
Music and Meat

"Now Lucius, a lot has changed since your were last in that seat and now that you've awakened your Lazarus bloodline, it is time to advance your training. From now on I will no longer teach or test you on our general knowledge, if you need to find something out you can check it in the library. There will be 3 new additions to your training, an advancement in your control training, learning about bloodlines and learning about special constitutions. We will begin your control training now, to start off, you will learn to play music. In particular, you will need to master the guitar, violin, cello, viola, drums, harp, flute, bass and some others."

"Mom, do I really need to learn that many instruments? Wouldn't it be better if I focused on become the best with just one of those instead?" responded Lucius.

"Well, if you were trying to become a musician then yes, that would be the better course of action. However, the purpose of this task is to increase your control. The end goal is not to be a master in all instruments but to be able to play all of the instruments at the same time. In other words, you need to be a one man orchestra.

You are currently at the peak of the 1st tier and will soon reach the 2nd tier, with this increase in strength, there is a direct increase in difficulty in technique level. Now, all of your techniques are what we call one line attacks. This means that when you use techniques you can only do a simple move like sending an ice shard shooting forward. One line techniques are only able to be fired in one direction, however, when you reach the 3rd tier you will need to be able to change the direction of your attacks mid flight and so on. It is obvious which style would be more effective in a battle, right? To train you in advance for this, you will learn to control multiple different things at the same time so in the future you can control your elemental techniques to attack in their own independent manor."

"Mmm, so you're saying that I need to implement faints and elaborate skills into my elemental attacks too? It would be like I was fighting with the elements as my body!" Lucius exclaimed.

"That's right! When it comes to higher level techniques, there is always a way to train yourself in preparation so that you can more easily comprehend those techniques. In normal sects in lower tier worlds this isn't the case as most of the sects will simply leave the techniques for the disciples to choose from and then leave them to their own designs. This is an inefficient and inane method of teaching that they use simply because they don't wish for regular disciples to become too strong! Instead, they only teach these better methods to their own disciples and thus guarantee their own disciples' superiority! This is the way that most family/master-disciple dynasties come to be. You will soon be creating your own clan so you can not follow such selfish methods, alright?" Acacia urged with a strong intent in her eyes.

"Of course mom, we've already decided on creating an atmosphere of mutual development. We will have them all work together and ponder the techniques collectively. This will build strong comradery and increase the strength of the disciples at a base level." Lucius responded while explaining his great plan with a grin on his face.

"That's right, this method leads to a higher base strength and will help develop your clan at a much more rapid rate that the regular sects and clans around. I will now teach you the various special constitutions and their tell tale signs! In the future you need to be able to recognise special talents and rope them in!" Acacia continued.


Lucius stood at the entrance of the newly created clan grounds and admired Johnny's handiwork. He turned to his side and began giving out orders to the 60 something year old woman who stood there with a screen in one hand and an electronic pen in the other. She was one of the elves of the Liberation that had decided to join the trio and leave Hazmit. There were 999 others, totalling to 1000 elves of various ages and genders, some where strong men, some were researchers and some were admissions experts. This old lady was a talented individual who was good with numbers, she was chosen as the chief of acquisitions and was noting down everything that Lucius said in a bullet point format. Lucius was known to be quite the aloof figure but once he started talking about something he was passionate about, he could talk for hours on end. The woman had to work quickly as Lucius spewed out information like a broken faucet.

"When it comes to the herbs, we need to arrange them in specific positions so that they do not effect the growth of herbs around them. Sometimes there are herbs that have a co-dependant nature and should be put together but others are detrimental to each other. Johnny is new to this so we'll have to fix all his mistakes, although he has done well with the buildings. The next thing is the meat. In the future, we will need to feed many mouths and thus require a great amount of food. Johnny has only been thinking about building a clan but he hasn't been thinking about how to maintain the clan. We need to create fields for crops, fields for grazing, pen houses and so on. Then we need to sort out the transfer of cattle and poultry. To begin with I suggest bringing in 1000 cows, around 10,000 sheep and then a few hundred thousand chickens. This should be enough to start of the breeding process and set a foundation for the sects food needs. However, this brings up the need for people to take care of those animals, select 200 able bodied men and women to be taught to handle taking care of them, bring them to the centre square and I will give a lecture there. Have someone record and transcribe my lecture and then have Maria add it into the Library database. In the future you can teach people based on that lecture instead of me repeatedly teaching it. All lectures and such should be added to the database in this way. We need to work efficiently and rapidly. I want to be able to conquer the tier 5 world before I turn 30 at least..." Lucius continued on and on as the woman noted down everything.

The way that Lucius would be cultivating the cattle and herbs was by a system. Since the atmospheric qi in the clan building area was the same as the Garden, the qi was strong enough to quickly develop herbs and beasts and help them evolve. This was indeed ideal for the growth of higher tiered herbs and quality meat but this could also be detrimental since cultivators wouldn't be able to eat meat or herbs that were two grades above their own cultivation. In simpler terms, if a tier 0 mortal were to eat a tier 2 beasts meat then they could directly explode from the overload of energy that would burst out of them like a piñata. That's why Lucius had developed a system to solve this problem, he would separate the herbs and beasts into different types. For example, the golden apple trees were allocated different tiers and thus grown at different rates. If one were to pluck the apples from a golden apple tree, it would hinder its growth as its energy store was taken away from it, so Lucius had kept a certain amount of trees to become different tiers using this method. Currently there were no tier 5 trees but he did have 3 tier 4 golden apple trees, 40 tier 3 trees, 200 tier 2 and around 1,000 tier 1 trees. The average tier 1 tree would produce 50 apples every ten days and since it had been a year, there were already quite a number of trees. The herbs were likewise sorted into tiers and plucked whenever they were about to exceed their tiers. This lead to the need of a herb store house and added to the list of construction jobs for Johnny but for now they were all stored in storage crates that Lucius created.

Next were the beasts and they were a little more complicated since you couldn't just pluck them out of the ground or take their fruits to hinder their growth. There was the option of killing them but there wasn't a store house, a butchery or a need for the meat so it wasn't smart to do that. Instead there was one solid solution, making babies. When the cows or sheep had to give birth, they stopped absorbing qi to evolve and instead used that energy to enhance their children's ability or their growth speeds. This was made slightly easier to accomplish by the fact that the cattle of Hazmit had been genetically modified to be less threatening and powerful but instead more juicier and tender. The cows were at a minimum equal in grade to the taste of A5 Wagyu beef. Some cattle was put to the side and nurtured using herbs and nutrient supplements to help them grow properly but those were a minority as they would mainly be used to breed and produce more cattle instead.

This all gave rise to the vital need for manpower, and although they could have taken more elves from Hazmit, they didn't think it was a good idea as they were slightly estranged from normalcy and were quite frankly, boring robots. The millennium long war had left behind an empty husk of a society and the trio simply didn't want to spend their effort revitalising them. That was a job for their new king and queen, Michael and Jessica. The 1000 elves that were coming along were the ones that were more unique and considered strange among the Hazmit elves. They had been ostracised by their peers and had thus chosen to leave the planet for a better life. Some of them were instead, mixed race lovers and were judged by both sides and were thus escaping with the trio instead.

In the end, the transition of cargo would be hurried along and the other jobs would be put to the side until they reached the next world and began their plans. They were planning on enlisting the homeless, poor, orphans, prostitutes, and slaves/servants into their clan first as it would be a lot easier to gain their trust and they would be thankful to the trio for giving them a better life.

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