
The Sword Saint Festival 3, End of Round 1

On a particular continent, a tall and thin man that was muscular nonetheless was eating at a restaurant.

Hearing commotion from outside, he glanced towards the source only to see a girl in the Sword Saint Festival who had multiple weapons piercing her flesh and body.

Not feeling particularly interested, he returned to enjoying his meal.

A moment later, he heard an even bigger commotion. Looking back outside with a frown, he saw that very same girl seemingly fine, ready to keep fighting.

A slightly shocked face was followed by a nasty grin as the man asked for the check.

Leaving the restaurant, he watched the show along with everybody else on the street, his grin growing larger and larger.


Mitsuna saw how most of the remaining enemies were lacking skills.

Cracking her neck, she dashed towards the group of unarmed survivors.


Flashing past them, she delivered a clean and solid hit on each of their bodies' vital spots.

Everybody left in her wake fell to the ground and slowly decayed away.

Seeing how most of them were suffering, Mitsuna decapitated them without much thought.

Turning back towards the group of surprise attackers, she saw how the greatsword wielder jumped up and smashed the ground in front of her.

Mitsuna felt gravity growing chaotic around her.

Taking a few steps back, she felt how her heel was shattered by the chaotic gravity on the ground.

Purplish glowing lightning flowed through the ground as shards of broken weapons and sand flew towards Mitsuna.

[Reflection of Rot].

The sand and shards of metal were reflected back at the greatsword wielder.

He received a few minor scratches and backed off as the rapier wielder made his entrance.

The two straight sword users helped the greatsword kid recover as they removed all the areas inflicted with rot while using a few weak healing spells that they knew.

As the rapier user closed in, Mitsuna felt threatened.

Crouching down, Mitsuna just managed to dodge a thrust attack aimed at her eye.

Mitsuna was shocked by the speed of the attack.

A second thrust followed almost instantly as her leg was pierced.

Mitsuna ignored it and jumped back.


The sudden thrusts were starting to get parried but a few still made it past her defences.

As she parried the attacks the best she could Mitsuna could not help but think.

'The way he is attacking, it seems familiar.'

Kicking the man away with her broken leg and making some distance, Mitsuna spoke.

"You have an ability related to music, don't you?"

"...You found out."

"Your thrust attacks are all in different pitches when I parry them. Almost like music. I doubt that it's a Technique though. Probably a skill."

"Your intuition is frightening."

"Eh. I thought I'd make a guess. Also, I noticed how your attacks were just on the border of breaking the sound barrier which also supports the theory of a music-based skill. Sadly that is also your weakness."


"Music uses sound, if you can't go over the sound barrier you'll hit a ceiling eventually, and besides that, you'll run out of music to imitate sooner or later."

"Hah! Then I'll just use obscure music no one has heard here?"

"Here? Are you sure? I've definitely heard Challenge-ed before."


"Oh. So based on your reaction, you're one too. I still won't show any more mercy to you than I do to the others I face though."


"You know. Compared to your ability, you yourself are pretty boring."

"...Shut it! When I defeat you, tell me everything you know!"


The rapier wielder made his way toward Mitsuna and thrust his blade.

'If I couldn't have sensed the movements of his arm, his weapon would be almost impossible for me to dodge with my current speed. Almost smashing through the sound barrier with every attack is no joke.'


After a second, Mitsuna recognized the song he was imitating.

After remembering the way it goes, she started parrying his attacks flawlessly.

'His ability reminds me of Friday night. I'm going to guess that his skill takes inspiration from the game and that is the reason his attacks are so simple.'

Mitsuna had been moving before the rapier wielder could even make his next move, Mitsuna knew the song he was playing.

After heavily parrying three heavy hits from her opponent, Mitsuna spoke as she pierced the man's heart with her sword.

"Well, well, well. Back to this song huh."

Kicking the body to the side, Mitsuna focused on the remaining opponents.

The greatsword wielder lost a chunk of his hand that was corrupted by Mitsuna's rot infused reflect attack while the two straight sword wielders were supporting him.

The katana user was silently watching Mitsuna's every move.

After a second, the katana wielder placed her weapon down and sat there.

'So she has given up.'

The other three looked at the katana user with confusion, but seeing how Mitsuna moved her attention away from the katana user the moment she seemed to give up, they followed her example and hoped to be spared.

'My gravity Techniques can't do much against an opponent who I can't even see, that last duel was almost impossible to follow. All I can do now is hope she spares us.'

'Looks like they've all given up.'

The two straight sword users sat down right after the greatsword user.

Sensing how none of them even thought about fighting, Mitsuna left them alone.

'I've gained a few good levels. No need to go overboard with the massacring.'

Looking around, she saw a few heavily injured survivors around that she failed to completely kill.

Most of them still held on to their weapon while some just collapsed as they let go of their weapon.

'I think the medical staff should be able to treat most of them.'

Mitsuna walked through the hellscape she created and started dragging the bodies toward one location.

Looking at a nearby camera, she gave the ok sign. Symboling the end of the battle.

Mitsuna sat down near the people she had dragged to that one location, sensing how most of their breathing was laboured, she waited for the medical team to show up.

Looking at the bodies, she felt a little bad for the pain her rot had put them through.

Carefully controlling her Technique, she tried to remove the effect.

Surprisingly, it worked.

The survivors stopped decaying, only a few parts near their injuries were rotten but that could be fixed by healing.

A few moments later, the medical team showed up as the organizers saw that no one has any more plans to fight.

Since it was rather overwhelming, Mitsuna was declared the victor of this round.

The survivors were given first aid and then brought through the portal to be given further medical attention.

Mitsuna walked through the portal herself, followed by the group she had spared.

As soon as she reached the inside of the city, medical staff rushed to her. She was pierced by multiple weapons and her body smashed by a greatsword after all.

Mitsuna's reaction however was unexpected.

"Get off. Don't touch me."

Mitsuna brushed off the worried medical staff and made her way to the bench she was resting at before the fight.

Seeing a couple resting there, she didn't really care.

The man saw Mitsuna approaching so he took his girlfriend and left, all the while dealing with his girlfriend nagging about why they left just because a child was walking towards them. Obviously, she didn't watch the match.

Mitsuna sat down and breathed out heavily.

Checking her clothes, she saw how they had a few holes but they didn't show much except for a little skin.

Taking out her last bottle of alcohol from her [Item Box], she started sipping on it while letting her body recover from the damage she sustained.

The numerous onlookers thought the same thing, that being:

'She didn't learn a thing from being stabbed.'

A few minutes after the survivors were brought back and were being treated, the winner was announced.

Unsurprisingly, Mitsuna won as all other contestants had given up on fighting or were incapable of doing so.

Mitsuna herself didn't give the announcement much thought, nor to any of the congratulations, she received from the surroundings.

Seeing as how there were still many brackets left to complete before the final, she headed back to the inn.

The owner was shocked and worried when she saw Mitsuna's state.

She was sent straight to her room where a bath was prepared along with new sheets for her bed.

Mitsuna thanked the owner and workers.

She washed her body and hair of all the blood and sand, fixed her clothes, locked every entrance in her room and went to sleep.


Meanwhile, a tall and thin man was lightly cackling to himself on the street as he watched the match.

Seeing how the winner was clearly decided, he thought that he ought to make a visit. An unwelcome one for sure.

Next chapter