
Chapter 142: Distracted

Luke glanced at Bella seated next to him on the flight to Sardinia.  To his surprise, she was wide awake, fidgeting with her charm necklace, its new silver charm of St. James glinting in the sunlight pouring through her window.  She noticed his gaze and flashed him a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“Are you alright?” he asked.

“Yeah.  Sure.  I’m fine.  Why?  How are you?” she responded overly brightly.

“I’m good,” he said, smiling slowly.  “You just seem a little nervous or something.”

“Truthfully, my stomach still feels a little icky.  Maybe shellfish last night was a poor choice,” she said reasonably.

He wasn’t convinced, but he recalled her mad dash out for ‘girl stuff’ before they left the hotel and chalked it up to hormones, once again glad to be male.

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