
The Power Of Darkness


Jianyung and his two other retainers rushed forward using the strength of their tamed beasts, these powerful Lesser Shadow Jormungandr, or Giant Shadow Snakes for more simplicity, they were powerful monsters' descendants of the Legendary Snake Jormungandr. This mythical snake was said to be the children of Loki, a legendary God of ancient times, who had been adopted by Odin, the King of the Aesir, although he was in fact an Ancient Ice Giant…

Loki had three powerful children in these ancient times, which were passed off as powerful entities across the entirety of the land of Yggdrasil, even now after many years since the Ragnarök and were recorded history about Aesir ends, the three children of Loki still remain in this world somehow, through their descendants. Although it is said that Hel is still "alive" as she is Death itself, living in the underworld, dwelling within Helheim, her domain.

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