
The Gathering Of The Ten Seats



Steam overflowed as the glistening metal was withdrawn from the quenching bucket. The fluid sizzled and bubbled in a frenzy, giving off a refreshing smell that revitalised everyone with the room. The students looked on as the blade dripped off the last of the fluid as a sharp glint they had never seen before on any weapon highlighted the truly sharp edge of the blade. The blade itself was patterned with mosaic like details that enhanced its appearance yet also its strength and durability.

"Can anyone tell me what it is that I just used to quench this blade?" Lucius asked as he lay the blade on an anvil behind him before turning back to the awed students.

"Is it water, sir?" asked a girl to the side.

"No, water would only give off a steamy smell and not the fragrance you can smell right now." Lucius explained.

"Was it oil then, sir?" asked a contemplating Henry in the front.


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