
Let’s take it back before the shock of the nation was witnessed and let us see what was going on before. Time for another warning to my readers!

Warning: You know the drill by now.

== Earlier that day==

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Mrs Peeper is knocking on my door again.

"Nola, honey, you have to go to school."

"No," I tell her, "I'm being attacked by bullies."

"I told you that Heather will protect you."

"I don't like Heather. I just want to stay in my room until time for graduation."

"You're not going to graduate unless you go to school."

"I wasn't going to gradaute anyways with my grades, and so what if I did. I can't do anything. I'll just stay here for the rest of my life. All I have us this pair of underwear to remind me of Elon."

"Nola." Wait, that wasn't Mrs. Peeper. That was... I quickly get off my bed and open the door.


"I convinced him," Mrs. Peeper says. "He'll escort you to school again."

"Elon, does this mean you will hang out with me again?"

"Yeah," he says, "but we still can't touch."

"Okay, fine!" At this point, I'm desperate to be with Elon once again. I'll do anything he asks me. I just want to be next to him again. I missed him so much.

"But there's one condition. You got to hang out with Heather too. She's your friend now, Nola. I don't want you to say that she's not your friend anymore. Put your trust in her more than in mine."

"Okay, I'll do it for you."

"I would rather you do it for yourself."

"Okay, okay," Mrs. Peeper says. "Time for you two to go to school now. Use the bathroom and be on your way."

So throughout the day, Elon has been by my side. We walked to school instead of using his car and we even hung out before and between classes. I miss this, having him next to me, talking to him, having a good time. All that's missing are the hugs. I want to kiss him again. I want to pat his butt just like old times. Is that never coming back? But so far, this is okay.

During recess, we sit at a bench with no one around. We start to talk again. I felt like I haven't laughed in a long while. I miss this feeling. But then he switches the conversation to Heather. MMmmmmm....

"So you've been practicing soccer with Heather."

"I don't want to talk about Heather. Let's talk about something else."

"Nola, don't bad talk about Heather. I told you."

"But why her? I don't like her. Why can't you come back to me?"

"Why don't you like me?"

"Because you dated Elon and touched him and stuff and I told you that you have to get my permission to- HEATHER!"

She appeared out of nowhere! How rude of her! She should've given me warning so I could run away from her.

"I didn't touch Elon during our date."

"Yes you did. I swear, I swear, you touched him inappropriately. I'm sure you held hands during your date."

"And you compare that to what you did to him?"

"That was me being naive and innocent."

"Really now? Well, I don't like how close you are to Elon right now."

"We're not that close. See, there's plenty of space between us."

"Okay." And she sits down between us! No, don't!

"You're right, Nola. There was plenty of space."

"Hey, you're sitting next to him."

"And I'm sitting next to you."

"But I can't sit next to Elon so it's not fair you can sit next to him."

"What are you complaining about when you literally go to the toilet with him every day."

"Yeah, that's right, so you better not get any ideas and have him follow you. I won't allow it."

"Hmm... well... what if I do want to go in and he says yes?"

"No, he won't! I won't give him permission! That is our precious bathroom time together. Don't you dare go inside with him!"

"That's not up to you. It's up to him. I'll let him peep all day long."

"Well I let him peep and touch! How about that?'

"I'll let him peep, touch, and even give him a kiss afterwards."

"Well I'll let him peep, touch, kiss him, and give him my precious butt pats!"

"Well, I'll let him peep, touch-"

"I'm right here you know," said Elon.

Recess ended, we all ended up splitting up to go to our classes. In history class, I scoot my desk to the corner and of course the stupid teachers yell at me to go back. Whatever. I have Elon to look forward to now. I don't need anyone but him. I don't care what I have to do, I'll follow him to college for sure, even if it means sneaking into his dorm room and living in the closet without him knowing it. Ah, but he needs to take me to the toilet as well. Then I'll just hold it in until he's asleep and then he can sleepwalk with me at night. Yeah, that might work.

Lunch time comes and I got to use the toilet. I call Elon but he insists on Heather coming with me instead.

"But I thought we made up!" I tell him on the phone.

"The situation hasn't changed. Heather takes you to the toilet and you try your best to go by yourself. I'm only a last resort."

"Heather may try to peep this time. I'm telling you, she is one of those gay-lesbian-homosexuals."

"I think just saying lesbian will do, and she won't walk in on you. You got to trust her."

"Well, how about I go by myself without her?"

"That would be ideal. That's the whole point actually."

"So if I go by myself, then you will come sooner?"

"Alright. If you go by yourself, then I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Yes, please."

"But how will I know you are not lying?"

"I'll record myself on my phone and then give you the evidence."

"Uhh... no, that's not necessary."

"Well I insist. I'll even throw in footage of me in the shower as a bonus."

"I think I'm going to trust you, okay, but you better be trying in there."

"Yes, I will!" And I hang up. I head over to a bathroom in building 4. This one is far away so it's not being used during lunch. I go to a stall and do my business, or at least try. I am really trying. Elon thinks I'm lying, but I am trying, okay? I do the therapy and the massages. I'm really trying, but nothing is happening.




Except that maybe I'm not. It's no use. I have to confess my feelings for him. The doctor, Elon, Heather, Mrs. Peeper, the crazy homeless man outside our building, everyone is saying that I should confess to him so I can finally move on with my life. I got no choice, huh?

Ten minutes pass and I finally call Elon. I get this tingly feeling every time Elon comes. I just love him so much. I don't want this feeling to ever go away.

I hear the door knock.

"It's empty!" I yell and I hear the door open. The stalls open and it's him. He closes the door and turns around.

"Elon, before you put on your earphones, I need to tell you something."

"Tell me afterwards."

"No, I need to tell you right now."

"It can wait, Nola. Just go already."

"No, I need to tell you right now! It's now or never!"

"Nola, sit down!"

"No I won't! I need to tell you something right now. It's really important."

"At least pull up your underwear!"

Suddenly I hear a boom! It was so loud, it scared us!


Oh no! It's the monster! I'm so scared. I quickly hug Elon! I don't care if he's disgusted, I need him right now! No, don't push me away, Elon! I won't let go!

The door suddenly opens! It's that guy... and Heather too? I knew it!

No wait, I'm hugging Elon with my panties hanging down my legs... and I accidentally went on the spot.


The guy runs off and Heather chases after him. I let go of Elon, full of embarrassment.

He goes to his backpack and changes pants. Yeah, this is common enough for him to need an extra pair for moments like this.

No, this has to stop! Elon can't live like this anymore. I have to do the right thing.

I'm still in the stall as I say, "Elon..." but he's not paying attention. He's now put on a fresh pair and is washing his hands. "Elon, I have to tell you something." He's just ignoring me as he's now drying his hands with a paper towel as he takes his leave.

"Elon!" I shout. "Elon! I'm in love you!" But he already stepped outside. I finish my business, go to my bag, and pull out an extra pair of panties that I have. After I replace them and wash my hands, I step outside in the hopes of chasing after him, and he was standing outside, waiting for me. He looks at me with a deep look in his eyes.

I don't want to do this... but I have to.

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