
Chapter 49: Remember to Count to Ten


"So, wait," Evan says. "You gave each other oral on the LINQ and then she jilted you?"

"Yeah," I answer, still perplexed by the whole thing. "It was so strange. We had a great time together, both of us - um - enjoyed ourselves. It was all very sexy and then...poof...she was just gone. Won't text me. Won't pick up my calls. It's fucked up."

"Did you do something?"

"No," I say, offended. "Nothing."

"Well, something must have spooked her. Was there anything weird on social media? Any past girlfriends or sex partners who might have messaged her?"

"I don't think so." No girl has really chased me enough to be a problem. I’ve always told them the score, and no one would even know about Pam yet.

"Hmm," he ponders. "Well, from what Holly tells me, Pam has some messed up stuff in her past and she's never really been in a serious relationship. So maybe her baggage just got in the way."

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