
Bojing’s Reason (1)

The next morning, Yuan Bojing woke from his deep slumber with Long Xia in his arms.

After spending yet another erotic night together, he felt exhausted from the sexual high he had experienced with her. He had to admit that it had been the best nights in his entire life, but he was unable to bury the anxious feelings he had about the morning after.

He watched as Long Xia breathed in and out peacefully. Her raven-black hair curtained her face as she slept on one side of his chest.

To call her beautiful was an understatement. Long Xia was a devil with the face of an angel. Her skin was like smooth marble that glowed; her hair was like silk in his hands. The dragon tattoo on her sternum reminded him that she was a warrior. Her heart was as hard as the ice in her eyes. She was strong. She adapted. She wasn't afraid of anything. He loved that all about her.

The wait for the final competition wouldn't be for long now, and the awareness made him cold.

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