
Good bye Appleloosa, welcome blue balls!


A chapter that might clear up some of your concerns and make a bunch of other ones XD

Also three days in a row cus I felt like it <3



Twilight woke up grogily with a heavy headache and groaned. She should have expected something like this to happen and she did, but she went for it anyway...

Her eyes slowly assessed her surroundings and seeing everypony laying completely wasted in the weirdest of positions was just a part of the things that caught her eyes.

She really wanted to know how Applejack and Rainbow Dash managed to fall asleep in a sixty nine position but her memory was blur, and seeing as Starfall had most likely not joined them at any point, she hoped that he didn't went out of his way do do something stupid...

Her memory suddenly stirred as she remembered a certain young buffalo eyeing her coltfriend through the entire peace meeting...

*Sigh*...'She was going to find them together, wasn't she?...' Twilight thought while trying to carefully cast the sobering charm...

It didn't took her long to recover and find the secluded tent where Starfall and Little Strongheart laid sleeping peacefully.

Twilight felt a bit annoyed but could only blame herself since it was them that didn't invite Starfall to their game. And seeing how happy the little buffalo looked as she snuggled with Starfall she had no heart to wake her up.

It wasn't like she was jealous or felt betrayed. You don't join a herd if just this little was enough to cause conflict between, them but he could have at least tell them beforehoof that he was going to pursue someone...

Twilight looked at Little Strongheart again and noticed a slow trickle of cum seeping from her pussy. She didn't know why, but she had a sudden urge to check something... She knew that Starfall usually casted the contraceptive spell...but...A small flash of light came from her horn as Little Strongheart's belly suddenly glowed a light green...

Twilight opened her eyes in surprise as her gaze continued to jump between the two sleeping partners...Does he know?

'I'd have to ask Little Strongheart...Oh sweet Celestia...Starfall...I wanted to be first...' She thought with a pout but as she looked at the young buffalo she couldn't help but smile. Maybe she could get Starfall to marry them sooner?...


Little Strongheart woke up with a pleasant feeling in her lower belly. As her eyes adjusted to her surroundings, the first thing she noticed was a sleeping Starfall.

The memories of the previous night quickly returned to her and Lil smiled while caressing her belly.

"Had a fun night?" Suddenly a voice asked from somewhere inside the tent.

Little Strongheart got startled when she realized who it was.

"Tw-miss Twilight!? I...It's...we..."She didn't know what to say and was stumbling with her words but Twilight walked over and put a hoof over her muzzle.

"Shhh...You don't want to wake up Starfall...Come with me. We need to talk..." She winked at her before waving at her to follow as she left the tent.

Little Strongheart was a bit confused with what was going on but she followed Twilight a bit awkwardly, still not quite recovered from the previous night. Starfall's member might have just as well been the size of a buffalo's...

As the two of them stood behind the tent, Little Strongheart couldn't look Twilight in the eyes but Twilight just smiled and lifted her chin.

"Hey. There's no need to worry so much girl. I'm not mad at you. I understand how hard it is to resist the charm of my coltfriend."She giggled as Little felt a bit relieved to see that she didn't cause much trouble for anyone.

"Now don't get me wrong. Starfall is gonna get his punishment for going behind our backs, but I'm sure an entire night of teasing without release will suffice in making him think about his behaviour. What I wanted to talk about is this little thing growing inside you." She pointed at Strongheart's belly...

Little Strongheart opened her eyes in shock.

"Wha-What do you mean? How do you know?!" She asked shocked but also happy to get a confirmation.

"Oh I used a spell to check...And well...I can't say I'm not jealous, but it's a bit sudden for me. For us...Does Starfall know yet?" She asked only for Little Strongheart to instantly shout.

"No! Don't tell him!...I mean...I...I wanted it...I can't go with you and I wanted to have something to remember him by..." Said the young buffalo with tears in her eyes.

Twilight saw her reaction and couldn't help but sigh.

"Come here..." She said before hugging the girl as she trembled. It was clear that she really loved Starfall but her being the daughter of the Chief basically made her the buffalo Princess... She honestly couldn't blame her for doing something like this...

"It's alright, I won't tell him...But you know it's not alright to keep it from him, right? Tell you what! I'm going to visit you soon. I'd like to help and maybe one day you can finally be honest with Starfall, hmm?" She asked as Little Strongheart felt happy while snuggled into the hug. In an unexpected sort of event, she gained a friend, and maybe one day she would be ready to go clean with Starfall...


"Bye everyone! We're gonna miss you!" Called out Pinkie Pie as the train departed from the station.

"Don't forget to message me if you have trouble Lil!" Called out Twilight as she saw the little buffalo waving towards them with tears in her eyes.

"Bye Twilight, Bye Starfall...I love you..." She whispered the last part as she saw them leaving towards Ponyville...

Starfall looked at her and then at Twilight.

"What was that about?" He asked to which Twilight just smiled.

"Nothing much. We just hit it off pretty well after the party." Twilight said with her eyes squinted making Starfall sweat.

"By the way, Do you have anything to tell me Starfall?" She asked sweetly and Starfall already knew that he was going to have a bad time...


Celestia was a temple of calmness... Yes there was nothing that could distress her. Not a Student that run away through a portal after getting impatient with her teaching. Not a Sister who left to pursue her love, leaving her to take care of all Equestria, even if it was under her urging. Not even the fact that her sister's love was the same Stallion that she was feeling so conflicted about...

She knew that it was wrong. He was her nephew, and he surely considered her an aunt but she couldn't deny having developed some feeling towards him which he would never reciprocate...

Even if he did accepted her sister...No! You are better than this Celestia! A temple of calmness...Yes...A temple of calmness... You're not jealous...It's not something that a Princess like you feel... You're better than that...

A sudden scream went through her chamber as a large vase flew towards the opposite wall and exploded into a million pieces...

The doors to the chamber slightly opened as a maid put her head inside.

"Princess, Is everything alright?" She asked having heard a part of the commotion.

"Ye-Yes...I just accidentally knocked off a vase. No need to worry." She said and the maid decided not to comment on the vase being at the other end of the chamber.

"I'll be back soon with a broom then..." Said the maid but Celestia stopped her.

"It's alright. I'll clean it up. No need to trouble yourself Poppy Sweep." Celestia said to her maid who just nodded and closed the doors.

"Yes...A temple of calmness...But maybe I can at least have a relaxing time at the Brunch in Ponyville. Good that it's happening this weekend. While I'm there I can at least check up on Sta-Luna! Yes...Check up on Luna!" She assured herself...

"A temple of calmness..." She chanted quietly while cleaning up the vase fragments.

A small zap of red electricity jumped over her Cutie Mark, unnoticed by the Princess of the Sun, while a sickly looking Philomena looked at her owner with a tint of worry...


Starfall felt a bit miserable...

Twilight had grounded him after sharing with the others his small escapade with the buffalo princess. She actually played with him a bit right after they returned to the Library, only to leave him excited and tell him that he was not gonna get any from any of the girls for at least a week...

Starfall of course didn't argue. There are those moments when you have to just agree with your mare, even if you we not technically in the wrong.

So a blue balled Starfall went down into his basement to focus on his research and plan a date for each of his Marefriends to appease their moods...

It was only a few days until the brunch with Celestia. Twilight as it turns out was actually the one who invited her, and that really brought a lot of pressure for the Cake couple in the Sugarcube Corner.

But he hoped that at least the fiasco with Fluttershy kidnapping Philomena doesn't happen, seeing as she was much more knowledgeable about Phoenixes and knew about Philomena being one. All thanks to Phoebe who would invite the other phoenix over and hang out all around Ponyville and Canterlot...

Having been left to his own devices, Starfall decided to continue his research on Chaos magic.

The Containment Chamber had been untouched ever since Luna walked on him storing the Gemstone but now it was time to go into research...




And it left Starfall disappointed...

His original idea of mixing a pony magic and chaos magic together, while possible, caused more trouble than it was worth.

After preparing every possible safety measure he could think of Starfall tried to absorb the Chaos Magic and even had 'asked' the Elements of Harmony to aid him in the process, but the moment he connected with the chaos magic, he could instantly feel the connection to the chaos dimension form even while being inside the disruption chamber.

Starfall instinctually knew how to use Chaos Magic and found that he could technically use all the magic of the Chaos dimension as if it considered him it's ruler.

And then came the biggest problem.

A huge amount of mental pressure assaulted his mental shields trying to turn his perception into a being of chaos. He could also feel the magic trying to turn him into a different being while his pony magic was being suppressed.

Starfall instantly understood why it was so hard to control yourself every time someone got ahold of this magic in the series. Be it Cozy Glow or even Pinkie Pie in both the show and the comics.

Starfall instantly called upon the Elements of Harmony to help him fight off the Chaos and activated the runes on the Gemstone to suck up the chaos magic he absorbed while another set of spells and Runes embedded around him finally separated his connection from Chaosville.

Starfall checked himself over and sighed in relief. It didn't seem like a lot has changed although his Pony magic seemed a bit stronger and more chaotic which he actually considered to be a plus. He accidentally stepped even closer towards becoming an Alicorn...

As for the Chaos Magic...While his original idea didn't seem feasible anymore, it didn't mean the gemstone wasn't useful.

He could still use it to power up some Artifacts based on the mechanisms of Chaos Magic and maybe even use it as a part of a staff or something to use chaos magic indirectly...

And there was also one idea he had which, if possible, could greatly Strengthen Equestria... But it would take him a long time before it's possible if it even is...

Deciding to shelf Chaos Magic for later, Starfall went to another chamber where a massive pile of blueprints, electronic and magical parts laid in disorder...Maybe he could finish at least a part of his new project today?

He should invite Twilight for a romantic dinner this evening, but until then he still had some time...


The more time Starfall spend on this project, the more he realized that spending four years as an IT student in his previous life was clearly not enough to understand how a computer actually worked... Thankfully, he had magic, but he clearly still needed help from someone well versed in technology, if he wanted to create a proper magi-tech... Thankfully he had a certain pony In mind whom he knew would be interested, but he was working on some new application of time travel at the moment and Starfall wasn't sure he should disturb him...

Next chapter