

Lieutenant Dyester felt the urge to punch Khan in the face but remained still, locked in that staring contest.

Khan's declaration didn't carry any arrogance. He wasn't boasting or overestimating himself. He stated a simple truth, and the Lieutenant struggled to refuse it.

Khan was nothing short of a menace. He was far faster than the monsters and could fly, making him untouchable even in the middle of a pack.

Moreover, Khan had a vast array of wide-range abilities the monsters couldn't hope to oppose, especially those in that weak quadrant. Even if, by a miracle, a beast managed to reach Khan, he would simply pulverize it.

With the right conditions and enough time, Khan could probably clear the entire planet by himself. He was the best against multiple weak enemies and unbeatable in one-versus-one situations. He was the deadliest blade and the most violent storm and could freely alternate between them, even deploying them simultaneously.


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