

The purpose of the mission was evident even if Piran didn't explain its details. The Nele wanted to send a message to the whole dock to strengthen the fear and respect the other species needed to have toward them, and Khan was free to join.

"[We leave in five hours]," Piran continued while keeping his eyes on Khan. "[Be in the first square if you decide to join the mission. You can remain in the district until then]."

Piran left without adding more words. He had a lot to plan before the mission, and time was short, but the district was already on the move. Nele ran left and right to prepare and get their tasks done.

Small spaceships also reached the district and unloaded a few second-level warriors who immediately ran toward specific buildings. The overall mood grew tense as the news of the hunting season spread, and general coldness took control of the symphony of mana.


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