

Silence reigned during the rest of the flight. Khan focused on drinking, Mister Cirvags didn't have a care in the world, and Ambassador Abores upheld the restrained behavior required by his status.

Of course, that was only a superficial behavior that didn't reflect the three men's minds. Ambassador Abores was envious and curious, while Khan's thoughts were still on Cegnore's natives. As for Mister Cirvags, his brain was impenetrable.

The atmosphere was far from relaxed, but the three men were professionals. They didn't let the tension get to them, and that silent stalemate went on until the car began to descend.

Khan had often looked past the window, so he recognized the location. That was the second district. The car had brought him to his building, and its vast sidewalk was pleasantly empty. However, onlookers were visible in distant blocks.


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