
Chapter 294: Debriefing

The Lake Miranda Lodge compound was normally a quiet, serene place, the perfect setting for a leisurely stroll. Now, swarming with construction workers and heavy machinery, it was anything but peaceful.

After they’d cleaned up from breakfast, Jackie and Scott ended up walking to the end of the dock. They both kicked off their shoes and dangled their feet in the cool water.

Jackie tried to ignore the butterflies that swirled in her stomach.

“Last night was amazing,” Scott said, lightly bumping his shoulder into hers.

She nodded. “It was,” she agreed.

“I should have taken the time to ask you about your limits, though.”

Puzzled, she glanced up at him.

“You know, your hard limits, your soft limits, that kind of thing.” Beneath the surface of the water, he nudged her foot with his. “Obviously, you’re okay with straight, vaginal sex. But what about other things? Like oral?”

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