
Chapter 1

"Your wish for peace was never an option Orochi," said Gabriel as he pulls his sword from the female samurai chest now dead. He drops to his knees as he takes his helmet off revealing his handsome face his breathing was haggard as was too wounded to move.

"ah! correct your little alliance between the other factions is a failure traitor" said Apollyon as she parries the traitor law bringers halberd and over swings to cut his arm away from the body of the man. Piercing his neck slicing his head from his torso. dropping her sword she limps towards her dying husband and drops in front of him taking her destroyed helmet showing her beautiful bloody face with her scar showing "darling let us kiss ourselves farewell "she said grabbing his pale face she french kissing him till their last breath. both of their body go limp succumbing to their wounds dying still in each other embrace. A bright shine over their body as their body vanishes from their world.

[king landing war of the usurper] 279 AC

inside a manor, you could see two people clad in black armor with weapons at the side lay them but they both shot up grasping their head as they feel a sharp pain as they receive unknown knowledge of the world. the pain stops as they look at each other with shock. they immediately kissing inserting their tongues fighting for dominance as they strip off their armor.

Gabriel lifts her naked body atop his shoulders as furiously licks her clit and inserting three fingers roughly fingering her g spot.

"ah ah yes daddy your gonna make me come!!" her husky sexy voice as she screams at the top of her lungs she immediately squirts into Gabriel face. he drops her on the bed impaling his 10-inch cock into her pussy stretching her wide and furiously pounds her defenseless erotic body as she Apollyon a strong woman falls into his reckless jackhammering techniques leaving her cumming unstoppably drenching his defined 8-pack.

"eeeeeee!! you're breaking me daddy your making my pussy as loose as the bar whores back in Ashfeld!" she screams in ecstasy. 30 minutes later they both lay there cuddling in their own sweat as Apollyon's pussy looks bruised and messy with cum and Gabriel dragon standing tall unsatisfied.

"I thought I lost you, Apollyon" gabriel said as he holds her tightly fearing he lose her

"Darling me too" she caresses his face loving looking into his eyes but it quickly changes to a malice-style face as she laughs loudly.

"From the knowledge, we gain the amount of chaos and instability we can cause especially these white walker things and dragons oh I can't wait it makes me wet to the core," she said lustfully in her husky dark voice.

"agreed and the black stone legion will rise once again for we are wolves," Gabriel said caressing her ass. He gets up and grabs his pitch-black centurion armor and grabs it on. With his tall and muscular body, his demeanor is extremely imposing and scary even his own army who he led feared him. He was an amazing commander like germanics and a great ruler like Augustus. His fighting compatibility was scary able to take a heavy shock cav charge head-on without a single injury. His wife was as equally strong both always tied in combat. fell in love in war got married in armor and steel created a chaotic legion. They will rule the world. They were a power couple meant for each other.

(An: through pupating the factions not actually conquering them)

Apollyon got up and wiped herself clean braided her hair and garbed her armor as well. Turning around she looked at a massive black crete in the room she opens the lock's handles and sees probably billions of gold dragon coins.

"Looks like we are rich I think we can afford to fund our goals now honey." she said smiling

"hmm is that so then it fast forwards our plans then we'll need blacksmiths and carpenters and that disturbing stench how bad is this city he said irritably grabbing two pouches filled with gold dragons. He looks out the window heaving a sigh he looks at Apollyon to know her thoughts.

"what your thinking" Looking at her as she has her hand on her chin.

she nods and walks to him placing her head on his armor chest piece

"Darling these women can help me satisfy your lust we should save these women the Martell the dayne and the stark but I don't want to ruin the timeline as we only have limited information to one outcome and before you say anything you don't need to love them just fake and use them to warm your bed. also this eddark stark tomboy I want to train her while you fuck her as payment but we must wait a while for that payment maybe when she 16 and the female bodyguard who failed to protect the renly fellow," she said as he could feel her hot breath on his neck.

He looked into her eyes with his right plated armored hand he rubs her cheeks.

"You want me to do them I did to peacekeeper back in ashfeld make them submit to me while you watch I know of your fetishes honey and I will satisfy them but do know my love for them is fake and my heart is yours, not theirs it cruel but I don't care," he says in his low tone deep voice kissing her with love.

"I love you, Gabriel," she says

"I love you too" he replies

"Now exactly would how would we save these women since they live in different quarters one with kids the other probably giving birth how would you convince them and get them out without having our heads hunted, I may love war but cat and mouse really annoy me," he said looking at her with his arms crossed.

the Martell, her kids and the dayne we fake their death with fakes, the stark we ship her child north secretly and fake her death after if not kidnap her and smuggle our way up to essos and I will hire the peasant and ship for that after that we the cross-sea again you seduce the queen with a heavenly offer she can't refuse cuck the Jaime and fatass Robert before the death of Jon arryn. oh, honey the chaos we will insure. Also, where would we build our castle?" Gabriel agreed with and said we will take over the greyjoys lands when they set course to Winterfell surprise when they come back.

"Let's go and hire a small group of mercenaries we will need them to help with our plans for now," he said.

Leaving together their armor drew lots of fear in the citizens even some guards shook in their presence. they hired a local mercenary company called the red roses. they were newly formed low-quality equipment men that numbered 30 men. Gabriel and Apollyon managed to hire sailors and one ship enough to get them to essos they packed the crate into the ship captain room.

"We only have 3 hours before this twyin guy get here with an army," Apollyon said as she explained the operation to the mercs. They already infiltrated the castle as many soldiers lay dead around them. now they wait till the Lannister's get here.

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