
Chapter 60: Shasta’s Day in Court

For the following hour, Shasta ignored the prosecution as they attempted to paint her as a spoiled Hollywood party girl who flagrantly ignored the law as she saw fit. They called as witnesses Rusty Davis and Rhys Cullen, the two photographers who had, in all likelihood, been responsible for the fire that had gutted Lake Miranda Lodge. They men were all too happy to describe the way Blake had threatened them with a shotgun because they’d uncovered her crime. Andre questioned them at length, poking holes in their stories.

Then it was time for Andre to call a witness for the defense. Shasta had no idea who he had and she didn’t care. She just wanted to be done with the whole thing. Maybe she’d just serve whatever time the judge decided and then put the whole thing behind her.

“The defense calls Blake Walker to the stand.”

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