
Amendment of the Club - Part 2

"Do people even obey Naoto's orders?" I asked, because I wanted to know the obedience of the club members. 

"I don't know as of now… she has stopped ordering members around for a long time." She answered with a shrug.

"Time for her to resume doing that again." I said in a low tone that she couldn't hear, so she looked at me with a frown, "Eh…?"

Since the president of the club ain't acting like how a president should, it's time for the members to run the club. 

Worthless followers aren't as harmful as a worthless leader. Sometimes if the leader is worthless then they can be the whole reason for the downfall of an entire community. In situations like those, the followers must do the necessary.

I was broken out of my thoughts as Yuna asked, "So what do you mean?"

I turned towards her and said, "See since I can't help you directly… I'm just telling you what to do, alright?"

She nodded and gestured to me to continue, "Okay… I'm listening."

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