
Chapter 124: So It’s Back to Birmingham

“Shit, Bubba!” Bella exclaimed.  “What do you mean the funeral is tomorrow morning at 10:00?  How did it get arranged so quickly?”

“You know Daddy,” Tre said.  “He had it planned for months.  He specifically wanted his funeral scheduled for the morning after he died.”

“Well, we’re working.  I just got back out on the road.  I can’t simply…”

Tre interrupted, “Sissy, you can be here less than twenty-four hours.  It would look bad if you didn’t come home.”

Bella couldn’t care less how it looked, but she didn’t say so.  She realized it would add to Tre’s stress and she knew that wasn’t fair.  God knows, he’d been the one who’d had to deal with their father while she’d been off pursuing her career.  “Alright, Bubba, I’ll see what we can do.  I’ll call and let you know.”  They disconnected.

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