
Multi-Verse adventure Pt 7

"So all of us agreed?.." The scene was now in the throne room with Our lovable Mc.

"Yes. The summoning can now commence." Philip, King Yoni's butler, said to him. "Then let's start. Without our Son, Lidia, and the Time Master...Only me and you dear are the strongest in our nation..."

The Queen nodded and she put her hand out. "Begin drawing the Magic circle!" She yelled out at 6 people who were in grey hoodies and they nodded.

They then started chanting and a Magic Circle appeared. "SUMMON!" They all screamed out and a huge light went off. It went throught the ceiling of the throne room and everyone stared. "I hope that their strong..." The light then dimmed down and two people were revealed.

One had Ash blonde/ Grey hair with green eyes and the other one had dark brown hair with crimson eyes. "T-Two!?" The spell casters screamed out and the Queen also made a surprised face.

"WHAT HAPPENS IN HERE, STAYS IN HERE! GOT IT!?" She released some type of aura and everyone in the room bowed and nodded. "Uhm...Where am I? The ash haired boy got up from the ground and looked around.

The dark brown haired girl seemed scared. "Welcome...Heros from another world..." The Queen slowly walked up to them. "You have been summoned to they world of Staria." The two stared at the woman.

The ash haired boy stared at her with a confused face tho. "What's wrong boy?" The Queen tilted her head at him and he said "This is just too...." He put his head down and said "AMAZING!! IM IN A WORLD OF MAGIC RIGHT?! I WONDER....WHATS MY MAGIC!?"

He had sparkles in his eyes and the queen smiled. "Let's find out..." She snapped her finger and two scrolls appeared. "May I ask you both to put some sort of DNA on here?"

The ash haired kid nodded and the brown hair girl did aswell. She then handed them a paper each and they took it. The ash haired boy bit his finger and dropped some blood on it. The brown haired girl just licked the paper a bit.

"Now let's see..." They handed the Paper to the Queen and she checked it.

Name: Asta.

Race: Not human so they ain't finna be nerfed.

Age: 15

Sex: Male.

Titles: Another Worlder.


Magic: Anti-Magic.(0/ifn.)

Skills: Small body strengthening.

Name: Megumin.

Race: Not human so they ain't finna be nerfed.


Sex: Female.

Title: Another Worlder.

Level: 0

Magic: Fire Magic(0/ifn) Explosion Magic(0/Inf)

Skills: None.

Gifts: Times 1.5 Xp. Affinity.

She stared at the list for a while then back at Asta. "You...What the hell is Anti-Magic?" She stared him for a while but he only shrugged his shoulders. "I dont know lady...but it sounds cool!"

She then looked over at the brown haired woman. "And You...You have amazing abilities.." When she said that, both of their statuses appeared in the air. People stared at them and started whispering amongst themselves.

"Anti-Magic? What a waste..." Asta heard this all around him and he frowned a bit. "Hes basically useless. He doesn't even have gifts like the other one.." He then put his head down some more. "Shut up..." They all looked over at him.

"Your calling me useless even tho I haven't did anything to earn that Title! So why are you?..." He bawled his fist up and everyone stared at him some more. "Listen...Asta..." He looked up at the Queen. "In this world, Magic is everything. You are the first person that we have seen that doesnt have...Magic."

(AN: Is Anti-Magic even Magic? Ive always wondered..)

Asta stared out at her then put his head down. This was getting out of hand and so I appeared infront of him. "Queen...Your too harsh.." Her eyes widned slowly as I stared at her face with a frown. "Who?..." I then turned back and stared at him.

Yep. You look the exact same Asta. Just a little taller. "Im...The Time Master...." I placed my hand out at him and smiled. "Time...Maater?..." I nodded and started explaining the back story. I told him about the elements and other things related.

"So...Your basically the strongest!!" He had sparkles in his eyes while he was holding my hand. "You could say that..." He nodded some more and I turned back around. "Queen. I have a proposal..." She stared at me and I continued. "Let me train him." This shocked every single person in the room.

"A-A disciple!? Time Masters never..." I heard similar things to that. "We do. Ask your daughter and she'll tell you.." I winked at her and her eyes widned. "Lidia...Is your disciple?..." I nodded and everyone became surprised.

"I'll take Asta with me and you guys keep Megumin. That way it would balance out.." I then looked over at the browned haired girl. I would try to take her aswell, but she has the magic to protect this place while we're gone. "Thats...not a bad idea..."

The queen then called some people over and they huddled. "So Asta. You have Anti-Magic right?" He nodded rapidly and I said "Can you...Show me it?" He nodded rapidly again the frowned. "Uhm..How do I use magic again?" He laughed awkwardly while rubbing his head.

I sighed at this and told him how. I told him already but this is asta here. "Oh....I see!!" As he said that he called out Anti-Magic but nothing appeared. "Try...This..." I handed him my gold and black sword and he took it.

It pulled him down a bit but he picked it up eventually. I could see Anti-Magic trickling around it when he did.

"Dont say 'Anti-Magic!' outloud by the way.." I jumped back and a blue ball appeared in my hand. "Try slicing this. It's going to come at you slowly so dont worry."

He nodded and got into a stance. I then sent the blue ball at him slowly. It got close enough to him and he sliced at it. The blue ball split in half and he started panting. I guess he was just a normal person in school or whatever.

Also he basically cut through time which puts him at outer or whatever.

Dont take that seriously. I cant do scaling to save my life.

"Good Job." He panted for a while and said "This sword is heavy but...I like it!" He looked all over it and I smiled. "You can have it if you want." He stared at me and said "Really?" I nodded and snapped my fingers. His sword then turned into his Demon Slayer Sword. "Thank you Sensei."

Nah...Dont say that. It dont sound right. "No Problem. You'll need it anyways." The sword then flashed a bit and the rust marks came onto it.

"Hey little girl.." I walked over to the brown haired girl and stared at her. "Y-Yes Time Master!?" She had her eyes clothes and was bowing down a bit. "Can you...Show me your Magic?"

She slowly shook her head and raised her head up. She was listening earlier to me so she kind of had an idea of it of how to do it. "E-Explosion?.." She put her hands out and small fireworks came out. "Wow!! That's so cool Megumin!" Asta preached to her and she blushed.

"T-Thanks Asta." He smiled at her and she blushed more.

Okay, You love birds... I wonder if they went to the same school or something. "We have came to a decision!" They all looked at me and I looked at them. "We will allow you to take him but you have to send us updates on his progression each month."

I nodded at the old man and I sighed. "Asta. We're going to train you so much that no one will be able to stand in your way." He nodded at me and I turned towards Megumin. "I know this is a lot to process but...Its okay. Your in good hands here and I can promise you that."

She slowly nodded and I said "Here.." I made a cane for her and she took it. "This can help you control your power until you get used to it. "Good luck.." I then grabbed Asta and disappeared.

I left a note behind and it slowly fell to the floor.


"You thinks this look good on me Kenji?" I told him to not call me Master or anything like that so this is what he decided on. "Yep. Looks Good.." I Gave him his anime outfit since I'm unoriginal.

"We're going to leave in a bit so we might aswell level you up.." I then touched his shoulder and we appeared in the forest. "Time Magic...Is Amazing!!" He put his sword up with sparkles in his eyes.

"Watch our bro..." Swinging around a 200 pound sword ain't safe for no one. "O-Okay.." He put it down a moved it around a bit. We then walked in the woods for a while and he said "So what's your level Kenji?"

He put his sword onto his back and I said "Level 103." He instantly became surprised and said "No...Way..." I smiled and nodded and we continued. We then got near a river and saw the famoue...Slime.

"Your first Target Asta." He nodded and pulled his sword out. He then got into a stance and circled around it. "Here I go!" He then screamed out and started running at it.

The slime jiggled and looked at asta. He then swung his sword down but was hit away. The slime hit him with a fire ball. "Come on Asta... You told me you played RPGs in your past world. Doest a reddish orange slime mean anything to you?"

He told me all about his world. He never did mention school tho or his past which was weird to me.."Red...Means fire.." He got up from the bushes and rubbed his head. "Exactly. Now try again!"

He nodded and ran at it again. The slime shot a fire ball at him but he slid past it. He then swung at the slime with amazing speeds. The slime couldn't react and his core got pierced. It then exploded and the slime disappeared into particles.

"Good Job.." I walked up to him while clapping my hands and he whiped the sweat off of his forehead. "So...What level are you now?.." He then checked his back pocket and pulled out his information card.

We all get that as soon as we are 3 in this world but they got it just like that. "Level two...Is that good?" Hell yeah it's good. Got more Xp then me we I killed my first slime. "I wonder...Why didnt you get a gift?" Asta fliched for a bit and I noticed that.

"Asta. Tell me how it was like when you got summoned here.." He fliched some more and I grabbed his shoulder. I then teleported us to some rocks and we sat down. "I..Got caught up in the summoning I think.." He laughed awkwardly and he said "Can I start all over from the start?.."

He looked down a bit and I nodded. "Do..What you want.." He nodded and breathed out...


His name was Asta. He didn't have a last name as he didn't have parents to give him one. That's what he was told atleast...

"Hey Asta. Let's play.." A big kid came up to the small asta and asta said "Sure!" He would play with anyone as he didnt have that many friends at the orphanage..

They played around a bit until the big kid said "Let's play heros and Villians. Asta, your the villian.." He couldn't even retaliate as he was soon hit by rocks. "S-Stop it guys..." They laughed at him and continued.

Asta had to take it all until they finally stopped. When they did, he was bloodied all over. He noticed this himself and got up while stammering. He then went over to a near by water fountain and cleaned himself up. "I cant let them worry..."

He was talking about the people at the orphanage.

Flash forward to middle school. Every since that day, asta kept getting bullied by those same people. They never stopped and each day he had to lie to the people at the orphanage which made him a little depressed.

"Will you go out with me!" He said to a blue haired girl. The blue haired girl smiled at him and said "Sure." Asta instantly got happy and jumped for joy.

Flash forward some more and Asta and the blue haired girl were going on dates. In fact, he was about to drop by her house to surprised her and give her their anniversary gift. As he got up to her door, he heard some weird noises.

He kept hearing them and they got louder and louder. He then peeped into the window out of curiosity and saw her. She was getting railed by the guy who started all of his suffering. His eyes instantly shot opened and the blue haired girl looked at him.

Their eyes connected and she smiled. Asta eyes widened even more and he soon ran away.

Fast forward and Asta was in high school. He was a bit tall with Okay looks. He was an Otaku now aswell which caused people to avoid him. Well, all but a single person. "Good Morning Asta!" The brown haired girl said to him and he looked up.

He smiled at her and she said "Another beating huh?.." She frowned as she saw the bandages. "I'm fine Megumin. I told you its nothing so dont worry.." He smiled at her and she frowned more.

Fast forward a bit more and he was now on the roof. "What did you sat to us Bitch!?" He was getting held up by the collar and had a bloodied face. "I said...Trash like you...Will never be nothing more then low lifes."

Asta smiled at them and the bullies got mad. "Well...A dead person wouldnt be able to see that future now would he..." Asta eyes widened and he was launched off of the roof.

He came to the ground at slow speeds and he thought 'I..Couldnt...Even say...Goodbye...' A picture of a brown hired woman showed up in his head and he smiled. He then came crashing at the ground and he saw the same brown haired woman.

She was walking alone and he passed her eyes. They both locked eyes with each other and asta hit the ground. In that exact moment however, a white flash happened and...


"Asta..." I heard him sniffling and I brought him into my chest. "I'm sorry...That you had to experience some as bad as that..." He cried some more and I sighed. The world sure is crazy huh. They took Asta kindess for granted and was rewarded with death at the end.

"I try...To cover it all up with a smile but..." I patted the sword on his back and shook my head. He was just like izuku. He tried to hide it all behind his smile but...

"Dont worry Asta. You can start all over again in this world. Become a new Person and let the old one fade away.." I dont know if this was the right way to word it. I just want him to forget all about his past and start a new life here.

"Thank You Kenji." I let him go and we got up. "I've only know you for a few hours and yet...I consider you to be a true friend." He whiped his tears away and I nodded.

This is...My Goat. Put it all behind you asta and get stronger...Get Stronger so you can prove to those people that your not some whimp. Get stronger to show all of those people that what they did to you will only make you stronger.

After a while, we started walking again and he fought some more monsters. He rose up quite fast to be honest.

I guess it's because he anything but a human. Actually, I wonder what level would I be if...

[Level 645]

Oh...Shit. This is my actually level? Yeah I'm keeping this on me..

Asta killed some more monsters and leveled up aswell. We had to come to a stop tho as it was time to leave. "Hey....I got a new Skill!" I turned my head over my shoulders while walking.

"What is it?" He then took his sword off of his back which was in a sworld hoster or whatever you call it and put it out like he was pointing.

A black spaced then appeared and his sword was being pulled into it. "Its called 'Weapon Storage' Kenji!" I smiled at him and we kept walking. I then saw a rabit with a horn and it jumped out at me.

I just put my hand out and a spear of fire pierced it. "Magic is so cool!!" I laughed a bit at him and we continued.

We then got back to the entrance of the volcano and saw...Everyone. Well about 10,000 knights, The Queen, King, Their children, and some royals. "Your finnaly back." Lidia walked up to me. "Is that..The hero?..." She looked over at Asta and I nodded.

She then made a huge fire ball and Asta started sweating. "We have to test him right?" Her dead face made Asta flinch and she threw it at him. The fire ball that was the size of car was sent at him.

Asta then made a serious face and pulled out his Demon Slayer Sword. The fire ball came close to him and...He hit it away into the sky. Everyone was surprised at that and I caught the fire ball in time.

"On second thought..." I appeared next to the queen and she stopped talking. "A joke...I was just joking Time Master." She laughed awkwardly and coughed. "Anyways...We're here to see your 3 off..." I saw a carriage pull up behind them. "Hey Time Master. Why do you look like that?"

Everyone noticed my brand new looks a while ago at the castle but they didnt say anything. Asta didnt however as this was how I looked to him from the start. "A new design. Sick right-"

"Its Ass. Change it."

"But I like it-"

"Change it."

A small tear ran down my face when she said that. "I...Did it for you tho..." Everyone besides her sad "Aww..." She stared at me for a while then turned around. "Let's start loading the food.." My eyes winded for a second and I shook my head.

I forgot to buy food as I was with Asta.

"Oh Yeah, We wont be needing a carrage.." As I said that, My blindfold started sparkling and in the next moment, a huge dragon Appeared. This made everyone tremble in fear. Besides Asta tho. I guess since he cant fell Magic Power then it's the same as it not being their.

"W-Were riding a dragon!?" Asta ran up to it and inspected it. He looked around everywhere and when he got a certain spot, I had to freeze him. "We're...Riding on Kaida?..."

I looked at Lidia and nodded. "We'll be much safer in the air anyhow.." She slowly nodded and sighed. I then placed asta next me and unfroze him. He fell to the floor and didnt get up. "How was your nap sweety?" I placed my hand on the dragon and she roared out a bit.

She then transformed into her human self and I caught her. "It was amazing Master!" She giggled a bit and I smiled at her. "So you finally got her clothes? Here I was thinking that you liked seeing naked children.."

Lidia came up to us and grabbed Kaida. "Naked Children? Come on..." I dont like naked children. The person reading this doesnt like Naked children. Now the person typing and read this does like-

"She can turn into a human!?" Asta shot up and stared at her. Kaida stared at asta and said "He doesnt have any magic?..." She tilted her head and asta fell to the ground.

He then got back up and said "I'm still strong tho!" He then started exercising in front of us all which was kind of...Satisfying in a weird way to me. "Alright Kaida. It's time for us to get ready." She smiled at me and nodded.

Lidia then placed her on the ground and she walked away. She soon transformed back into a dragon but not that many people were scared as they knew that i managed to 'Tame' her.

I then jumped onto her back and looked around. I nodded at something and put my hand out. I placed a huge saddle on her back and tied it up.

It was bigger then the one from Avatar but it was the exact same on. Since her back is flat, We can put things like boxes and others things up here without a problem.

"Alright Lidia. Let's start getting ready." She nodded and jumped up to me. "Hey Asta. Go talk to your friend." He flinched for a moment then looked around. He then saw his lady friend and went up to her.

"He has...Anti-Magic right?" I looked up at her and nodded. "That's a very resourceful power in a world where magic is literally everywhere.." I sat a chest down and said "Yeah. It's a shame he doesnt have any in the first place tho.."

I sighed out and she said "Hey Time Master.." She stared at me and I looked up. "Show me your eyes." I tilted my face for a second and touched it. I felt the blindfold on here and became surprised.

I guess...I can keep it on even when shes not in it.."Okay.." I pulled it up and she saw my face. She saw my black and gold eyes.

I forgot to say this but black is the dominant color in this. More black the gold is what I mean.

"You look...The same." She laughed a bit and said "Well...To me you do atleast..." She passed me a box and I nodded. Asta soon came back and Kaida sat her wings down. He then climbed up them and said "We confessed to each other! Isnt that Amazing!..." We both nodded at him and smiled.

"We can talk using this is what the Queen said." He showed us this container and We said "Good. Because you Probably wont see her in person until another 5 years.." I patted his shoulders and turned around.

"5...Years?.." He tried jumping off the kaida but I froze him. "Well Everyone..." Kaida started flapping her wings which caused some people to be blown away. "We're off..." The people on the ground waved at us while many were crying.

"Stay safe Dear!.." The Queen said to her daughter. "I will...Mom.." Lidia smiled and waved at her. "YOU BETTER PROTECT HER OR I'LL..." The king screamed at me and I nodded. "Dont explore forever guys...Take me with you when you get back..." Maria started crying and she was comforted by her brother.

"I love you sis! Please protect her Time Master!..." I nodded at the little boy and we started flying away. Some people tried to follow us but was flown back as Kaida wing flaping could blow away the whole fire nation.

We sped away at high speeds until the huge volcano became small. "You can slow down now Kaida.." I patted her back and she roared out a bit. She then started flying slowly and I layed back. I snapped my fingers and Asta immediately flew back.

He screamed out but I caught him. I then pulled him back and he landed near me. "W-We're already gone?..." He looked around and I nodded. "I'm sorry...That I didnt let you say goodbye to her on last time.." I hit my self a bit in my own head and he said "Its fine like This... Saying Goodbye is harder when you have to leave anyways...."

I nodded at his words and turned to Lidia. She had her hands behind her head with a relieved look. "How long until we get to the dungeon?" She slowly opened her eye and said "If it's at this speed then I'll say in about 3 days.." I nodded and she closed her eyes.

"Asta. We have 3 days for you to build that body of yours.." I looked over at him and he nodded. "Let's begin with 10,000 push ups. 10,000 sit ups and we'll decide what to so from there..." He started sweating a bit and he said "10...Thousand?" I nodded and he slowly did aswell.

He then got down and started doing some. "What are you doing?"

"The 10,000 push ups?.."

"No I mean, Why are you doing them here?" I then pointed to Kaidas wings. "We're...Doing them on those..." He stared blankly at me and said "B-But I can fall..."

"That's why were doing it on there. To help with your balance as well as focus.." I then teleported onto Kiadas right wing. It was indeed wobbly but I got down and started doing my 10,000. After about 2 minutes of deciding, he went over to the left wing.

He slowly got on it and...Fell. He screamed out but was caught by Kaidas Tail. She flicked him back up and he landed on the hard, but soft saddle. "NOT YET!" Why do I hear his first opening playing?

He then ran over to the wing and tried again but failed. He flew off again but Kaida caught him. This repeated for an hour and when he managed, I got up and said "Done.." He stared blankly at me and I went over to Lidia and sat down next to her.

"No...Way..." He then started doing his push ups. "Your...going to kill him.." I placed my hand on her breast and said "Nah. With his strenghtining Skill, he should be fine..." I moved my hand some more and she turned to me. I did the same and we stared at each other.

"Its like a marshmallow." She laughed a bit and said "Is it now?" She then started playing around with her other boob and this continued for about 5 hours..

(AN: Today Years old when I found out that marshmallow is spelt with an mallow instead of a mellow)

"DONE!" He came over to us and fell to his stomach. I then removed my hand from her breast and said "Good. Now we have to do the 10,000 sit ups." I saw his Body move a bit and he slowly stared at me.

I got up and Lidia said "Just when it was getting good.." It was!? After 5 hours it was now getting good? It's either my God like techniques are flawed or shes just hard to please. Its probably both as I haven't used my God Like Techniques since the last time I saw...Him.

I got onto the right wing and started. Asta did aswell and started. He was trying to match me and I went faster. He went faster aswell. I then went at light speed and he...couldnt.

I laughed at my victory...

Should this even be considered a victory? I was trying to beat a person who's barely trained before in his life.

After going light speed, I immediately finished and got up. I walked over to the dragons head and sat down on her neck. I then held her horns and said "Are you okay?" She turned her head a bit and roared out. "Good.." I then rubbed her horns some more and she roared out again.

"It feels good huh?" I guess the horns are the most sensitive place on every being with horns. I rubbed them more and faster and she 'roared' out.

This...Is legal by the way. She older then almost every person in the world so...I then rubbed the back of her rough but soft head and got up. Like I got up off of her neck..

I walked over to asta and said "Hurry up. I'm going to teach you how to fight after this." His eyes sparkled at that.

"I get to be trained by the time master!..." He screamed out a bit and started going faster.


"Put your hands up like this." He nodded and put his hands up like I had them. "When you get better then you can choose whatever stance you want." He nodded at me and I started.

We were fighting on the back of the dragon. Lidia was practicing in the back aswell. I ran up to him and he got ready. I punhced at his face and he put his arms up to block. I then stopped and kicked him in the stomach.

He flew back into the air and over me. I caught his arm and brought him back down. He then fell to the ground and coughed a bit. "Come on. You can do better then that right?"

His eyes widened for a moment then went back down. He then ran at me and and I dodged his punch. He kicked at me aswell and I dodged those. He backed me up onto Kaidas wing and we stared at each other.

"What are you going to do now?" I smiled at him and he said "I...Dont know.." He then rushed at me blindly and and threw a punch. I dodged it and went with his bodys motion.

I got up behind him and held the back of his shirt. "That...was close.." He was over the edge, flapping in the wind. I then pulled him back and we walked over to the middle again.

"Its not fair...You can see the future.." He made a sad voice and looked down. "Well If you get used to it then you'll be one of the strongest people in the world." His face then lit back up and he nodded.

"Alright! Let's con-" He froze then fell forward. I caught him and said "You..need to rest." His body /was/ barely above average. All the training we did really exhausted him.

I then pulled him over to where I was laying and sat him down. "I...CAN STILL GO ON!" He yelled at me while trying to get up. I tapped his shoulder and he turned into a baby.

He then fell asleep and I put some cover over him. "He sure is energetic." I nodded at her and said "Kaida. You can land down there okay?" I rubbed her back and she roared out a bit.

She then turned and went to the ground. She landed in a small field which wasnt able to fit her. She crushed the trees as she landed and I grabbed Asta. I then jumped down and looked around.

"Here." She threw a chest down at me and I caught it. I then placed Asta down against a tree and opened the chest. I pulled out a tent and placed it down. I pressed a button on it and it blew up.

"Its getting dark." She came down besides me and I nodded. She then started stripping and particles went up behind us. Kaida then jumped onto my back and wrapped her arms around my neck.

I rubbed her hand a bit and said "You did well..." She giggled and smiled. I then unzipped the tent that was infront of us and walked in. It was a basic tent that could fit about 3 people. "Can you settle things here?" She nodded at me and I walked back out.

I then walked over to the sleeping baby asta and bent down. "This bird..." There was a small bird on top of his head. It stared at me and it flew onto my head. It then jumped around a bit and stayed.

"I know your a person." The bird didnt move at all and I sighed. "Master? Are you talking about the bird?" I nodded and she placed her hand on the bird. "Come Out!" A glow shined and I felt something bring my body down a bit.

I looked up and saw bare skin. "How did you?.." The bare skin came off of my face and I saw her. Black hair with red eyes. She wore a blank face with a tired expression. "Do you know who I am?"

She stared at me and I continued. "I'm the Time Master." I stuck my hand out and a blue, hollow ball appeared. "This..." She instantly bowed down and said "I'm Sorry Sir! Please-" I stopped her and said "Its fine. You didnt know." She then stood up with her dead face and nodded.

"So?...You have transformation magic or?..." She nodded weirdly and said "Wind is my main element. I was gifted enough to have Sealing Magic as my secondary Magic." So she has 2 type of Magic?

How is she a bird tho?

"Are you all alone out here? We're deep in the woods I thought."

She shook her head and pointed. "My village is that way. We have a powerful illusion barrier which makes it hard to find us..." She nodded and turned back into a bird. She then got onto my head again and said "Your head is soft." I nodded and went back into the tent.

"What's up with that bird?" Kaida jumped down off of my back and I said "I dont know. It just flew down on my head and stayed." I then started taking my clothes off and put them to the side.

"Master..." I turned towards her. "Why do you both sleep naked..." She covered her face and me and Lidia and I looked at each other. "Why not?" She squealed out a bit with a red face and I tuned around.

I got into the sleeping bag and placed asta next to me. The bird flew off of my head and landed on my chest. Kaida came up to my right side and layed down. "You look comfy." I smiled a bit at her. "Good Night Lidia. This could be us but.. you keep playing."

She snickered at this and said "This is us but..Its your lose anyways. I know you want to sleep next to this.." She moved her boob around and I stared. She then laughed at me and got into her sleeping bag.

"Good Night Time Master." She then turned to the tent wall and fell asleep. "Good...Night.." I then closed my eyes and fell asleep aswell.


Next chapter