
The Entity Observes All

In a place far away from where Titania was, shrouded with a thick fog was the Entity observing him. The Entity watched with amusement and intrigue as they saw Titania, or really what Titania was. The Entity has never seen an individual like him.

The Entity has existed for a long time and has seen many civilizations rise and fall. There had been many 'heroes' of different eras and many 'villains' and the entity had seen their fights rock the earth down to its very core. After seeing these fights the Entity would bestow them a 'blessing' that would help them with their journey, eventually they as the sands of time move these types of people were all the same. There were one's who fought with fists, those with their minds, inventions, magic and so on. The entity eventually got bored of seeing the same thing repeating and stopped giving 'blessings'.

These blessings were any actually blessings as though from a god or deity but rather the Entity would give them a fraction of their power to help nurture them. Naturally the Entity wouldn't give its energy for free but would demand a form of exchange, sacrifices it can be considered. The Entity would call upon, rarely would others call upon the Entity, and would offer them help in exchange for sacrifices, such as offering it animals, certain rocks, people, and so on. Through this the Entity would end up with more energy or strength than it had started with all while helping the worshipper.

When the Entity heard the prayer from Titania it was surprised. It had been many years since anyone had prayed for it and out of curiosity it conjured mirror with an image of Titania in its reflection. When the Entity saw Titania it felt that this was something different about this person, something off. It's curiosity was peaked and with a wave of it's hand it scanned Titania. It was surprised with what it saw, something unique.

The Entity now had an undesirable need to know more, from the scan it pinged that it was both human and something else. The Entity decided to broaden the scope that it was using to see where Titania was.

The Entity saw that Titania saw that he was being held in a facility was dozens of researchers and guards in a dense forest with the only signs of life being the animals and insects that lived in there. While it knew where Titania was it gained no information about him, stoking the fire of curiosity in its mind. In this moment, the Entity gave Titania the highest blessing it had ever gave to a person. This drained energy from the Entity but after having so many sacrifices offered to it, it was a mere drop in the ocean.

The Entity then saw Titania get whisked away by the researchers into a lab, which it recognized as a diagnostic room it grew excited. The Entity smiled to itself and rubbed its hand together, "To think I would have to spend years to learn what that thing is when I got researchers doing it for me!" The Entity said to itself as it had the work cut out for itself. All the Entity had to do now was wait for them to finish with their tests and it will peek at the results.

And so it did, it waited patiently while observing the diagnose process. It saw several researchers whisper and talk to each other, none of which was related to Titania. While it was watching it made the decision to make an appearance, the diagnose process didn't provide enough information for the Entity to be pleased with. After it was process was done with and saw all the researchers leave and go to sleep in their headquarters, it decided to appear.

With the mirror that it was using observe Titania with the Entity changed the mirrors perspective to a bathroom in the facility as it was late at night and it couldn't afford to be caught. When it got the perspective right the Entity lightly tapped on the mirror and the mirror trembled, becoming an almost fluid like state and the entity walked through it and appeared on the other side of the mirror in the bathroom of the research facility.

The Entity looked around the bathroom and saw a mirror and looked at the reflection, it saw was a cloud of green energy, seeming as though a living fog. 'I can't go around like this, I could hide myself but that is boring,' The Entity thought to itself. After a moment of debate it soon created itself its disguise. The fog gathered together and created a tall woman, who had tan skin that complemented her nicely, and had hair just above her shoulders, while also creating the same lab coats used in the lab. The Entity inspected her body in the mirror and seemed pleased with what it made.

"I out did myself," She said out loud to herself, "And now to get a keycard that they use." She walked out of the bathroom while adjusting her lab coat and wandered the halls of the facility. She looked around the facility until she saw another researcher.

The Entity walked up to the researcher and bumped into him on purpose, "Oh, excuse me," she said apologetically, "I am new here, as I got transferred here and I lost my keycard, can you help me?" The researcher looked at her and a smile formed on his face that all females know all too well. The researcher shook his head repeatedly and guided her through the halls into a room that had a camera and a printer for ID cards.

The Entity already knew what to do and the researcher seemed very eager and took pictures for the ID, more than what was needed. When the keycard was printed the Entity scurried away and began to wander the halls again.

'I hate men like that, filthy,' She thought to herself as she left in a hurry away from him. She conjured the layout of the facility, with every room labeled. She saw that she was very close to room where she needed to go.

"Onward to the storage room," She said to herself as she walked down the halls with the map at hand.

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