

Benvolio immediately tore off his clothes so that they could be used as bandages to stop Mataya's bleeding--- don't know why the response to help him was quick this time. Maybe he had learned from Biserka's previous experience or because he was confronted by someone already dying, so his instincts helped him get to work. "Pavlo, quickly help me put this on to her to stop the bleeding."

Without even telling Benvolio, Pavlo had also bandaged Mataya's wound so that can stop Mataya's bleeding. Benvolio then rubbed Mataya's face gently to clean the bloodstains on her face. "Damn it, what did he do to Mataya? Mataya has absolutely nothing to do with the 'monster lair' I'm hunting!"

Benvolio tried to lift Mataya's body slowly and being careful not to open the wound, then transferred Mataya to his supercar, parked right in front of the hut.

Just as he was about to turn around, a bullet shot out beside him and almost approached his ear a little more.

Kazayn, Ahmed, and Abby had arrived at the hut. Ahmed fires his gun at Benvolio after seeing Mataya in Benvolio's grip and looks very helpless and dying.

His shot missed because he was shaking so much, seeing Mataya's already helpless condition, coupled with wounds all over her body and the blood still clinging to her body. "Let go of him, you bastard! Give Mataya to me, damn Constanzo! What did you do to him to make him like this?!" Ahmed shouted at Benvolio.

Kazayn, Abby, and the team immediately formed a formation to surround Benvolio and Pavlo. They were ready with their weapons.

Meanwhile, Pavlo had also cocked his shotgun and was ready to fire. He was looking for an opening to fight against many people equipped with that much equipment. "Who are they, Pav?" asked Benvolio, who didn't know any of them.

"The one who fired his gun at you and shouted at you was Ahmed, the ambassador of the Moroccan State in China and Miss Mataya's best friend since childhood," Pavlo explained to Benvolio. His gaze remained wary of his surroundings.

"Hey, listen, I also don't know what happened to Mataya and who make her like this, you bastard! Mataya needs some medical treatment! Don't hold me back like this!" said Benvolio, who was as annoyed as Ahmed because he was innocent of doing such a sadistic thing to Mataya. He didn't even know what was going on here.

Ahmed didn't repeat anything to Benvolio. Instead, he told Kazayn and the other agents to get ready to shoot Benvolio and Pavlo. "Quickly give Mataya to me, you bastard! Let me take her to the hospital!"

Benvolio chuckled at Ahmed's words, and he wasn't that stupid to give Mataya away seeing the situation like this. Then what will happen after he gives Mataya to Ahmed? Of course, Ahmed would still order his armed team to shower Benvolio and Pavlo with hot bullets ready to be fired.

Benvolio smirked, "Try to shoot my partner and me, and I'll make sure Mataya gets shot with me too. At times like this, you have to invite a lot of people to go to the afterlife together, right?" Benvolio tries to provoke Ahmed with his words that threaten Mataya's life.

Kazayn, who knew that Benvolio was trying to provoke Ahmed, immediately said, "Don't be fooled and influenced by his words, Mr. Ahmed. He is provoking you by using Miss Mataya. We'd better shoot him as soon as possible."

Ahmed is very dizzy. He held his head with both hands and rubbed his face, which was already very angry. He was contemplating what he should do at this point, for the slightest misstep, Mataya's life would indeed be beyond saving.

"Okay, you brought Mataya, but you have to take her to the main base of the CNY Company that belongs to her. Because that's the only place I can make sure she's safe. Quickly follow my car!"

Finally, Ahmed decides to let Benvolio carry Mataya and orders all agents of the security team to put down all of their weapons.

"A sage decision for a friend. Mataya is very lucky to have a wise friend like you," said Benvolio mocking Ahmed, who then looked away and immediately left in front of them towards his supercar. 'It's not a loss for me to help this lion. I can enter the main base in a moment,' he thought.

Ahmed, Kazayn, Abby, and all the crew of the security agency immediately rushed out of the hut and into their cars, which were also parked in front of the hut.

Before starting his car, Ahmed opened the driver's window and said, "Our business is still unfinished you mob bastard!" said Ahmed with a high intonation.

"Yes, of course. You take it easy. I will serve you later," Benvolio replied and immediately got into his supercar.

He was then followed by Pavlo, who also got into his car and followed Benvolio right behind his supercar. He immediately contacted his 'mafia mobs' who were in Shanghai to catch up them from the crossroads of the CNY Company's base so that they could follow him to the CNY Company's main base. Aware of what Benvolio and Pavlo can't control and other nasty things happening at Mataya's main base.

-to be continued-

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