
First Flame 3

Half an hour later, I lay resting against a tree trunk, using my arms as cushions while Ty Lee lay on my chest, just enjoying the close physical contact between us. Nothing even sexual going on beyond a few light pets and kisses.

"So...where exactly will we go from here?" My new, very beautiful girlfriend asked me, "I didn't exactly have time to grab my stuff from the tank train when you grabbed me and shot off, so I'll need to get new clothes, but I don't have any money to my name."

"Don't worry, as far as money goes I've got a decent amount that will last a while, both in earth nation currency and fire nation," I replied, "As for where we're going, well I've not fully decided. I've got three places I want to go to get things done, but right now only two of them will work out."

When I had acquired Beast Taming, an idea came to mind. What if..I went to the spirit world, and sought out Vaatu? If I could convince Vaatu to submit to me, I may be able to turn him into a tamed beast and get him out of his prison. Now, that wouldn't be very likely in normal circumstances, but a things are right now, Vaatu has no hope of escaping his prison without help, grand convergence or not. Because of his power and ego, Vaatu may just agree thinking that whatever power I use to get him out, he'll be able to break free of since it's just a humans power and not say, Raava's.

It was a loose idea I just wanted to try out. But here's the problem. With Vaatu under my control, I could very easily order him to merge with me, since Beast Taming gave me absolute control over anything that submitted to me that first time. I had confirmed with the game system that even Vaatu wouldn't be able to resist my orders. And as mentioned, I could then easily order him to merge with me and use the spirit portal beams that connect the worlds to fuse us together permanently, becoming the dark avatar, only unlike that troll Unalaq, I would be the one in full control.

But here's the problem. Wan could barely survive merging with the incredibly weakened version of Raava. And Vaatu is far, far more powerful. If I tried to merge with him, my soul wouldn't be strong enough, and I would die. The game system was again, very helpful in confirming that.

That meant, to fuse with Vaatu, I had to find a way to make my own soul strong enough to handle the merging. According to the game system once again, not long ago I had unlocked a few other worlds, and one of them it said, would give me a way to strengthen my soul should I go there very easily.

My plan was to get further with Ty Lee, and then ask her to come along with me. And right now, it would be the plan. I'd ask Ty Lee to come with me right now. If it weren't for the fact that...the system is now glitched because of Azula.

So the option of going to Wan Shi Tong and asking him to take me to the spirit world, since I know he is capable of doing so, he did take that professor from Ba Sing Se after all, is out of the question.

That meant, there were only two options I wanted to try for right now.

"I want to tame a beast called a Sea Serpent, they're big and strong and you can find them at the serpents pass on the way to Ba Sing Se, that's one option, we could travel to Ba Sing Se and check it out if you want," I continued, explaining, "Or, we could head to New Ozai and from there get a boat back to the Fire Nation."

"Well, I understand the first one after you showed me you taming your new pet," Ty Lee hummed, propping herself up on my chest to look me in the eye, "But why would you want to go to the Fire Nation? We're probably gonna have bounty posters soon after what we did, granted they'll take a little bit to circulate."

I grinned at her, "How would you like to meet a pair of dragons?" I asked.

Her chocolate brown eyes widened, "I thought General Iroh killed the last dragon?" she asked.

"Nope, he lied," I lifted my hand and stroked her hair, it silky smooth to the touch, "He found the last dragons, but never killed them. Instead, he learned a special type of fire bending from them. That's where I want to go, so I can learn more about fire bending from them."

"Hmm, both sound fun, I mean, how many people from the Fire Nation can say they got into Ba Sing Se?" she mused, It was interesting how she didn't even question how we'd get in, just believed me we would get in. But then again, she could probably infiltrate the place herself with how amazingly strong and talented she is, "But then, it's practically a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet a dragon."

"Hard decision right?" I grinned at her. I honestly was having a hard time in picking myself.

"Where exactly are the dragons in the Fire Nation?"she asked.

With a thought, I summoned a map I'd stolen from the governor of New Ozai, "Right here." I said, pointing to the picture of an island made out to be entirely of rocky mountain areas, to the north of the Fire Nation.

"Hey, isn't this the place where the ruins of the old sun warrior city used is?" Ty Lee asked as she studied the map, "Yeah, I'm sure of it, we learned about it in history class back at the royal academy for girls."

"That it is," I answered, "There's actually a tribe of sun warriors that live there with the two dragon fire bending masters, Ran and Shaw."

"Really!" Ty Lee clapped her hands excitedly, "Then let's go there! Just think about it, not only will we have the once of a lifetime opportunity to meet dragons, but we'll even get to see a tribe of sun warriors. They've thought to have went extinct thousands of years ago! And on top of all that, it isn't far from Ember Island, we can totally hit up the beach together."

I raised an eyebrow, "You realise if I go to the beach with you, I'm gonna end up spending most of my time beating the crap out of all the guys that try to flirt with you?" I question drily. After all, she was completely hounded by guys when she went there with Azula, Mai and Zuko. And the assholes that hung around there didn't care about hitting on a girl that was already taken, as was shown by the guys trying to flirt with Mai even with Zuko right next to her.

"I'm okay with that," she smirked back at me, "Besides, it's not like I won't have to mark my own territory either you know. Have you seen yourself when you're shirtless? You'll have girls lining up to try and get a feel of these bad boys." she trailed her hand over my chest down to my abdomen just to show what she meant.

"Alright then, New Ozai it is, then we'll head over to meet the sun warriors and once we're done we can spend some time at Ember Island." I decided.

"Sounds great," Ty Lee beamed, leaning over to press a quick peck to my lips, "This'll be so fun!"

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