
Sweet Honey Morning Moon

Their car entered the airport area. The Wijaya family's private jet awaits their arrival. Two pilots and three cabin crew introduced themselves before helping Jasmine and Leonardo into their seats.

Jasmine gasped. Her mouth kept hanging open as she entered the cabin of their private jet. The interior was luxurious as

and spacious, unlike when she boarded a cramped economy class plane, whose legs couldn't even be Straightened or bent.

"Please have a comfortable seat, Mr. and Mrs. Wijaya, we will serve you for approximately thirteen hours on the plane." The cru cabin and captain greeted them.

"Thank you," Jasmine said. Leonardo didn't care. He preferred to open his pad. He would take care of some work that will be delayed due to their departure.

"Great, the chair is comfy!! There is a TV. Wow, that's very interesting. The chair can be laid like a bed!! Daebak!!" Jasmine chuckled. She seemed to enjoy Her private jet.

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