
Straight Out of A K-Drama

"I think I found something but Jinwoon, I don't think you're going to like it." It had been a hectic two weeks.They had been going through books and scrolls and also teaching Jinwoon the 'manners' of the court. They had gone to nearly the beginning of the Kingdom and they still hadn't found anything useful.

Jinwoon was actually getting disappointed. Compared to the dramas and movies he had seen back on Earth, this bunch were really boring. There hadn't been a rebellion or fight for the throne in years. All the quarrels and conflicts had been solved diplomatically and peacefully.

Even the princess selections were peaceful. Jinwoon didn't understand why the others wouldn't fight for the position and why they quickly gave in to the final decision. The more he read, the more he felt like it was a charade.

Young explained, confirming his suspicions. "Most of the participants have been friends since childhood. They might even know the crown prince. This makes it easier. Also being a participant has it's benefits. They are seen as the top choice as daughter-in-laws." "So for some it's just to improve their image." Sung Hoon and Young nodded.

Through the scrolls and books, Jinwoon also discovered that the life span of the people gradually became longer. The newest scrolls wrote about the king or queen who died at the age of 130 or even 150. Going further back he read about them being in their 100th and 90's. The scrolls they were now reading showed kings and queens dying in their 60's and 70's.

"Elder Young, how did people become older and older?" Young looked proud. "It's not just the royals. We still don't have a definite answer because it happened gradually. There was no magical storm or minerals or even spells. People started taking care of themselves.

Jinwoon had to believe Young because there was no written proof of anything strange happening. He just felt like something happened to make the people become older. 'That's not important! You still haven't found a solution. Focus!'

Hearing that Young had found something made him excited. He really hoped that they would find a solution because they only had two more weeks to think of something. Sung Hoon and Jinwoon leaned over and started to read. But the more they read the darker Jinwoon's face.

The scroll told about a soon-to-be king that was forced to pick a princess that the queen and the court approved of but he was adamant that he would marry someone else. On the day of the selection he arrived with the women he wanted to marry and their twins.

Jinwoon finished reading and looked at Young. "This is not a solution. I'm not pregnant!" Young shrugged. "Until now, we haven't found any other good solution." Jinwoon stood up and started to pace. "I can't produce twins in two weeks!!" Sung Hoon and Young didn't say a word.

Jinwoon wanted to throw the scrolls at them. "Your obsession with getting me pregnant is too much." Sung Hoon stood up and grabbed his hand. "That's the only way to stop this selection." Jinwoon shrugged his hand off. "There has to be."

Sung Hoon wanted to argue that it wouldn't be for real but Ki Ha burst through the door. "I'm back! Did you miss me!" Sung Hoon and Jinwoon glared at him. Jinwoon sat back down but his face was dark.

Sung Hoon glanced at him before turning to Ki Ha. "What did you find?" Ki Ha walked over wondering what had happened. "What's going on?" Young shook his head, indicating for him to not ask any further. "We'll talk about it later. Tell us what happened."

Ki Ha also sat down. "It was not really eventful. Jinwoon is officially dead." The others looked at him confused. Ki Ha told them everything that happened. Jinwoon wasn't saddened by Lee Jinwoon's mother. He had taken over his body but not his feelings.

"What about the money?" Sung Hoon asked. Ki Ha scratched his head. "I didn't ask. Since Jinwoon was dead and he was not part of Lord Seo's family tree, I thought it was best to just live it like that. Young agreed with him. "It's better that way. We'll just have to make up a new family register or Jinwoon."

Sung Hoon didn't agree with the others. "What if they find out?" Ki Ha laughed. "They live on the outer edge of the kingdom. I had to use around 10 talismans for a return trip! Any news of the kingdom doesn't reach them. It's safe to say that they would never expect that it would be the same person."

Jinwoon also expected that Tae Jinwoon had changed him in such a way that Lee Jinwoon's mother and stepfather would not recognize him. Since they had made him a dead person, he was now sure that there won't be any problem. He let out a deep sigh. The other thought he was sad.

"Don't worry. I think your mother is doing this to protect you." Ki Ha gave him a sympathetic smile. Jinwoon wanted to laugh and tell them that he was actually happy but that would be to strang. He didn't say anything.

Ki Ha leaned back after telling his story. "What about you guys? Did you find anything?" "Yes" "No" Sung Hoon and Jinwoon answered at the same time. Ki Ha looked from one to the other. "Is that a yes or a no?" Sung Hoon ears turned red. "We couldn't find anything, really. Only a pregnancy, well more like the king already had kids." Ki Ha whistled.

"We can't find any kids on such a short notice. Jinwoon, I think it's best just to fake it. You and Sung Hoon can always make it real once later." Ki Ha burst out laughing, while Jinwoon was killing him with his eyes.

"Jinwoon, I know you don't want to do this but there is no other way. I have some say in it but... you never know." Young gave him a gentle smile. Ki Ha nodded. "Elder Young has already told the court about his readings but the queen still wants to proceed. Even though it's well known that going against the elder's word can mean disaster. That's how far the queen wants to go."

Jinwoon looked at the three. "Is there really no other way?" They all shook their heads. "You don't have anything except for your looks. They will never agree to it. If you were 'alive' we could have used your father's family tree." Young shook his head again.

"We still have two weeks to come up with a good way of announcing the pregnancy and create a backstory as to how you two met. After that... We'll try and come with a good solution." Young started to clean up the table. "Agreed?" Ki Ha and Sung Hoon nodded but Jinwoon had a sad look on his face.

A week later, the queen's eunuch came to tell them that the princess selection will be held a week from then. The outer court had selected 5 maids from the important families. Sung Hoon had told the eunuch that he would bring his own selection. The eunuch looked surprised but didn't ask anything.

The next day Ki Ha and Sung Hoon noticed that there were more people walking near his residence. "Why is that weird?" Jinwoon didn't understand their worries. "That's because of Sung Hoon's residence at the edge of the palace compound."

"You can say it's not even part of the compound. Have you seen many people here, in the time that you have stayed here?" Ki Ha explained before asking Jinwoon. "...No." Now that Jinwoon had thought about it. He hadn't seen anybody except for Young and the 8 servants of the house.

"Try not to be seen. I'm sure the queen and the court are trying to find who I'll be bringing. It's better if they have no clue, what so ever." Sung Hoon was irritated by this. "What about the garden?" There was a large beautiful garden full of flowers.

Jinwoon and Sung Hoon would sit in it during lunch or before going to bed. Jinwoon loved it there. Sung Hoon winched. "For now, please stay inside. I'm sorry." Sung Hoon's heart ached when he saw the sad look on Jinwoon's face.

For the next 7 days Jinwoon was stuck inside with the others. All he could do was learn more about the kingdom and Sung Hoon. Young had also come by to help them create an airtight backstory for Jinwoon. The story was as crazy as the three men combined.

According to their story, Sung Hoon and Jinwoon had known each other for a year now. During one of Sung Hoon's hunting parties, it started to rain. They had looked around and found Jinwoon's house. Jinwoon, not knowing that he was the prince, was nice enough to give him and Ki Ha shelter and food. Sung Hoon had fallen in love straight away.

Jinwoon didn't know if he should cry or laugh. 'This sounds like straight out of a K-drama.'

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