

While all the chaos was ensuing, Delilah was dominating the tier 3 black flame panther. The panther was agile and powerful but compared to Delilah's strength and skill, he was brought down within a minute or so. Delilah didn't use her spear or any weapons as she simply brought down her leg with all her strength on its head, crashing its skull down into the ground and pinning the 20 meter long panther into the dirt. As the princess of the Divine Earth Elephants, Delilah's bloodline gave her an increased strength and level of power far above those at the same level as her. The raw strength within her body was great enough to topple even a tier 3 beast.

Within the span of the next few minutes, Delilah was able to pin the beast down to the ground with some chains and spears that Lucius had made for this purpose. The chains were made using tier 2 metal and the formations in laid were enough to keep a tier 3 beast in control. Soon enough, the panther was pinned down and unable to retaliate further and at the same time, the rest of the operation was a success.

Within an hour, the entire kingdom was taken over by the rebellion. The remaining army stragglers were captured, the families of the nobles and the kings advisors were all detained too. The next step in the plan was one of the most vital parts that Lucius had thought up to ensure a greater trust from their newly acquired personnel. Their trust would be vital to the rapid expansion that Lucius had in mind.

"Hello, hello, hello! Citizens of Black Rock Kingdom, kneeling here before you are the ones responsible for the hell you've been through recently! Tell me, what shall we do with them?" Delilah shouted as she danced around in a showy manor, egging on the crowd.

"Kill them! Kill them all right now!" an old man shouted

"No, that's too easy, hang them! Let them struggle as they suffocate to death!" shouted a bold young man

"That's too nice as well! I say we rip them to shreds! Dismember them slowly and let them despair!" a middle aged woman screamed with a bloodthirsty aura, she was one of the main victims of the king as her husband had previously been devoured by the black fire panther because he sneaked some homeless orphans some food.

"OK, ok, ok! We hear you! However, I think I have the best torture for this fat bastard! Lets let him face the same fate as all the men, women and children he had his pet beast 'fight'. Lettttsssss BRING OUT THE BEAST!!!" Delilah revved up as she pointed to the entrance to the ring as Lucius walked out with the beast on a leash.

"Wooooooo, fuck yeah! Let that bastard cat eat his bastard master!" someone shouted

Soon enough the coliseum was in an uproar as everyone got up from their seats to scream their approval out with great enthusiasm. The beast was brought out by Lucius by chain and it slowly prowled up to the kneeling men. In the centre of the ring was the fatty king, surrounded by the 5 generals and 3 of his closest advisors, the army tactician, the economic advisor and the treasurer. The panther started with the treasurer as he was actually fatter than the king and seemed to be the juiciest, he crawled up to the treasurer step by step. The audience quietened down as they stood shaking in their boots, eagerly awaiting the panthers pounce. The treasurer was notorious for being a miser that had control of the distribution of food and supplies. He was an acknowledged piece of shit that brought the commoners' supplies to below the minimum amount so that he could gorge himself instead. No one was sad to see him go and no one was going to stop this from happening. If there was anyone, they were kneeling there beside him.

"Ahhhh get the fuck away from me! No! Noooo-ack" the treasurer screamed as he shook his head desperately to convey to the panther to stop but with a whip from Delilah the panther pounced out and devoured the fatty, head first.

Next was the economic advisor, this was the man who directed the iron mines and was particularly cruel to the workers. He had them work 10 hours a day with only an hour break split 3 ways throughout those 10 hours. He gave them weak or inadequate equipment just to make it harder for them and to pocket the extra money instead. Surprisingly he wasn't a fat man or unhealthy as he was known to work out in order to intimidate the workers with his stature and strength. He didn't have control of the soldiers so instead used his own strength to dole out punishment as he wished. He didn't scream or shout but just pissed his pants and fainted, showing his cowardly nature deep within as he was only man enough to bully weaker people. Before true strength, he doubled over and soiled himself. Disgraceful.

Soon enough, one by one, the 5 generals and tacticians were all eaten too, the audience roaring out in applause and cheers each time. Contrary to expectation though, the king was laughing happily as he mocked Lucius and Delilah.

"Hahaha, you dumb kids, that beast is my pet! He was a gift from my master, he has a formation imbed into his mind! If he tries to harm me, he will die! Hahaha!" the king cackled to himself.

Smiling broadly, Lucius walked up to the king and slashed out, chopping off his remaining hand and throwing it out into the jaws of the panther.

"Ahhhhh, what the hell, you took my other hand! Ahhh give it back you ingrate!"

"Hahaha, who's the idiot now fatty. It's such a simple solution to just dismember you slowly and let the stupid cat eat it piece by piece. Technically, he ain't harming you is he? Hahaha!" Lucius laughed out loud resulting in an uproar of cheers.

"Nooo! Please, nooo! Why are you doing this to me? What the hell did I do to you? Leave me alone!" the king pleaded with tears and snot flowing down his face.

Lucius ignored him entirely as he slashed out again and took his left foot, then the right, then his right forearm, his left forearm and so on. Soon enough he had dismantled the king down to just his head, neck and torso. The king had to watch as all of his flesh was stripped from him and fed to his favourite pet. In the end the king stopped crying and shouting as he just lay there, gagging in his own blood and slowly dying. Lucius snorted and swiped with his blade, beheading the king and kicking the head into the panthers mouth. He turned to the audience and spread his arms out as he started his speech.

"People of Black Rock Kingdom. Today is the day of your revenge. Of your vengeance. Of your awakening. Do you want to stay as fisherman and miners your entire lives!?" he asked

"No!!!" they responded

"Do you want to be weak and exploitable your entire lives!?"







Lycoris is the name ive decided on for Lucius' clan. It means twilight in greek for those who were wondering. Its cool.

EdgeLordSupremecreators' thoughts
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