The food on every table vanished in the first half an hour of the refreshment. Yet, everyone used that chance to drink longer since the night was still far away.
Eventually, soldiers started to leave, and that trend continued until only Khan and Caspar remained in the cafeteria. The two mostly exchanged polite lines that Khan had mastered during his political dinners, but relevant information occasionally flew.
Once the Captains felt that the time was right, they left the cafeteria and dealt with the issues that the hours before the night allowed them to solve. Khan gained the highest clearance level available, and Caspar also accompanied him to the biggest office that side of the building had to offer.
"Your desk has a direct line with mine," Caspar explained, waving his hand from the office's entrance. "Your quarters are past that door, and a team will always be nearby to handle your every need."
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: