

2020- THE YEAR



Today after so long, I went out of the house. Due to this pandemic a lot of things has been happening around the world. I was shattered when I saw a poor boy and a woman begging for food and money.

When my mother told the woman to work instead of begging, she immediately replied that there is no work available due to the lockdown.

I couldn't stop myself so I gave her some money from my wallet. Mom gave the poor kid some food to consume, I got teary eyed after this experience. Also there were few people helping the needy, I saw a man in a car giving a box of free pizza to the little boy.

Whatever happening nowadays is frightening for all of us, unemployment and poverty has increased in a sudden pace in the spam of just two months, I would say not even months but in days there are tremendous amount of people suffering today.

The labourers are suffering endlessly while we are sitting here in our homes with air conditioned rooms, they are roaming around under the sun in the high temperature of the city in the month of May. I am really saddened and helpless, I must say you all can feel too.

I saw the policemen working really hard, when we were stopped by them in our car, my mother saluted them, which gave them a sense of pride and they felt lighter. They smiled at us, after all what's beautiful than an infectious smile from others, especially the people who are working really hard in the uniform.

They truly deserve it. Even the doctors are working everyday. They actually are fighting the battle in the frontline against this corona virus, which has been depicted in various cartoons and articles.

The Indian labourers and farmers are suffering today. We can only wish them the best. This is the tough time for the whole world, we have to fight back, everyone has the same thoughts going on in their minds and expect everything to get back to normal.

Who knows about the future? What are the coming days holding for us? As told by some experts we just have to stick together and follow the government guidelines. As all say the sad time will be gone too but while it is cross our paths, it will hurt a lot and will take us to the gates of death and hell. Yet again who knows what happens after death and what is hell?

I am so grateful to be born in a well financed family, you might also be grateful for, isn't it? I must keep thanking God but even millions of thank you's are not enough as compared to the life he has given me.

Praying for the labourers, poor, farmers, policemen, doctors and all the workers out there to be strong and to get better is one of the most powerful weapon during the pandemic, isn't it? As they say millions of prayers are answered by the God and the grace. Not going to the question, if God actually exist.

We all have the faith that we can recover from this situation and this faith turns into hope. The truth is, we all are living because of hopes. Without hope, we are lifeless. This is what helps us in binding together with each other and keeps us high during this hard time. Also by high, I mean highly motivated.

The reality is we all are in some ways blindfolded from the truth and the things which always occur in our society and the world since a long time.

However, now after this pandemic hitted us hard, we realized and opened our eyes for what is the truth and what we used to hide from ourselves and the things we used to neglect consciously but it always remained somewhere in our subconscious mind.

When I went out after a long time, I opened my eyes to the reality which I used to hide from myself and I had convinced myself from the reality but today I can see it, I can feel the pain, of course not deep enough because I never went through from what they are going through right now.

It's always easy for us to say that we can sympathize with them and actually the truth is, we can only sympathize with them and can never understand and empathize with the people who actually are suffering and passing through the toughest rocks in their lives. Meanwhile, we all can just wish and pray for them from sitting at our homes. Will we even do that?

We all like to live in the fantasy world and imagining the pleasant things and when we see the reality, we try to either neglect it or we lie to ourselves that this is not our problem, someone else is responsible for this. Who is responsible? We don't care that, the government and the other people will take care of it, right? Well, it applies to all of us.

Our lives has changed for now and maybe forever, who knows? Not only that who knows what will happen next? Maybe we will suffer a little more, maybe there might be some more disasters waiting for us or maybe there's something good going to happen.

We should always look at the bright and positive side anyways, as they always say. We all are hoping and rooting for something good to happen, after all the things we have gone through. Maybe something magical, which can bring our normal lives back.

We all are now back to our normal routines but now with more precautions, the people who were already working during this difficult time deserve a lot more respect because they have shown that during these times, they are the ones fighting against this deadly virus and while we are sitting safe at our homes, everyday they are putting their lives into risk because we never know when and how can this virus be affected.

They are working but we are at a safer side as we are not risking our lives outside. We should really be thankful for that.

Times can change and will keep changing but this shows that how tough and weak humans can be. The tougher the time, the tougher we need to be.

As we all say, we need to change ourselves with the changing times, likewise we need to get stronger with the changing of the time.

The humans who have seen the struggle throughout their lives are less resistant to these changes and we are more resistant to it.

Generally we humans don't take too kindly to change especially when it is thrust upon them without their input. We have always resist changes, we always try to live in our own comfort zones. We all know that if we don't change we won't grow, right? Likewise if we don't accept the ongoing change we will harm ourselves and probably would die of this virus.

It's sad but true that we need to make a lot of changes to survive and we need to get more aware and alert then ever. Sometimes this is tiring because we have a habit of living in a more free world and change was always the part of our lives but not like this way. Isn't it?

There's a quote which states that, 'the truth is always bitter' which depicts that the reality is harsher than what we think it is. We need the courage to face it and to deal with it.

We are now facing the bitter reality and change together. We are fighting it with all we have to save our kinds and our species all over the world.

This is a huge human disaster and no, we humans didn't start it but it is indirectly created by us.

We eat other species, we exploit the nature and what not! It's the backfire which we are facing by the nature. Now this is the reality which we have to face and fight against with, soon it would be called as human versus the nature not human supporting the nature.

Yet, we can sit at our homes and eat popcorn while watching Netflix and what we call it as 'Netflix and chill'. We can only face the reality and again blindfold ourselves and chill, as this is the ultimate truth.

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