
Chapter 73: Settling In

Bella followed Luke to the elevator without further conversation, feeling sheepish, knowing she hadn’t handled the situation professionally.  Luke generously let the matter drop, casually engaging the bellman in polite conversation.   At the door, the man paused allowing the pair to enter the suite first, bringing in their bags after them.  The decor was beautiful, all blues and creams.  The view out the window was breathtaking. 

“I’ll get my duffels.  If you could just take the lady’s things into the bedroom,” Luke said.  The bellman did as he was asked and was rewarded with a generous tip.  “Thanks so much,” Luke said before closing the door.

Bella finally spoke.  “I’m sorry I was such a dumb ass.  It seemed important at the time.  I really can be professional, I promise,” she swore.

“No worries,” Luke responded.  Heaving a large sigh, he dropped down onto the sofa across from the suite’s fireplace.  “Obviously, the bedroom is yours.  This can be my bed while we’re here.”

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