

The politeness and mutual respect remained strong for the rest of the meeting. Headmistress Holwen, her companions, and the alien leader exchanged basic pleasantries typical to that political environment without going too deep into the investigation's details or specifics.

Khan didn't expect anything different. The Thilku and the Global Army were testing the waters to see where they stood. Actual political actions would require further authorizations, preparations, and deals which the people in the meeting didn't have the authority to grant.

Khan could only remain silent while those pleasantries flew. His role in that meeting was over, so he focused on the mana and other details to better understand the situation.

The possibility of a cross-species investigation scared both sides for obvious reasons. Any criminal presence would make a party lose face in front of its allies. None of that could hit the public eye. Heavy repercussions could unfold otherwise.


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