
Great Warriors: 1

Shiro Tanaka, Fifth High Commander Of Senshi:

Shiro Tanaka has accomplished many great feats within his time as a commander in the Rising Tide, and was soon promoted to being a High Commander after the High Commander of Rising Tide died in battle. Trained by Tiang Yung, Shiro's deadly fighting style has made him a legend. Unfortunately, during one of the Vanyan War Rampages, Shiro was put in charge of the Mackrole army, where he was killed in a duel by High Commander Bloody Marrie, Warmonger Of Vanyan.

Name: Shiro Tanaka

Age: 23

Kill Count: Around 5,700

Killed By: Marrie, Warmonger Of Vanyan during a Vanyan raid.

Famous Battle: Turtle's Ridge, where he killed one thousand troops on his own and turned the tide of battle.

Family: One adopted son which he never got the chance to visit. He was killed in battle before he could greet his son.

Nicknames: Noble Commander, Swift Blade

Jean Tailson:

Jean Tailson is a famous Inquisitor. She wears the white top-half fox mask. She was hired by the Mackaroles to end a war and she pulled through on it, ending the war and saving the Mackaroles. She is still alive but has moved further to the south, hoping religion would pop up there and be misused again.

Name: Jean LeDor Tailson

Age: 67-68

Kill Count: Around 50,678. She apparently keeps count.

Status: Still Alive And Well

Famous Battle: Siege On Tenmpora, where she sieged the mighty Senshi capital and killed their High Commander despite being pinned from both sides and outnumbered.

Family: Inquisitors generally have none. She is no exception.

Nicknames: God's Fox, The Exterminator

Jacob Falcon, Warlord Commander Of Vanyan:

Jacob is a commander under Marrie and as such, earned himself the title of Warlord for being a noble who earns most of his livings and respect through war. Despite his simple get-up, Jacob is a deadly adversary and has been seen sparing with Marrie every now and then. His old age does not make him weak but has honed his skills and made him more cautious, making outsmarting him tricky. Has been on five Vanyan War Rampages.

Name: Jacob Cinque Falcon

Age: 63

Status: Alive And Well

Kill Count: Around 23,400

Family: Two sons, one daughter, and one wife. He also has a sister.

Famous Battle: Any really. Vanyan battles are often either massacres or legendary struggles.

Nicknames: Shield Of Vanyan, Great Warlord Of Vanyan

Sharia, The Warmonger:

Sharia was one of the first, if not first, disciple of Ai, the self-proclaimed Apostle Of War. While she is not a Wartorn, she certainly seems like one. When excited or angry, her eyes will glow red. She is the first person to use a Varasikara. She rarely takes her helmet off. It is said at her defeat and capture, Sharia took her own helmet off. Many take it as a sign that Sharia fights better without her helmet on and, as such, she considers her opponent skilled enough to see her face. Sharia worked with Ai for a couple of years and broke off with her so she can help the Kingdom. It can be stated as a fact that the Kingdom would have lost the wars if it wasn't for Sharia. During the Alcomite War, it was revealed that Sharia has been working in the shadows to keep the war going. She was defeated and captured. The few that survived said that they had to collapse a castle on her and then hit her with a couple of cannonpults before she was weak enough for Grillant to defeat her in battle. After her defeat and capture, Sharia was taken as an "honorable" prisoner by the Kingdom. Twelve years later, she is released after being promoted as Princess Isalene's personal guard.

Name: Sharia Airella

Age: 39

Kill Count: Argued to be somewhere around 780,000 to one million. Sharia is known for a reason.

Status: Retired? Few know that she is captured and Sharia hasn't said anything about quitting.

Family: None. Her master is Ai.

Famous Battle: The Battle Of Titan, where she clashed with Chen Sui, Marrie, and Grale and came out on top. Close to if not tied is her defeat, which traumatized every soldier who took part in it and the time she defended the Kingdom's palace despite being heavily outnumbered.

Nicknames: The Warmonger, Ai's Disciple, Reaper Of Many, Nasalakusi/ਨਸਲਕੁਸ਼ੀ

Eden Bena, Witch Of War:

Also known as the Warmonger Witch, Eden is rarely seen in current times. Unlike the witches the Failed Religion kills, Eden is a real witch, taking the name so she can cruelly tease the Failed Religion. Using her magic powers and knowledge of herbs, Eden gained a lot of influence in the Country. There, she worked in the shadows to bring the faction to their knees, killing them from the inside while the other Warmongers killed them from the outside. After Country fell, she took part in the battle of Teris, where her side lost and she retreated. Since then, she has not been seen.

Name: Eden Bena

Age: 84

Kill Count: Around 12,000, More If You Count Her Meddalings Within The Country

Status: Still Alive But Her Condition Is Unknown

Famous Battle: Battle Of Teris and Siege On Hillsdin

Family: None Known

Nicknames: Warmonger Witch, Devil Witch, Witch Of War

Samuel Grillant, Grand Advisor Of The Kingdom:

Samuel Grillant worked under Sharia The Warmonger for a good portion of his career. He was promoted to commander and advisor of the King after the war and was promoted to Grand Advisor after he managed to defeat and capture his former mentor, Sharia. Despite their differences in views, the two supposedly share a mutual respect for each other. Grillant is no fool to battle and is still one of the best fighters the Kingdom has even at his old age of sixty-three. He is trying his best to help the Kingdom grow and prosper even if he knows the Kingdom isn't as strong as it used to be.

Name: Samuel Grillant

Age: 63

Kill Count: Around 8,600

Status: Alive

Family: He has a daughter named Serah.

Famous Battle: The Capture Of Sharia and The Siege Of Kingdom, where he defended the Palace.

Nicknames: Grand Advisor, The Cutlass Captain/Commander

Bloody Marrie, Warmonger Of Vanyan

Marrie is one of the greatest warriors known throughout Nostalisk. Although she is young and on the small side, Marrie is a skilled fighter. When expected a serious battle, Marrie will change into her Warmonger Armor. Most of the time, however, Marrie doesn't wear any armor at all, or the bare minimum. Her fighting style is fast, brutal, reckless, and hard-hitting. Crushing bones and chopping off limbs, she often gets herself covered in blood from her own wounds and from the blood of her enemies. Despite her title, Marrie isn't the only Warmonger Vanya has. The other Warmonger is her younger sister, a Wartorn, which she distances herself from. Marrie is a ruthless High Commander who always is pushing for war. There is, however, a cute side to her. Marrie often acts like a spoiled cat or child when tuckered out.

Name: Marrie Ashton

Age: 22

Kill Count: Over 650,400

Status: Alive And Well

Family: A younger sister, wife, and daughter.

Famous Battle: Battle Of Titan. Even though she lost, she and the Vanyans killed a lot of soldiers.

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