
No, no, no. Rudy is not losing his marbles and is commiting predatory practices with a vulnerable girl. He just wants her urine. Honest.

Like always, I pick up Nola from her apartment building and take her home. She doesn't want to talk right now probably due to the ultimatum I gave her yesterday. I told her to confess to Elon in a week's time. I didn't have to tell her about any potential penalty, she just agreed to it. So looks like she's finally thinking about this seriously. The time for her to face her problems has truly begun. I better be ready to be there for her when it happens. She's going to be devastated, I just know it.

We arrive at the school. I wave at her but she doesn't respond. She just heads to her "secret spot", which is the electric generator area. Only authorized workers are allowed in there, not even teachers can enter, but if it gives her peace of mind, I guess it's okay. Besides, only the small entrance between the outside and the actual generators is available to her. I guess as long as she sits in that area, it's not too bad.

I walk towards the main building to meet up with my friends. Wait, whose that behind the pillar?

Rudy? Is that him? He's now walking away into the building. Did he saw me drop off Nola? Did he notice where she was heading. I better check on him. I run towards the building but he's nowhere to be seen. Damn, where did he go? That's the only spot Nola can hide from him. If he really knows about it, he's going to corner her. I better notify Nola about it.

I sent her a text message warning her about it. She responds with 'k'. Okay, she'll be on alert. I better look for Rudy now.

I go to the gym and sports area, but he's nowhere to be seen. There's Rico though. I better ask him.

"What's up, Heather?"

"I'm looking for Rudy."

"He's not here yet. In fact, he hasn't been coming in the mornings for some time."

"This is a bit of an emergency. I need to speak to him. Are you going to be here during recess?"

"No. I'm going to hang out with my friends in the main area. But I think he'll be here by then for sure."

"Okay, then. Thanks," and I walk away. I guess I have no choice. I'll have to wait till recess.

After going through my morning classes, recess comes. I head to the sports area and he's still not here. Not in the basketball court, not the football field, not in the gym. Where is that guy?

== Rudy POV ==

"Doctor, you got to cure me!"

"I'm glad you are realizing this problem, Rudy. This is the first step towards recovery."

"Well, do it now! I'm going crazy! This is leading me to a dangerous path! Either you cure me, or I get the answers I want."

"'Cure' may not be the best term you should use. This is going to be an ongoing process that may take years to finally subside."

"But I can't wait that long. I need to get this off my system. I'm going insane here."

"I'm sorry but my skills are limited. You need to see a professional psychiatrist in order to fully begin this process."

I get up from the couch and turn around in frustration. "But I still think that my problem is just that I'm just curious. I just want an answer to what Elon and Nola were doing in that bathroom. That's all I want. I don't care what happened in there, I just want to know."

"Even knowing is dangerous. Whatever the answer could possibly be, it will not stop this infatuation you have. You are still going to derive pleasure from bodily waste."

I turn around and face her, "Well... is it that bad?"

"Yes, Rudy, it is."

"But I looked online and see that people are doing fine, enjoying themselves. Just living their life."

"No, Rudy. Don't look up that kind of information. It's giving you false hope."

"But why not?"

"Because those people have problems themselves. This is not healthy, not at all."

"But they seem to be doing fine. Some are even married."

"Don't be influenced by them. This is no different than someone addicted to drugs or alcohol. This is dangerous."

"That's a bit extreme of an example."

"My point is that you are being influenced by the wrong people. Don't look them up anymore. Use that time and energy to seek free consultations and take notes."

"I don't like these professionals. They talk down on me, like I'm some kind of freak."

"They are trying to help you. You have to listen to them."

"But can't they be more compassionate."

"I guess, but they know more than you. Don't dismiss them just because you don't like what they are saying." At this time, the bell rings. "Go to class now, Mr. Bashaface," and I step out.

Stupid doctors. They're all the same! They just don't understand what I'm going through. Nobody does, and I can't tell anyone either. But I don't want to. I don't want to play with piss or s**t, I just want answers to what those two were doing in the bathroom. Only that. Why is everyone making a big deal out of it? Just answer me!

I go to class but I can't stop thinking about this. Well, I've never actually thought about anything else, and classes are boring, but now more than ever, I can't stop.

Lunch time arrives. I get my meal from the cafeteria and chow down. But now what? I usually head straight to the ball court, but lately I've been searching high and low for that girl.

I'm so close now. I've never breathed so heavily outside of a game.

This morning, I hid behind the large pillar in the entrance and saw them. Heather dropped her off and I noticed Nola heading to the west.

I've checked the west side before and there's nothing there. It's mostly teacher stuff. But that could be why I can't find her. She's hiding in an unauthorized area. It must be. There's only so many places a student would want to go in this school, she's probably hiding in an area we have no business in.

But I shouldn't... Oh, but I want too....

No, I don't want to... I can't... it's about piss... disgusting. Piss... all over my face... no more.... no...

I don't want... anyone... to piss on me...


I run over to the west side of the building. There's not much here, just offices. It's practically empty with only a few teachers, and even fewer students. Where is that girl?

I continue looking around and... I find her.

She's behind a chain link fence. There's a triangle sign in front of the entrance gate with a lightning bolt. It says, 'Danger: High Voltage'. No wonder I couldn't find her. This is where she's been hiding.

I'm going in.

There was no lock on the gate so I just open it. She notices me! She looks like a mouse who just saw a cat, and is even standing like one with her hands close to chest. I better approach her slowly.

"Nola." She's shaking. She's really scared. I better be gentle to make sure she isn't afraid of me. "I'm not a bully, I just want answers." She's looks like she's about to run off. I better get to the point. "Listen, I know about you and Elon. I know about the bathroom incident that happened in elementary school. Nola, please, tell me what happened in that bathroom."

She gets up and starts running. She's heading for the exit but I grab her and hold on tight. Ewww, she's so thin. It's like handling a corpse.

She starts to scream! "AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! BAD MAN! BAD MAN!" I cover her mouth to silence her.

"Nola, listen to me. I'm not a bully. I'm not going to hurt you. Please, just tell me! Answer me! What were you and Elon doing in the girl's bathroom together when you were in-"

[Picture ->]

AGH! I felt a strong painful force on my side that caused me to fall into the ground. It was Heather and her Trebuchet of a leg! She got me right in the ribs.

"RUDY!" she yells. "What are you doing!?"

I get up and try to chase after Nola who has run off, but Heather gets in front of me. "Out of my way! I need to-"

"Ask her about the bathroom incident, right? That's what you want?"

"You know?"

"Elon told me. He told me you are harassing him about an incident in elementary school between them in the bathroom."

"Tell me! Tell me what did they do!"

"No, Rudy! Enough is enough! You have a problem!"

"I only want answers, okay?"

"No, you got some kind of bathroom fetish. You seem excited about Nola covered in pee. This also explains why you tried to force me into the girl's bathroom and tried to shove your finger up my butthole. You need help!"

Dammit, she's right. This has gone for too long. Maybe I needed someone to tell me this but everyone was too afraid to. Maybe Heather is the only one brave enough to tell me. Maybe this is what I needed to hear.

Naw, she's just being a hater. I toss her aside and run after Nola, but it's too late, she's gone.

"Hey!" someone shouts. Damn, it's a teacher. "What were you doing in that area?"

"Did you see a girl run by here?" I ask.

"Answer my question."

"I need to know if you saw a girl run pass here."

"Rudy!" Heather catches up to me.

"You two," the teacher says, "come with me."


So apparently the images are taking an hour to make and I can't afford to waste so much time on them. Each chapter takes an hour and I can't afford to waste another one on the illustrations themselves. I will have to simplify them from now on as I want to spend more time on my other story that requires a lot more of my attention.


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