
Chapter 70: A Great Lesson about Heart! Tokoyashi's Teachings

After their training was interrupted by Chikuma, Navar and the others, race up the stairs to escape the argument between Tokoyashi and Chikuma. Upon entering the room, Miri slams the door shut to block out the heated argument. She then springs onto her bed, feeling a sense of escape. "Welp, we're going to be in here for a while. I hope you guys know a way to keep yourself entertained."

"I don't mean to be nosey or anything, but is this normal?" asks Juyon.

Jax's laughter echoes through the room, his eyes crinkling with amusement. "Yes, it is. It wouldn't feel right if they didn't go at it at least once daily."

"That's a bit concerning for them to argue like this regularly. Don't you think they should seek marriage counseling?" asks Juyon.

"What's marriage counselin'?" asks Navar, Miri, and Jax in unison.

"That explains a lot," Juyon thinks to himself.

Minutes pass, and Tokoyashi and Chikuma's voices grow louder and more heated as their argument continues. Navar collapses onto the hard, wooden floor, arms splayed out in frustration as he lets out an exasperated sigh. "Aw, man! Why do they have to continue to argue? I want to train!"

Juyon's eyes narrow as he fixes a curious gaze on Navar. "Navar, if your father is this strong? Why isn't he in the Ozanian Army? Was he even in the Ozanian Army?"

"To be honest, Juyon, he never brought up his Supernatural abilities until now. So I don't know…"

"I see. What does he do?"

"He's the Wellfort village Doctor and the Head architect."

"Oh, I see..."

Navar grins, a proud and smug expression on his face. "Yeah, He's a good man, ain't he?"

"Yes, he sure seems like it."

The room falls silent until Astran breaks the silence by picking up a picture of Tokoyashi and showing it to Navar, Jax, and Miri in interest. "Why is your father covered in paint in this photo?"

"Let me see that," Navar walks towards Astran, and he inspects the picture of Tokoyashi then his face lights up with a huge smile. "Oh, this. I'll tell you…"

We now enter a temporary POV of a young Navar, Miri, and Jax roaming the forest, looking for an Arbiter beast. With a sigh of annoyance, Miri folds her arms across her chest. "Ugh, we've been searching for hours and still can't find the goddamn beast. Are you sure you're looking through those binoculars correctly?"

Jax lowers his binoculars and shoots Miri a troubled look. "Why don't you try to look then since you think you're so good at everything?"

"Yes, that'd be smart of you. Now give me the binoculars and quit whining."

"Ugh, Fine, take them," Jax grits his teeth as he hands the binoculars to Miri, his movements rough and forceful.

"Ok, now let's see if I can find a beast," Miri spends ten minutes scouring the area with her binoculars until she sees an Arbiter beast standing motionless. "Hey guys, I found one!"

"Oh, bet! I'm goin' to get it!" Navar bursts out of the bushes and charges toward the beast, his footsteps pounding the ground.

"Wait, you idiot! You're gonna scare it away!" Miri runs after Navar as fast as her legs can carry her.

Navar positions his spear behind his shoulder, his eyes fixed on his intended target. Suddenly, an unexpected spear pierces the Arbiter's eye from a different angle. Navar furrows his brow in confusion. "Who in the world did that!?"

"It was me, and this beast is all ours!" The bushes rustle, and a teenager with green hair, brown eyes, a black tank top, and baggy brown shorts steps out with a cocky grin.

Navar's face contorts with fury as he clenches his fists. "We found it first! Give it back, you jerk!"

"Nah, I caught it, and oooh, lookie here!" The green-haired teenager pulls back the hair, revealing purple markings on its fur. "Yes, a purple mark. We hit the jackpot!"

"Ok, that does it, you asshole!" Navar marches towards the stranger, his fists clenched in anger, but Jax grabs his shoulder to stop him. "Don't worry, Navar. We'll find another one!"

Navar's adrenaline is pumping as he smacks Jax's hand away and continues his angered march forward. "No! He stole our mark; I'm gonna beat him up!"

The stranger with green hair laughs with arrogance, his piercing eyes giving Navar a condescending look. "Beat me up?! I'd like to see you try."

Miri places her hand on Navar's shoulder to ease his discomfort. "Navar, we'll find another one. Just let it go."

"No! He's mockin' us. If we're goin' to become warriors like we want to, we have to be strong enough to fight!"

"Warriors!? The three of you. That will never happen! Pathetic people like you will never be warriors!"

"Argh, Bastard!" Full of anger, Navar charges toward the stranger but becomes restrained by Jax and Miri. "You take that back, you asshole!"

"If you want this so bad, fight me for it and win."

Navar wriggles out of Jax and Miri's grasp and stands free. "Fine by me!"

"Follow me to the town square.."

"Ok then, it's a deal! If I win, you give us the beast!"

While on their way to the town square of Wellfort, Miri tries to hold Navar's arm, but he keeps batting her hand away. Miri bares her teeth when she reaches her breaking point. "Dammit, Navar, will you just listen to me and stop being so stupid!"

Navar stops his stride, and his gaze locks onto Miri's with unwavering determination. "Anyone who mocks us and our dream will never get away with it!"

"You know what? I'm sick of this shit. I will get you to go home even if I have to force you."

Miri approaches Navar, but Jax steps in and holds his hands out. "Just let him be. There is no use in tryin' to stop him. You and I both know once he has his mind set on somethin', nothin' can stop him."

"Fine.. but if he gets humiliated, I will not listen to him rant for hours."

After walking for 10 minutes, Navar, Jax Miri, and the stranger arrive at the town square. The green-haired stranger lets out a piercing whistle, loud enough or people to hear. "Come on out, guys, we got a fight!" A group of menacing callow youths with devilish grins on their faces emerge from the nearby buildings. The green-haired stranger prepares for a fight by cracking his knuckles, his muscles tensing. "Now then, let's get on with the fight."

Jax feels a lump in his throat, and his heart races as he sees how outnumbered they are. He shakes Navar's shoulder, trying to pull him away from the fight. "Navar, I don't think this is a great idea…"

"We don't got a choice now, do we?! I'll make sure he pays for mockin' us!"

"Are you goin' to fight? Or are you just going to keep runnin' that mouth of yours!?"

"I'm gonna keep runnin' it! And I'm gonna kick your ass too!" Navar's battle cry fills the air as he charges toward the stranger, prepared to attack him with a left hook. Out of nowhere, a deluge of water from a bucket in the crowd blinds him. "Gah! I can't see!"

"Ok, get him, Okura!" Okura's fists pummel Navar's midsection, and he follows up with a powerful kick to Navar's ribs, sending him tumbling to the ground.

Miri's frustration with the troublesome youths grows as she grits her teeth in response to their cheap tactics. "These guys play dirty. Now I gotta give Navar a hand," Miri attempts to intervene, but Okura's gang holds her back. She fights hard to escape from the grasp of Okura's gang but to no avail. "What are you punks doing? Move."

"This is a fight on our terms, and these are our rules," says one of Okura's gang.

Navar winces in pain as he clutches his stomach, standing and recovering from Okura's relentless punches. Okura bursts into hysterical laughter upon seeing the bruises on Navar's body. "Hey guys, look! He still has some fight in him!" Navar's fists tighten, and he releases a primal scream before bolting toward Okura. Okura delivers a kick to Navar's stomach, causing him to crumple. While Navar cannot move, Okura punches him in the eye and stomps on his gut for two minutes. "Ok, guys, he's finished now, so now that he's out of the way, let's cash out this purple mark!"

"Wait up!" As Navar rises to his feet, his legs quiver and threaten to give way beneath him. "I can still fight! This ain't over yet!"

Okura's face twists into an arrogant, condescending glare as he faces Navar. "It's not fun beatin' a weak kid like you. Just give up. You'll never become a warrior."

"I'll make you pay for what you said! I promise it!" Navar sprints toward Okura, who grabs a tree branch and swings it, hitting Navar's head and sending him tumbling to the ground.

"So much for you beatin' me up!" Okura and his friends leave the Town Square, their laughter echoing through the streets. "Bye, loser!"

As soon as Okura and his gang disappear from view, Navar slams his fist into the ground in frustration. "Dammit! I let that mark go! I'm sorry, guys."

Jax gives Navar an assuring pat on the shoulder. "It's fine. You stood up for us, and we're thankful for that. Do you want some of my popsicles to cheer you up?"

"No, you guys head home. I'll catch up with you later," As Jax and Miri make their way home, Navar lies dejected on the ground, his pride wounded by his humiliating loss. For 30 minutes, he lies on the cold dirt, feeling the chill seeping through his clothes and into his bones until a hand touches his shoulder. Navar looks up to see Tokoyashi's tall figure blocking the sun. "Dad…"

Tokoyashi holds out his hand, his touch as calming as his smile. "Come with me, son," He grasps Navar's hand and pulls him up from the ground.

"Dad, how did you know I was here?"

"Jax and Miri told me everything, so I came to help you."

"Oh," Navar hangs his head, and a tear sheds from his eye, his body wracked with silent sobs. "Hey, Navar, don't let it get to you. Even The Great Grand Emperor Ozan lost fights before. It's not about how many fights you lose but how you pick yourself up after them," Tokoyashi tousles Navar's hair before turning his attention back to what's ahead. "Now come on, we're going to deal with this Okura kid," After wandering Wellfort in search of Okura, Miri spots Okura and his gang of friends exiting a store, and she points them out to Tokoyashi. Navar stands by Tokoyashi's side as they approach them. "Hey, were you guys the ones that did this to my son?"

Okura's eyes widen in recognition of Navar, and he laughs aloud. "You got your father here!? What are you going to do? Have your dad beat me up for you?"

"It's not what you think," Tokoyashi hands them a bucket of paint he was holding and assures Navar with a calming smile. "Navar, watch out, and no matter what happens, don't get in the way."

"Ok. What are you doin', Dad?"

"You'll see, son," Tokoyashi's gaze shifts toward Okura and his friends. Then he sits on the ground, crosses his legs, and places a paint bucket in front of him. "Start throwing paint at my face or on my clothes. And after you finish, take two pictures and give one to me."

"Is he serious?!" Okura chuckles as he reaches into the bucket, his fingers closing around the cool, smooth surface of the paint and forming them into balls. "You heard him, guys, start throwin' 'em!" Okura and his gang start heaving paintballs at Tokoyashi's face, leaving him covered in a mess of bright colors.

"Those jerks!" As Navar moves to intervene, Tokoyashi extends his hand to hold him back. "Remember what I told you, Navar. Just stay back."

Okura and his group flail paintballs at Tokoyashi for 10 minutes, hurling insults as they go until his clothes become drenched in paint. Okura and his friends turn their backs, leaving Tokoyashi alone after the paint bucket runs dry. "Ha! Weak and pathetic! Like Father like son!"

Navar marches toward Tokoyashi, his eyes emitting a fierce glare. "Why did you let them humiliate you like that?!"

"Let them humiliate me? I didn't let them humiliate me. I just laughed it off the whole time."

"What do you mean "you didn't let them humiliate you?" they embarrassed you in front of everyone!"

"Son, it's not the adversity that humiliates you, but how you respond. Someone can insult you for a thousand hours if they want to, but if you give them the reaction they desire, they'll relish in it and laugh at you. However, a real man stands tall and proud in the face of adversity and lets no one or anything humiliate him."

"What do you mean by tha-" Navar's eyes widen in realization as he processes what Tokoyashi has just done. "I see... that's what he meant. But..."

Other buildings' residents come to help Rokuda and Tokoyashi's friends with the paint problem on Tokoyashi. Rokuda walks up to Navar and places his hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright, kiddo?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Navar's hysterical sobs echo throughout the area, and he bolts toward Tokoyashi. "Thanks, Dad!"

Tokoyashi comforts Navar with a tender embrace. "Anytime, my son."

We now go back into the POV of the present time. "Wow, I wish I had a dad like that," said Astran.

"Me too," says Juyon.

Navar's smile widens as he touches Astran's shoulder, conveying a sense of comfort and support. "You can always come here and hang out with us!"

"Thanks, Navar," Astran returns a smile to Navar.

Suddenly, the sound of an oven dinging downstairs grabs their attention. "Dinner is ready!" says Chikuma.

"Finally!" says Jax. Jax, Miri, and Astran rush down the stairs while Navar stays behind in his prone position.

Juyon turns back and glances at Navar. His eyebrows furrowed with concern. "Is everything ok, Navar?"

"Yeah, I'm ok. I think I'll skip out on dinner tonight."

"Ok... I'll save you some food just in case you change your mind," Juyon makes his way down the creaky stairs to join the others for dinner.

"Thanks, Juyon," Navar glares at the watch from Overlord, trying to make sense of its purpose. "Why in the world... did he give this to me?"

Fifteen minutes into the meal, Tokoyashi notices Navar is not at the table. "Where is Navar?"

Miri points outside, gesturing toward the backyard. "He's outside in a bad mood about something."

"Really? At this time of night? Ok, I'll be right back," As Tokoyashi exits, he notices Navar sprawled in the grass, his gaze vacant yet captivated by the shimmering stars, lost in profound reflection. Tokoyashi sits cross-legged next to him, rubbing Navar's shoulder in a soothing motion, trying to ease his tension. "What's wrong, son?"

"It's been botherin' me ever since I got home. Even though Overlord lost, I didn't win that fight."

Tokoyashi chuckles, amused by the situation. "Is that all that's troubling you, son?"


The blades of grass tickle Tokoyashi's skin as he lies beside Navar. "Go ahead, let it all out…"

Navar spends a few minutes recounting the details of The Goblin War and the story of Overlord to Tokoyashi. "I just feel like if I could have, I would have changed his mind."

"Son, some people in this universe go through unimaginable pain. Sometimes, people let things fester, go about it, and become used to it. While other people like Overlord, they wrongfully take it out on others. Even if you were to tell him for hours upon hours on end, you can do little to nothing about that. Some people don't change."

"I know, but some people need to be saved, and some just need friends."

Tokyoashi throws his head back and lets out a deep, hearty laugh. "You still have a lot to learn, Navar, but your heart is in the right place. And that's a good thing, son."

The conversation lulls into an uncomfortable silence, and Navar's eyes wander to the watch gifted to him by Overlord. "And to make matters worse, I gave it all I had and still couldn't defeat him. I had no chance in that fight at all…"

"Listen, Son, in a fight between Warriors. It's not the strength of the warrior, their JōKai's power, or how good they are at using it. The ultimate deciding factor In a fight between Warriors is..."

"What is it?"

Tokoyashi points at Navar's chest with his finger and taps it. "It's the heart…"

Navar's forehead creases in a frown of confusion. "The heart?"

"Yes. A warrior with a heart of gold with everything to fight for is stronger than someone with nothing to fight for. Remember that," Tokoyashi gets up and walks toward the backdoor, his footsteps shuffling the grass. "Now come on and get some food before that big Juyon fellow eats it all."

"Ok, Dad, I'm coming," Navar stands up, glancing back at the watch Overlord gave him. He takes a deep breath and reflects on Overlord's words. "Never rush time, no matter what. This will remind you that everything good in life comes when you need it, not when it is rushed or if you try to force it to come. Let it come naturally, and I promise you will receive great rewards," Navar grins heartily, his eyes crinkling with joy before tucking the watch into his pocket. "Thank you, Kazz…."

Chikuma bursts through the backdoor, causing it to slam against the wall. "Navar, hurry and get your ass some food before everyone eats it!"


In the dead of night, Juyon sneaks onto Tokoyashi's computer and starts sifting through Ozanian records. "There's no way someone of his caliber is just a regular citizen. He must have been a great warrior, or he could be a secret high-ranking Supernatural. I have to find out," Juyon looks up the name Tokoyashi Okayasu and sees the text: 'Tokoyashi Okayasu Failed Entry Exam.' "I see, so he failed the entry exam, but that doesn't explain how he has extensive knowledge of JōKai despite us progressing more than him," Then, the sudden flicker of light as the kitchen switch turns on makes Juyon jump. "Darn, I'll have to go upstairs," Juyon shuts down the computer and tiptoes up the steps.

After coming from the kitchen, Tokoyashi sinks into a plush red leather chair by the fireplace and savors the rich flavor of his wine. Lucky appears right beside the chair, and Tokoyashi pets him. "You can transform into your normal self now, Lucky..."

Lucky transforms into a Golden Retriever: Hybrid Archetype, then sits on the other seat. He rolls his eyes and lets out an exasperated sigh. "I don't know why I had to be the one to pose as a goddamn dog. It's annoying dealin' with all this fur."

"Because it helps not to raise suspicion."

"Are you two dumbshits havin' liquor without me?" Chikuma folds her arms as she enters the room.

"Oh hey, hun, you're just in time. Don't worry. I saved you a glass."

"Why thank you..." The trio sits silently, sipping their wine until Chikuma's grin stretches from ear to ear. "Those three shitheads have made great friends haven't they?"

"Yeah, it's not a surprise, especially with Navar. He's always had that charisma that attracted people to him."

"Yeah, good and bad," says Lucky.

Chikuma, Lucky, and Tokoyashi laugh until Chikuma's face falls from joy to concern. "But there is still somethin' that worries me."

"What's worrying you, that little Astran girl? I bet once she gets older, Jax and Navar won't know what to do with themselves."

"Will you stop tryin' to make a joke about everything?! This is serious, you ass fuck!"

Tokoyashi turns around to face the roaring fireplace before letting out a chuckle. "Fine, tell me what's troubling you…"

"It's about Miri and her JōKai. You know where I'm gettin' at."


"Unlike the JōKai Navar, Juyon, and Astran have, Dark JōKai is a synthetic JōKai. A person ain't born with that. You have to give in to the possibility."

"What possibility?"

"That "He" is still alive."

Tokoyashi's smile widens as he sips the wine, feeling the warmth of the fireplace spread through his body. "You shouldn't come up with such crazy conclusions. "He" has already been dealt with. He won't be a threat any longer."

"I sure as hell hope so… Cause I can speak for all three of us here. We don't wanna see that again…"

Wow! What a great great man! Tokoyashi truly is an amazing person! To do that for your son is admirable on so many levels. Any child deserves a father like Tokoyashi! But I wonder... who is this "He" Lucky, Chikuma and Tokoyashi talked about, and what importance does Miri serve... whoever "He" is. They sure sound terrifying

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