
004: Genin! (edited)

-"Good job passing the first test!"-

Gaara and I looked up to see the smiling face of our Jonin sensei. 'I didn't think he would smile with gaara here but maybe seeing me and gaara playing around changed his opinion a little? Is it just a false act? I don't know yet.'

"Thanks Baki-sensei!" Gaara chirps in genuinely happy that someone is being nice to him besides me. I smile at this. Kankuro looks a little peeved that we had to run all that way in that short of an amount of time but cant do anything about it.

"Whats the next test sensei?"

"Combat. I'd like to see how good you are at fighting, if i find it satisfactory then you will officially become genin." Hearing this gaara and I take a quick look at each other. We both instantly spring up and attack our teacher.

"Hoh? Alright right into it then."

I attack Baki with a series of well placed kicks trying to catch him off guard while gaara is trying to attack with his sand. Baki pushes me back and rushes to attack Kankuro. Gaara catches my leg and throws me forward with a spinning motion to build momentum. I throw a chakra rod at him and he deflects. I try and hit him with a staff of chakra but to no avail. He throws me down and i push off my hands to try and land a quick kick to his stomach. I miss. "Tch Damn!"

I look at gaara and kankuro as gaara makes a small sandstorm to block visibility so we can fall back and make a plan.

"Alright guys, we need to make a plan. We cant defeat him on our own and we cant just outright kill him so any ideas?" For the first time since we got put on the same team i hear Kankuro's voice. "We just need to impress him with our teamwork right? My main skill is Puppet manipulation, I have a spare puppet as he broke my first puppet. This one is ranged and is meant to attack from a distance. What about you guys? Have any hidden tricks?" Kankuro knew we trained together but he never saw what we did so he was hoping we trained in a few specialty things that would help our path to genin.

"As you know, i can make these chakra rods and they will mold to whatever i want. they drain a small amount of chakra to anyone who touches them. I got it!"

"Got what?" gaara asks.

"A plan dummy, haha. We need to trap him. theres a thousand different easier ways to do this but we need to show teamwork. And soon ill be running low on chakra from using my chakra rods. They take up moderate. amounts of chakra to create, but as long as i get them back the chakra isn't spent. But in the heat of the battle i accidentally discarded my chakra rod back there and that ate a bit of chakra. Id say ive got a little more than half left. I can make a prison of chakra rod to trap him but ill need you two to lead him to me because he will probably understand what im trying to do as soon as he sees the rods come out and expand."

"Ok fair enough where should we lead him?"

"To that rock over there on the right. I just need gaara to shallowly bury me in the ground so i can breath and let my rods seep out to make the prison.

"Ok" they both reply and go off to get baki who is a little tired from constantly destroying clones that regenerate pretty much infinitely because we are surrounded by sand.

I cant see whats going on but i can hear the battle and feel the vibrations in the sand.

Gaara is currently trying to use his sand to pull baki to the rock as kankuro's puppet is attacking with ninja weapons like kunai and shuriken to lead him into the trap.

'Where is rokuro? I cant see him nor can i sense him as im not a chakra sensor.' Baki thinks to himself trying to discern my position.

I can hear the battle getting closer and closer, and the vibrations are getting more and more violent. I seep my chakra rods out under a small bit of sand. He steps right where i want him. I jump out of the sand and bind him with my rods.

"Haha sensei, looks like we have you trapped."

"Oh do you? that's nice." Baki says before turning into rock. ' a rock clone! where's the real one?' I think as I feel cold metal press against my throat. "Gotcha" he says.


"I guess this means we don't pass?" Gaara says with uncertainty in his voice.

"No, you impressed me. you pass. You're officially Genin of the Hidden sand!"

Gaara and I cheer out as we're happy to have passed. While kankuro has a small smile on his face.

--Quest complete! Become a genin!--

Your in ninja academy. Make sure you graduate and become a genin.

Rewards: Next Cheat. +5 all stats. 50,000 ryo.

Receive rewards now? y/n

I'm Super happy i passed so without giving it much thought i think 'yes' and I get the +5 all stats, 50,000 ryo, and lots of pain. "AAAAAGGGHH" I scream out and try to grab my back but i cant reach where the pain is coming from as my arms dont bend like that. This wasn't one of those heavenly tribulation pains where the cultivation mc takes a pill and sits in a tub and feels pain for the next couple hours. No, this was more realistic pain. It felt like someone cut me open, shimmied my organs around and shoved a new one in there to be with the others. And before i knew it i had a Kagune sprout out of my back.

(A.N: no he dosent have to eat humans to use and advance his kagune. He just wont have a kakuja form, as kakujas, cost cannibalism and sanity, and i dont want that.)

The pain fades and my team looks at me in horror as they were wondering what the hell is going on. Gaara is worried about me and i get a clear look at my kagune. I have two wings and a big tail, that i can feel can split into more. The wings are black and red but they can split into six wings. As for the tail its red with a grey looking armor on it and a pickaxe lookin blade at the end.

Gaara asks "Rokuro! What are those?"

"Im not sure." i lied. "Maybe a new part of my bloodline? Maybe its made out of the same stuff my chakra rods are just different colors? Ill figure out later. Right now i need sleep. i hurt alot.' My team nods and let me off to go back to the orphanage to sleep. They saw the wings and tail retract into my back and breathed a sigh of relief. At least i didnt have to walk around with those things out all the time. I reach my bed and as soon as i hit the pillow i pass out. Im exhausted.

(A.N, ill try and post the pictures here. they arent mine i just looked up online and these were the closest i could find.)


Rokuro's new stats.



(Agi) 19.9

(Dex) 13.1

(Int) 17.7




(exp) 5.0

Overall: 109.1



(Agi) 24.9

(Dex) 18.1

(Int) 22.7




(exp) 10.4

Overall: 149.5

Abilities: Highly malleably chakra rods. Cooking Kagune Chimera: Rinkaku, Ukaku.

A.N he got the .4 experience from fighting baki. otherwise it would have just been 10.0

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