
No one

Khan's second task didn't involve any promise made to Lord Exr, but still tackled Ambassador Abores' tasks. The Empire required the delivery of specific fabrics in less than two months, and Khan's presence began to sound necessary when he thought about it.

Khan didn't trust the Global Army's chain of command. Ambassador Abores had placed too many friends and acquaintances in favorable positions, and some stood directly against Khan's duties.

The fabrics' production was automated, but the involved factories still had crews of workers inside. One of them featured a friend of Ambassador Abores as its leader, and Khan couldn't just ignore it without checking it first.

The trip from Strara 3518 was long but lasted only a day. After a prolonged flight and refueling, Khan's ship headed for a space station in the Global Army's territory, descending right into the workers' districts.


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