
210. Pregnancy Test Result

Charlos gasped. He turned towards the door. "Come in."

Rendra entered while pulling a suitcase in his hand. Rissa stared at the suitcase.

"Ah, thank goodness you have come," said Charlos. Then he stood up and walked over to Rendra.

"This is the suitcase, Sir," said Rendra, nodding.

"Good job, Rendra, " said Charlos.

Rendra smiled then looked at Rissa. "How are you, Rissa?"

"I'm fine, Ren."

"Thanks God. Here I brought your clothes." Rendra pushed the suitcase to the closet.

"Ren, is everything okay at the office?" asked Charlos.

"Yes, Sir. We can postpone the meeting with the staff tomorrow."

"Okay. I want to ask you something again."

"All right, Sir."

"Ren, please ask the nurse for Rissa's sick letter, then deliver the letter to the Millenial Cafe."

"Oh. Does Rissa work there now?"

"Yes, Ren," said Rissa. "I work there now. But I was admitted to the hospital when I had only worked one day."

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