
The Real Natives

Ballam took a few deep breaths before starting to explain. "You lowly worms! How dare you! The great and mighty Sheol will smite you down! You dare to come to our planet and fight us!" Everybody was staring at the small man like he was crazy. 

"Is he blind?" Sung Joon said out loud. "I'll ask." Ballam said before answering the small man. "You enslaved my people. You take our women and use them as breeding machines. You take our resources and now you're offended?" Ballam translated.

The small man puffed up before yelling. Ballam quickly translated his words. "We have been ordained by the great and mighty Sheol!" Sung Hoon shook his head. "What a load of rubbish but who's this Sheol?" Ballam looked away from the small man.

"Sheol is their god. He's benevolent towards the Crijker's and malevolent towards other beings." Sung Hoon looked unimpressed. "So when and how did this happen?" The small man's mouth clamped down after being asked.

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