
Meeting the King of the Irason Kingdom

Reign accompanied the Irason Kingdom officials back to the city, where the prisoners were securely held. Those that Reign had defeated together with Athlaston and the rest of his group were also brought here. Most of them had died during the battle as Reign wasn't interested in simply knocking them out so that they would serve as prisoners at that time, he was fully focused on eliminating the threat they posed, and thus he had killed plenty of them, even the Tier Vs.

The traitors of the kingdom were subjected to rigorous interrogations, with magical and mundane means employed to extract information about their motives and any potential accomplices. After that, they were healed and brought outside to the city square, where their trial started.

The citizens gathered for the trial, witnessing the exposure of those who had betrayed their kingdom. The evidence presented was irrefutable, and the traitors faced the consequences of their actions.

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