
Chapter 9: Workout to achieve my modern body figure

"Hmm. This seems to be more better than yesterday" I told Sir Horton.

He presented me his original piece. His designs are somehow revealing maybe that's why he didn't want to make it. But I think it's still lacking.

People here are very conservative. They don't actually wear dresses that is very revealing.

Just like what happen to me when I wore night gown when I talked with the Emperor. It wasn't that revealing but people here is just, whatever.

"Leave us for a second" I told Veronica which she agreed.

"Sir Horton, these designs are impressive but still lack of something" I told him.

"T-Thank you"

"I know that you're still not decided to whether launch it or not. I'm doing this for you so could make progress. People need to grow up you know"

"Yes.. But I'm still afraid that.. this will not be successful and I might get backlash because of it"

"But aren't you receiving backlash to people even now?" I said.

I putted my hands on his cheek and make an eye contact with him.

"Don't you think that if I wore these dresses, your reputation will also success?" I asked me.

"I-I don't know..." he said and looked away.

Right, since Louisa is known for being tastless to her outfits, he isn't really sure if I could nail this one.

I removed my hands on his cheek and sipped my tea

"My success is also your success. Since I'm already named as the deposed Empress, I wanted to established a name for myself. I wanted to be a model that every woman in the Empire would look up to" I said.

"Here, I want you to make this one" I said and gave him an envelope.

"W-what is this?" He asked.

"Just open it when you get home. That's my friend's design" I said.

"Y-y-your friend's design?" He asked.

"Yes. You can add something on that but make sure it will suit me. Just remember this goddess beauty and think what other design would suit it"

"B-but, I might disappoint her majesty"

"If you fail to exceed my expectation, that will be the end of your career. So better do your best" I said.

"One more thing Sir. Can you do me a favor?" I asked.


Horton already left 3 hours ago. Now, it's time to know who it is really.

"Could you go to Sir Horton's botique and send him this?" I told her.

"Yes, milady. Then I will be leaving right away!" She said and ran off.

Now, I need to increase my ass and boobs size. I told Horton the size that I want and at first, he was confused since it wasn't my real size.

I'm aiming to claim my original body figure in my modern life.


(Horton's POV)

"Goo day Sir Horton. My lady have sent you a letter" her maid said.

Is this what she wanted? I opened the letter and saw a drawing of a dress.

How can she draw so well like this?

I opened my book and look for the dress that she wanted.

"Okay, tell her majesty that I will do my best" I said.

She was staring at the dress design and not even blinking.

"Do you want to see it?" I asked.

"C-c-can I?" she asked. I gave her the paper and she was very amused by the design.

I took a paper and wrote a letter for her majesty.

After that, I sealed it and gave it to her maid.

"Can you also bring this letter back to her? I have the design here, I forgot to slip it in my envelope" I said which she agreed.

Later on, the maid left. Just what are you up to, your majesty?


(Wilford's POV)

"Her majest— *cough* Lady Louisa remain inside her mansion. She summon a man named Horton Solaria, a fashion designer today" Velector said.

"Is that all?" I asked.

"I followed her maid servant left the mansion to deliver letter. She went to Sir Horton's botique" he added.

"Okay, you may leave now" I said

"Is your majesty concern about Lady Louisa?"

"What are you talking about? I'm making sure she won't do anything foolish" I answered.

He then left the room shrugging his shoulder as if he's not agreeing with me.

Louisa have gone bold ever she was isolated in that mansion.

What exactly happen to her?

Is she possessed by something?

The woman who never talks back to anyone learn how to speak for herself.

I need to cool my head first. I've been thinking of her lately which made me have headache.

I went out of my office and went to Beatrice's Palace.

"G-greetings your majesty!" A maid said and bowed her head.

"Where is lady Beatrice?" I asked.

"She's in her room. I will lead the way, your majesty" she said.

"No, I can go there alone. Bring food in her room" I said and walked away.

I knocked at the door and say my name. I entered her room and saw her knitting.

"Beatrice...." I whispered.

"Y-your majesty! You're here?!" She shouted and stood up panicking.

"What are you doimg? Didn't I tell you to call me Wilford?"

"I-I.. I'm knitting bunny, W-Wilford...." She said shyly.

I went to her and hugged her.

"Beatrice... Don't be sad... you still have me..." I said.

She then cry on my shoulders and hugged me tightly.

She's been knitting cute stuffs for our child but unfortunately, she miscarriages... and it was because of Louisa.

"I-I'm sorry... I just can't help thinking of my beloved child... I'm very sorry for crying like this all the time..." she said.

"Shhhh... It's okay... I'll stay here for tonight so don't be sad..." I said and she nodded.

I kissed her forehead and pat her head to make her stop from crying.


(Louisa's POV)

"*Sneeze* who on earth talked ill about me? *Sneeze*" I said.

I writing down my daily exercise for the next two months.

I walk towards my full-body mirror and scanned my current body figure.

Hmm.. I've gain weight these past few days. My face who is very very skinny before, somehow gain weight.

Also my skinny body, all I have is to dk a proper workout so I can achieve the body figure that I want.


The next days, I spent my whole time inside my room and exercising.

I didn't bother talking to anyone and told them not to enter my room if it's not necessary.

I also told the my preferred food for the next two months so they wouldn't come see me and asked for everything.

I needed to focus a lot. I hope that Sir Horton is doing his best too.

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