
Nola uses the bathroom with Heather, but she still can’t go without Elon. True friendship is going to the bathroom together… maybe.

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I'm back to eating alone again. I miss summer break already. I could have lunch and dinner with Elon, but now he can't hang out with me because he wants to be with his friends. Well, actually, he said I could hang out with him if I wanted to.

"Nola, if you want to hang out with my friends, that's fine."

"No... I don't want to be a bother."

"Come on, Nola. It'll help you with your social anxiety."

".... no, I don't want to."

I just couldn't say yes. I don't know why. I just want to eat with Elon alone. I guess I should try to be more social... but... I need to fix my bathroom problem first.

Speaking of which, I better pee now before classes starts. The bathrooms in the east are empty. There's not much activity going on there during lunch, so this is my chance. I text Elon to meet me there.

So I arrive at the bathroom and am waiting outside for Elon. Oh no, it's that Heather girl coming over here. No, don't worry, she's probably going to one of the classes here. If she was going to the bathroom, she'd used one close to the main buildings.

"Hey, Nola," she spots me.

"Hi, Heather."

"You ready?"


"Elon texted me. You need to go to the bathroom right?"



Oh no... don't tell me...

"What do you mean? I'm waiting for Elon."

"He's not coming. He told me to take you instead."

"What? Why? I thought I told you only Elon can make me go."

"Have you forgotten? You got to go by yourself and Elon shouldn't go to the girl's bathroom anymore. Besides, It's more natural if I'm there with you."

"With me? No, only Elon can go with to the bath-"

She puts her hand on my mouth, "You want the whole school to find out?"

Mmm.... she's right. I got too excited. I should be thankful this place is deserted during lunch time. We just go inside to continue talking.

"Listen," I tell her, "I still need Elon, okay? You can't make me go, nobody can."

"But you are trying, right?"

"Yes, I'm trying, but I'm going to need more time."

"Then try right now."

She's not going to leave, is she? But I do need to go by myself, don't I? I promised Elon too.

"Okay, but you wait outside the stall. I don't want you peeping."

"Alright, fine."

So I go into the stall. I hate public toilets. They feel so nasty. I guess this bathroom is clean enough.

So I sit on the toilet and... wait, I guess. I'm suppose to do some of the therapy right now, but so far nothing is happening. What am I doing wrong? It just won't come out. Well, I'm not desperate to go right now, but if I don't go, I'm going to need to during classes.

I continue to sit there, just... waiting I guess.

I wonder what that Heather girl is doing. I can barely see her shoes from the bottom of the stall. Maybe she's on the phone with her friends? Or maybe talking to Elon. Maybe I can talk to him to right now. No, he said I'm not allowed to call him to chat. I can only text him that I can't go and he should come. But I bet Heather now has that job. Mmmmmm....

Wait, someone came in. A few people came in.

"Heather!" I hear one say.

"Hey, Lily, how's it going?"

"Nothing much? So you're here because of the other bathrooms too, huh?"

"What happened?"

"All the other bathrooms are out of service. Something happened that they shut them down, but the staff said that this bathroom is the only one open."

"You mean this bathroom is the only one available in the whole school?"


Every other bathroom is not available? Does that mean that... oh no, I hear more people coming in. I hear so many footsteps and girls talking. There must be like 10 girls in here now.

Heather is coming into the stall! I quickly cover my... uhh... crevice of joy and creation, as Mrs. Peeper would say. Heather isn't turning around as she's facing away from me but she's moving closer. What are you doing, you perv? Get away from me. Now she's pulling her phone out points at me! Ew no! I knew it! You really want to peep and embarrass me! How could you!? Elon, save me!


Wait, she's showing me a message on the phone.

Don't worry, I got this.


She steps out of the stall.

"Listen," I hear her say, "my cousin is in there and she's sick. She feels like throwing up. After we're done here, I'll take her to the infirmary, so please don't bother her."

I don't hear anything else but I see Heather's shoes are facing away from me outside the stall. She must be leaning against the door. Is she... guarding my stall?

So I'm just sitting here now, surrounded by 4 walls, as girls keep coming in to use the bathroom. Some are just chatting away on the sink while others are in the stalls next to me. This goes on until the warning bell rings. Everyone starts heading off to class.

A few moments pass, and I'm still sitting here. The stall door opens. Ah!


"Shh... " he hushes me. "There's not much time. Go."

And I do so.

Once the toilet flushes, he immediately leaves. I wash my hands along and along with Heather we step out of the bathroom. She heads over to her classes while waving at me. I wave back and head to my next class.

I could not thank her properly as I didn't see her again for the rest of the day. She was probably with her friends. I sent her a thank you text and she responds with a winking emoji.






Friends, huh?

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