
Chapter 324: Dream Versus Reality

He was staring up at an azure sky. A warm summer breeze caressed his face. He turned his head and Jackie smiled at him, her deep blue eyes sparkling.

“Where were you?” she asked.

Scott shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Well, you’re back now. That’s what counts.”

She took his hand and led him to a bed in the middle of a sun-drenched field full of flowers. The bed’s sheer white canopy billowed in the breeze. Kissing his hand, she released it, reaching up to slide first one, then the other spaghetti strap of her filmy white dress, allowing it to slide down her body and pool at her bare feet.

His gaze slid from her sapphire eyes to her succulent lips. Then it traveled over the firm globes of her breasts with their pert pink nipples, to the flair of her hips, to the junction between her thighs where tight black curls were neatly trimmed.

When he met her eyes again, she smiled knowingly and sank to her knees, bowing her head and resting her hands palms-up on her thighs.

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