
186. Meet Esther

Rissa woke up with a sore body, and her eyes were still puffy. Rissa took the spoon that she had kept in the refrigerator last night, then put the spoon to her eyes. Her skin felt relaxed and comfortable.

She is so messy. So, Rissa took a quick shower and used her new green bucket with a panda and a frog picture.

Rissa will go to her old church. She had missed worshiping there. After dressing up and wearing her best clothes, Rissa then left using public transportation.

Rissa saw Aunt Irene and Uncle Irfan and approached them.

"Hello," said Risa.

They looked back and were surprised to see Rissa.

"Hello, Rissa Darling," Aunt Irene shouted while widening her big eyes.

The woman hugged Rissa tightly. Aunt Irene's hair is now shoulder-length short and curly at the bottom. Then Uncle Irfan shook her hand. He's still the same as before. They smiled kindly at her.

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