
Chapter 116: Naked Storytime


Ally rattles off the schedule for the week. I'll pack tonight for a short flight to Anaheim tomorrow morning. We'll condition, do a press event, and then chill for a bit before our first game. We then travel to Los Angeles for game two on the road. We'll finish two nights later in Portland. I'll be gone for four days and it feels like forever, knowing Talia will be left here alone. I approached Viktor at practice yesterday and asked if he could point me in the right direction for hiring private security to watch over Talia when she goes to and from her office. He told me to call the same guy Vlad mentioned, Saul Heisenberg, local fixer of all problems - for a price. I told Viktor that price is nothing to me compared to peace of mind for the safety of my krasotka. He slapped me on the back and typed Heisenberg's number into my phone himself. I considered our fences mended.

"Do you want to try for the Saturday morning session?" Ally is asking.

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