

Sung Hoon took a very shower but Jinwoon yelled at him to take a bath and soak for at least thirty minutes. "But... that's too long." Jinwoon glared at him. "If you want some of this you need to listen to what I ask." Jinwoon pointed at himself with a wicked smile.

Sung Hoon faked glared back before dragging his feet towards the bathroom. Jinwoon turned back towards the kitchen counter. He had chosen food that was good for the bones and the marrow. With the technology in the ship all he had to do was press a few buttons.

Thirty minutes later, a fresh looking Sung Hoon exited the bathroom. He didn't see Jinwoon. He walked towards the food and saw a note on the digital tabel. 'I've gone to see how Hara is doing. Will be back soon. EAT EVERYTHING!' Sung Hoon felt frustrated. 

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