
The soccer game is heating up as Rudy continues to lose his marbles. Laugh at how I probably get basic rules of soccer wrong.

These guys are tough enough that I just had to clear my head for a minute. Right now Heather is holding it down while I watch, trying to figure out what to do. But I can't concentrate. I can't believe I messed that up. I can't be that bad, can I? Whatever the case, I can't afford to mess up again. I gotta score at least once.

I gotta look good for the girls. At least my fangirls support me. Too bad I broke up with all three of them. They're not really my type, but I had fun with them while I could.


Elon's here. I didn't notice him, I thought he left. He's not into sports so why is he... oh wait, Heather. He's here for her. So does that mean they are dating? Or is he just a friend? I don't know. Maybe he's just here to cheer for her. Well, that would be the case if he did actually cheer. Look at him, he's just sitting there with a dead expression on his face. Come on, emote or something. Why do you always look like you died but forgot to actually drop dead?





Don't look. Just don't look.




I look up at the top corner of the far right bleachers. She's still there. But what's the point of me looking? I can't make her out from here. Hell, there's no reason to concern myself with her either.


Is she looking my way? No, she's looking... at Elon. Oh yeah, Elon said they're close and stuff, but how close? There was that bathroom thing, but you'd figure he'd never want to do anything with her after that. I mean, she was covered in urine at that time. But... was he too? He was in there. I didn't notice him, I was just transfixed on her. I mean, jeez, what did you do in there to end up being covered in piss?

Are they still close after that? Are these two the biggest losers that they only have each other? If so, why is she up there instead of next to him? Did they get in a fight or something?

I think she's looking at him. I think she's fiddling her fingers on the bleachers. She's looking away now. She's looking back at him. Now she's twiddling her fingers.

She's still fiddling her fingers. What are you doing?


What? What happened? They scored a goal! Damn, it's 0 - 1 now. We're a point behind.

I get up and go to the coach, "put me back in."

"Have you recuperated?"

"Yeah, yeah. Put me in again."

I'm back in the field. We're behind by one point. I gotta score one, maybe two. I got to redeem myself.

The game continues and I'm on pure adrenaline. The opponent gets the ball and I got at him like a freaking lion. I must have intimidated him because he seemed to have frozen in place. I kick the ball away from him and it goes flying to the other side. Ah, damn, someone intercepted it. I run towards him and he comes charging at me.

I approach him directly but he passes the ball. I anticipated this as I intercept it. I run like the freaking wind and two Bullton's try to get me from the front. I kick and the ball zooms past them and another player catches it with her chest. She runs quickly but gets overwhelmed. She passes it straight to Heather and she receives it. As fast as lightning, she runs the full distance to the goal. She kicks it as hard as she can but the goalie blocks it again!

Damn it, that fat-ass and his girth. I swear he's wide enough to cover 30% percent of the goal opening. It was all fun and games, watching him waddle left and right, but now I'm pissed. Yeah, that's right. This guy is so fat, he has to waddle like a freaking penguin. He he. It's still funny actually.

Wait a minute. That waddle is actually quite slow.


The game continues, I work my ass off to get the ball and shoot it on the far right or left of the goal. I mostly hit the frame of the goal, and sometimes he waddles his way to block it. Over and over, I get the ball and I keep aiming for both the left or the right, making him get used to it.

This did not go unnoticed by the team captain. She comes up to me and asks, "Rudy, I'm noticing your shots are constantly hitting the sides of the goal."

"Yeah, exactly. I'm going to get this guy used to this and use it against him."

"What are you talking about?"

"That goalie is too huge, nothing goes through him, but he's so slow. I'm going to get him used to seeing me hit the sides of the goal, and then pull a switcheroo and aim for the other side."

Whether she got it or not, I could not tell, but she allows me to continue.

Aw man, I did this so much, there's isn't much time left. There's only a few minutes on the clock.

The game continues. The next opportunity that I get the ball, I do the same thing. I aim for the far left and, yes, he fell for it. He's waddling to the far left too. I kick it, but it gets intercepted. Damn! I wasn't paying attention. Alright, I gotta be attentive. There's not much time left. I got to score 2 goals.

The game goes on, Heather has the ball, she passes it to me and I run for it. Opponents all around me but I burst through with all my energy. Oh man, this is going to hurt later on, but this is my chance. I give it everything I got. I go to the far left again and sure enough, he waddles his way there. I kick it and target the right side. Yes, It's heading over there. He can't do anything about it. He tries to jump but he's too heavy and falls on his chubby face. This is it!


IT GOES IN! Just in time for the game to end! Damn, I wish I figured this out sooner. But, it doesn't matter. The game is extended anyways since we each have a point.

So the score is... 0 - 1? What? Bullton is celebrating! What the hell?

I run up to the referee, "What the hell is this? You saw me score!"

"The ball didn't go in when the time ran down."

"Are you crazy? The ball was in the goal when you blew the whistle."

"But the ball didn't go in when the timer reached 0, so it doesn't count."

"What the f**k man? What's with these stupid technicalities? The game is not over until you blow the whistle."

"Don't threaten me, young man, or you will be reported for misconduct."

"Then change the score to what its supposed to be!"

The team captain suddenly appears, "What is going on? We scored that last point!"

"You did not. The ball did not reach the goal when the timer reached 0."

"Yes it was. I saw it myself. That's a point!"

"You two better stop fighting me or I'm reporting you."

"Are you crazy?" I shout. "We made that goal!"

I kept arguing and arguing but I was getting all heated up so they pulled me away. The coach is now talking to them.

What the hell was that? I clearly made that goal. They better fix this!

[Picture ->]

The evening is approaching now. Everyone is leaving and both the coach and the referee are still arguing about, but they went to their office. That referee ain't gonna win. That was a goal for sure. He's reasoning is b******t.

Whatever. I'm tired. I sit on the bench, watching all the others just talking among themselves in the distance. I should too... but I don't want to. I'm fine by myself. Besides, they think I'm a bully, even though I'm not.

Oh, look, Elon has finally moved, talking to Heather, laughing. So you're not dead, huh? Whatever, he doesn't care about sports anyways.

Him and Heather, being an item. Yeah right. I know she makes friends with the weirdos, but even Heather has better standards.

But then again... he did say he got some girlfriends before. Pfft. He's lying. A dork like him can get girls. I'm a pretty good looking guy, tall, athletic, and even I have trouble getting dates at times. I mean, in the past year, only like 4 girls asked me out. Well, maybe I myself should ask them out... Maybe I should learn how to ask them first.

I'm just...




Wait... whose that next to him? I look at the top right corner of the bleachers. She's not there.

Oh... that's her! She's on the ground!

But I don't care. Why should I care? I don't. I don't care about her or Elon or the girl's bathroom or golden showers. I don't care about that.

Ugh. Jeez.

But my curiosity won't be satisfied unless I get some answers. How long? A decade, maybe? I don't know.

I need to know. I need to know.

No I don't. I don't. Just get out of here. Just walk away.

But Heather! I told her yesterday about him tutoring me. She's probably going to tell him! She's kind of a goof who would delight in this kind of gossip. Maybe, just maybe, I should talk to her right now. Yeah.

I get up from the bench and I start walking towards her. Yeah, her, only her. Only Heather. I don't care about Elon or Nola, I only want to talk to Heater. Yeah. It's just that Nola is close by, so it's all a coincidence. I was going to talk to Heather anyways whether she was there or not. Yeah, I'm going with that.

I'm getting closer. And closer. And closer.




What the f-? What in hell? Is that Nola? Ugh. Nola, is that really you? Look at you! You haven't changed a bit! Look at that awful bowl cut of yours! Does your mom still cut your hair? You're so freaking thin. I could snap your arms without trying. Is she anxious? Look at her face. Looks like she's constipated. And that smell. Ugh. I have to cover my nose. You still smell like urine! Really, Nola? I can smell it all the way from here... at... 20 feet? And Heather is not offended by it... what?

Hey, they're leaving, wait Nola! No, what am I doing? Why am I chasing them?

UGH! What do I do? I need answers. Give me answers! ARGH! Tell me! Elon! Nola! Tell me, what did you do in there!? What did you do in the girl's bathroom?

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