

The Scalqa had no idea what the red cape meant, but Monica, Gordon, and the Thilku on the other side of the table immediately turned serious at that sight. The latter also stood up out of respect, and Khan imitated them.

"[Blue Shaman]," Lord Exr announced, seizing the cape from the box to hold it with both hands. "[You have earned the Empire's trust. Accept this as a sign of our friendship]."

Monica, Gordon, and Lieutenant Dyester stood up as Khan crossed the imaginary table. The Scalqa didn't understand what was happening but rose to their feet anyway. The air was thick with solemnity, and Khan wasted no time showing his back to Lord Exr.

"[This goes to the Blue Shaman]!" Lord Exr shouted, repeating himself while placing the cape on Khan's shoulders. The hidden meaning behind his statement was clear, but Khan ignored it for now.


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