Dammit Nola, why didn't you take that note with you? Why did you just left it on the ground? Now look at the position you put me in. I can't let the know I'm hanging out with her.
"Rudy, what's going on?" asks Marcus.
"What do you mean?" I tell him. "You don't seriously think I'm going out with that dork, do you?"
"Then explain why you were defending her," says Britney.
"As I told you guys, I'm now fighting against the bullies, not joining them, okay? Let the geeks and freaks hang out. Why should we even bother with them."
"No, Rudy," says Christopher, "you're not doing anything like that. You seem to be just fine just letting us hassle the freaks. Except for that girl, that is."
"Come clean, Rudy," says Marcus. "Is it really that dork? Come on. We won't make fun of you and we'll leave her alone. So come on, and confess." Get that s**t eating grin off your face, Marcus. You know damn well if I confess, my reputation is over.
"What do I have to prove that I'm not seeing that geek?"
"Show us your phone. Let us see who you've been chatting with."
"We have to go that far?"
"Give it up, Roooooooooooooooooooooodie. Give us the phone so we can see for ourselves."
"Alright fine." I go to my duffel bag and take out my phone. I unlock it and pass it to Marcus.
"He's a friend of mine. He's from Pakistan, I think."
"Why are you chatting with this guy all the time?"
"I told you, I need to get my grades up, and he's helping me with my homework. He's just a tutor."
"Then why didn't you say so?"
"Because you just called me an idiot. You wouldn't believe me anyways."
"I still don't!" says Britney. "That could be her. Nuuuuuuuuuuuula, sounds like the fakest name ever. Call the number, Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrcus!"
"Don't listen to her," I say. "It's more of her bulls**t. Give my my phone back." I head over to get my phone but Marcus tosses it to Christopher. He puts it on speaker phone. I hear it dialing. I try to get it back but all three are playing hot potato with my phone. "Stop playing around and give me my phone!"
*click* "Hello?"
Marcus has my phone, "Yo, is this Nula?"
"Yes. How may I help you?"
Well, I guess she does kind of sound like a guy, and I'm sure they won't be able to tell it's a fake accent. Aw jeez, maybe I should've told her to just not answer the phone.
"Are you tutoring Rudy?"
"Oh yes. We are meeting after school to help him with his and my homework."
"Really? Is he seeing a girl?"
"Not that I know of."
"I see. Alright, see ya." He hangs up the phone and tosses it back to me. "Alright, your story checks out."
"No it doesn't!" says Britney. "That was a girl pretending to be a guy. This was all staged."
"Forget it Britney," Christopher defends me. "We were all too caught up in this but that proves it."
"No it doesn't. Let's go meet this Nula guy."
"Naw," said Marcus, "we're good. Sorry Rudy that we didn't believe you."
"Yeah, well..." Britney turns around and goes back to her business, which she should've just done in the first place.
All the guys are now laughing as Christopher comments, "Rudy and a dork. I can't believe we actually thought that was the case."
"Yeah," said Marcus. "I mean, those freaks man. I mean, that girl who was here a week ago. She was so weird. No way Rudy would even touch a girl like that."
"Come on guys," I say, "let's forget about her already and get back to practice."
At this time, someone else just entered the gym.
"Yo guys. Sorry I'm late."
"What's up, Rico?" welcomes Marcus. "No man, you're right in time. Well, actually, you missed quite a show. We were accusing of Rudy of dating that girl who was on those bleachers last week."
"No way. Rudy and the bathroom girl?"
"Bathroom girl?"
What the hell is Rico saying?
"I heard a rumor about that girl. I heard she took a piss on the bathroom floor. The girl's bathroom that is. You heard that there was a puddle of piss like a week ago, right?"
"Was it really that girl?"
"Yeah. I mean, I've been looking into her. I heard that she goes in with a boy because she's too afraid to go by herself."
"You serious?"
"I can't confirm it, but I heard that she sometimes goes without warning, so she brings an extra pair of panties with her."
Then Christopher says, "These sounds like stupid rumors that Brit would spread."
"Well here's the thing, I've been following her. This girl really is a freak. She won't go into a busy bathroom, and will only leave if she's the only one in there. In fact, I swear she went into a bathroom with a guy. I couldn't tell who it was but he looked familiar. I even heard that she lets him watch as she takes a piss or is s****ing, I also saw that she goes into the back of the school, you know, behind that building with nasty crap and garbage? Even earlier, I followed her and saw her run into a sewer. I'm not kidding. This girls is disgusting."
"Dude, we need to see that!"' replies Christopher.
"Yeah," says Marcus, "I got to see this for myself."
"I finally got my phone's camera fixed. I'm going to record all the nasty s**t she does and upload it on YouTube. I'm starting to understand her patterns. Man, this girl is something else. I heard a rumor that she also likes to play with her own s**t and will poke people in the butt like a little kid. She's a freak, man. And I'm going to let everyone know. Then we'll-"
[Picture ->]
My fist rams against his face. It just sort of happened. Even though it lasted for less than a second, I can't remember it at all. I went blank that instant and when I came to, Rico was on the ground. The guys are all staring at me with shock.
"Uhh... I told you guys... I'm fighting the bullies. Leave the freaks alone, okay? In fact, I'm going home now."
I'm not even going to change. I just get my bag and head to my car.
I've never defended my friends. Never once stood up to them. I mean, they're tall and strong, right? I don't need to. So this won't matter. They'll just think I'm messing around... I hope.
But... are they even my friends? I don't recall actually hanging out with them, I just play basketball with them. I don't think I've ever hanged out with anyone actually. But it's because I don't like how the think they're better than anyone else. I don't blame them, we are better than everyone else. We're stars in the basketball team, we can get all the girls. We're so damn popular, we can do whatever we want. Even the teachers sometimes turn a blind eye.
But... we? No girl likes me anymore. That 'rumor' of me, it's affecting my social standing with them. The whole teacher thing, that's not true. I got in trouble earlier and they're serious about my grades. No, we're just in a bubble. This whole clique, this popularity, my reputation, it means nothing after we graduate. It's all temporary. What's the point?
In the end, I have no friends. No one likes me. The only people who like me are the bad crowd. I don't want to be like them. But... don't I have anyone who does like me, and it's because I pushed them all away, didn't I?
The only one I ever liked is gone and she was a bad influence.
I'm thinking all this as I drive down the street, a girl is in my peripheral vision. It's Heather! I park the car and get off.
"Rudy?" she asks.
"Heather, give me a hug!"
"No way."
"I just want a hug. A quick one. Just a tiny one."
"No, Rudy. You're acting crazy again."
"I just want to confirm our friendship."
"Yeah... I don't think I want to be your friend until you seek help, okay?"
I'm certain that was an insult, but I quickly get in my car and drive back to school. I head on over to the third floor of the main building and go into the psychiatrist office.
"Rudy, where have you been?" says the doctor.
"Give me a hug!"
"I beg your pardon?"
"Give me a hug!"
"Rudy, sit down."
"Aren't you going to give me a hug? You care about me, right?"
"I care about fixing your problem."
"But what about me?"
"Rudy, what are you up to?"
"I want a hug! Give me a hug!"
"Rudy, this behavior is making me uncomfortable. Please refrain yourself and sit down."
"Forget you then!"
I bolt out of there, get in my car, and drive home.
"Mom! Where are you?"
"I'm right here."
"Give me a hug!"
"Not this again."
"I want a hug!"
"Rudy, knock it off. I apologized to you earlier. Isn't that enough?"
"No mom... I love you!"
"I thought I told you not to-"
"Mom! I love you! Give me a hug!"
"No, son. I don't want to. I'm sorry but... I have no love for you!"
"Mom, just give me one hug and I will never ask anything of you ever again."
"No. You're filthy, okay? I don't care if you shower. That's not... I just don't... please, leave me alone." And she leaves.
Did I screw up my life? Am I really such a freak that no one wants to give me one hug?
I'm just walking alone in the sidewalk. What the hell happened to me? How did I turn out this way? I want... someone to love me. Just one person... please?
Whose that running up to me?
"Rudy, it's you. Oh, wait, you don't want to be seen in public with me. I know, you have a reputation and-"
"Hey... are you okay? What wrong?"
"Nola.... give me a hug..."
[picture ->]
Without saying anything, she walks up to me, and hugged me. Without any question, even after all I said about her, she was the only one to give me a hug. My first hug if I can recall. The only thing I simply wanted from someone else.
I wrap my arms around her and hold on to her too. I fee like... I never want to let go.
Shen then gives me a few pats on the butt. Okay, that kind of ruined the mood, so I let go.
She lets go as well and starts giggling. She then turns around and bends a bit. Aw jeez, we're in public. Well, nobody's around... I hope.
I give her a few and she hops away, giggling some more. Looks like I finally do them correctly.
"Nola... you have a flat ass."
"You need to work on your glutes. In fact, you need to work out in general. You're so thin, you need to go on a diet to get some muscle in your bones. Grow your hair longer too. That hair cut makes you look ridiculous. You need to stop acting like a kid too. You're 17, you need to start acting more like an adult already."
"I'm not saying these things to be mean. I'm saying these things because I care about you, okay? I care about you. Just now, the guys were insulting you and I socked one of them in the face, because I care about you, but I can't defend you when they have plenty of dirt against you. You need to improve yourself, get healthier, improve your social standing. Then I can... then I can..."
"Then I can tell them... you're my girlfriend."
I didn't even ask for her opinion. I didn't even bother to ask how she felt about me. I'm sure she doesn't like me that way, she said so herself earlier. But I figured... well...
What the...? Did she... just piss herself?