
Dealing With Some Mobs


After having a nice meal we moved outside of the house only to find that there was a group of four shady-looking ugly ice giant guys wearing leather clothes and whose faces were covered in scars. All of them were Rank 1 Initial Stage.

"Oi! You lot are finally back. You've been missing for over two weeks! You owe us almost a month of tax for occupying our master's territory! If it wasn't for us your miserable hut would have gotten robbed long ago!" said the smallest of the group, he had a seemingly rat-like face, with a big tooth sprouting out of his front jaw. His eyes seemed to be filled with greed.

He looked at me and then at Benladann, he clearly didn't recognize us.

"Huh? Who are those?" he asked.

"Boss, that girl's hot!" said one the biggest and also the fattest ice giant of the group, who was bald.

"Boss, can we keep her? Shouldn't be hard to just grab her," said another idiot.

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