"I say smiling as I quickly removed the blindfold from over his eyes.

"Happy birthday Raimon!" the guys say Springing out from behind the surrounding furniture...though I was confused by why?

At first, there was a brief flare of surprise on his face--which at first to be angry...or at least something akin to that emotion than anything else...but that emotion quickly passes and Raimon's face soon settles on a neutral expression; He looked to Fala, who merely shrugged lightly…as if she had no clue what to say to him.

Raimon's hands soon clenched into two balled up into fists."….Raimon?"I say worriedly as I began reaching out to him with a gentle hand.

He quickly wrenched his wrist away from the direction of my hand.

"I am fine princess…thanks for the surprise party…but I just remembered I have to go fix…something!"He says groping disparately for an excuse to leave." Oh come on Ray…the princess is just trying to make up for all those awkward birthday parties she missed out on during the past twelve years!"Lance said-obviously not helping in the slightest.

Bweoop Bweoop Bweoop Bweoop!!!

An alarm sounds as emergency lights flash in a morse code-like pattern-though I couldn't quite figure it out; but I soon see Fala and Raimon quickly bolt out of the room in an almost maddened haste, the others and I immediately followed after them.

I wonder what the emergency is?-and more importantly did I want to know-Fala immediately raced out into the hallway...no doubt heading for the base's mission control room, Raimon following close behind; the others and I soon raced to catch up with the two.

Soon enough...

Fala's POV

Raimon burst in front of me and I can't help but wonder if the princess's little surprise had put Ray in a rather murderous mood, we arrive ahead of the lion team-who entered the room nearly exhausted; Adamus sat at the massive computer but immediately peaking his head over his right shoulder.

"Fala, Raimon, "Adamus says with solemn-flaccid expression plainly displayed on his long and narrow-edged face.

"...What's the emergency Adamus?"I ask conjuring up a list of best-case scenarios...and admittedly more than a couple of worst-case ones as well.

"...See for yourself!"Adamus says quickly pulling up the image of a small drule armada engaged in a massive battle with the Arusian commonwealth capital world of new Arus.

"…so the drules have decided to make a full-scale assault on new Arus !"Ray said completive expression plainly showing on his face.

"'New Arus'?" Princess Allura said in an almost gasp-like tone of voice.

"We'll explain on the way!"Ray said briefly before quickly racing to Alpha's hangar.

"…But wait-"Allura protest, "there'll be time to talk the way cuz!"Alfor says racing before making a B line for his own mecha; I place a kind hand on my shoulder with fingers giving a light squeeze."…their right princess…for now it's best if the five of you get to your lions!"I said gently.

The princess nods understandingly, "ok" was all the princess said."…I am going too!"Hys says firmly, "no! Hells no!" replied putting my foot down on this one." Nanny?" the princess says sounding just stunned by the older woman's desire to go on the mission…as are her four teammates.

"Fala…we do not have time to argue about this!"Adamus says.

I groaned a little and sighed as I reluctantly-I threw up my hands."fine…but don't say I didn't warn if she gets in the way and gets killed…or gets us all killed!"I admittedly rushed to Beta-knowing for well that the metaphorical clock was ticking and that there was no time to lose.

Soon enough…

Third person's POV

Lotor was doing all he could from visibly trembling in the open where all eyes could see-the drule prince's left hand was trembling slightly…though no one was patient enough to notice, no all eyes were directed at the massive viewing monitor that gave a real-time view of the battle over this so-called 'new Arus'…surprisingly it's inhabitants proved a far greater challenge than their distant cousins in the Danubian galaxy-but that was not what made him shudder faintly…no! The true cause for the prince's concern was the spectrum-colored streaks of fastly approaching light-for the drules all knew that it could only mean one thing…Voltron!

Not just the five lions of Arus…but also the one Voltron that the drule supremacy truly feared earnestly; Lotor to Haggar with an uncharacteristic expression of doubtful fear plainly showing."…and now for the moment of truth!" the prince says ominously.

Haggar silently nodded agreeingly…the old woman knowing as well as all onboard the command ship all knowing that no matter what happened here today that would only be two outcomes for them this day…victory or death!


Fala's POV

We arrived at New Arus to find the Planet surrounded by a full drule military armada mixed in with members of the black nova brotherhood; the Arusians were of course managing to keep any large number of enemy ships from reaching the planet's atmosphere…but still smaller numbers were able to get past.

Raimon wastes no time at all-ordered immediate formation of Voltron; the six warriors quickly shift and change with a rainbow-colored aura quickly surges as the warriors came together to form Voltron in a cacoon like field of neon-like energy...the mighty robot gladiator emerges from the energy field with a bright and brilliant burst of multicolored light-Voltron quickly flexes 'his' neon hydrogen charged metallic limbs before standing ready for battle."FORM NEON SHIELD!!"Ray orders and I am as always more than happy to comply.

I simultaneously pressed a small flashing button on the lower right-handed side of the cockpit's dashboard.

Voltron's right arm,(which was of course the Beta warrior)-extended outward calling forth neonic energy seemingly from the invisible ether of space to form a discus-like shield."…time to even the odds!"Ray said as Voltron soon hurdled the shield with seemingly next to no effort-the shield easily slices through a good portion of the enemy fleets.

Voltron hands quickly clasped together with a fastly building pulse-like collection of energy-soon enough the hands part dramatically revealing a great saber-like sword made of pure-solidified energy that crackled like fire around the blade.

Voltron springs forward and in a few precise swings of the sword destroys half of the invading force; Captain Kurogane-a clearly disapproving look on his face." just what the hell do think you're doing?"

"Our job…and yours so if not join in then go planet side and help with the stragglers!"Raimon said bluntly as we quickly took out another few dozen ships.

I can almost hear Keith's jaw clench as he reluctantly nodded compliantly and orders his team planet's side-the lion force team sticking around just long enough to witness a blazing slash from Voltron take out a hundred Drule ships.

Allura's POV

I as well as the others are left stunned by the swift and percised execution of the gladiator team-'execution' being the key as Raimon and the others seem more than willing to wipe out the enemy's forces-destroying ship after ship without so much as care of whether or not they contained any living creatures in them; Keith yells at Raimon as if he had suddenly gone mad-but something deep inside me says that's not quite the case.

"Keith, What is Raimon and his team doing?"I asked puzzled before hearing what sounded like someone praying…it was Nanny praying in the Arusian-but given the clear wording of the prayer I cannot help but wonder just who's side she was really on-peaked back over the front of my seat,"…Nanny what's wrong?"I asked-the sound of my voice seemingly having been enough to snap her out of her frantic stupor.

"Y-yes princess?" the older woman says with an uneasy undertone visible in her voice.

I feel my shoulders tense up slightly with a small knot beginning to tighten in my gut."I asked if you were okay?" I said worried-and then a little scared.

Nanny's head shook slowly as her face lowered solemnly." No-"she mousily replied as her trembling hands quickly clenched into fists over her lap-alright now I was scared…I've never seen Nanny not get this upset at seeing us fighting Zarkon and the drules before? Especially since she strongly disapproved of me piloting blue lion-but never like this."...no I am not!"Nanny sighs grimly.

I opened my mouth to ask what was troubling her."Princess!"Keith says he quickly appeared on the communication screen."yes Keith!"I replied,"...we're heading planetside asap!" he said somewhat sternly, and simply nodded complyingly...noticing that the planet's forces seem to be holding their own pretty well,(especially since Raimon and his team had basically destroyed the drule/pirate forces)

"...Understood!"I said before heading towards the planet with the others.


Fala's POV

Voltron easily takes out another squadron of drule fighters and I begin to feel my neck hair staticky stand on end nervously."...Raimon there's something wrong here!"I said over the communication screen.

"I know!" he said with that same calm and serious tone of voice that always gives me an eerie chill along my spine.

"...We're heading planet side!"Ray said to no one's objections.

"Aye aye captain!"Katie said giving mock two fingered solute.

"...Lead the way little brother!"I say with a weary smile of confidence.

To be continued...

Next chapter