
Nola is a saint and an angel. All of you are just haters picking on her and talking behind her back. Elon, just confess you are gay already.

School is about to start in a few weeks. I'll be entering the second semester but I'm a long way before graduation and college. I'm still escorting Nola to the toilet as we still haven't figured out how to keep her muscles from clamping up. Well, an alternative mothod that is. I'm never going to fall in love with her. After everything I've been through, love interest is not something I identify myself with her.

In either case, we're both going to therapy at separate times to encourage her to stop depending on me. I guess I'm doing well but she is putting up resistance. But she knows she has to go through it. Once I'm out of here, I'm not coming back for her. She'll truly be on her own.

I'm at the school psychiatrist's office once more.

"How are you today, Mr. Peeper?"

"Okay, I guess."

"I hope Nola is doing well."

"Not really. She's still being difficult, still can't go without me, and continues to deny her feelings for me."

"But you are being firm with her, right? You are reminding her that she has to go through this."

"Of course. Every moment I can."

"Good. The bare minimum I expect of her is to at least continue with the therapy. Elon, make sure she does those exercises and massages."

"How do I do that?"

"Make sure she keeps a log and you keep track of it. Be sure to check on her from time to time for the exercises. Remind her the importance of the massages. Do not inspect her during this as those massages are ineffectual with you there."


"Honestly, that girl is quite a project."

"Doctor, what do you think about her having this crush on me? Like, medically speaking."

"Well, it's as you say. She's am introvert and afraid of others. Incapable of dealing with others, she has latched on to you. She is clearly sexually active but doesn't seem to have the discipline to control her desires. I have to train her to control these urges and teach her that it is unacceptable to use you for her own gratification."

"Do you think these feelings for me are artificial?"

"It is possible, but it's hard to tell at this point because she keeps denying them. She won't open up to me, insisting that she has no such feelings for you."

"Why do you think that is?"

"Probably fear of abandonment. She fears rejection, for sure, but after that I'm not certain why she is so afraid. I have a hypothesis that perhaps by denying she likes you, she is probably keeping a status quo of some kind, but again, I need her to open up to verify this."

"I see."

"Elon, I need to ask you something. Last time I called you and told you to wait in the parking lot. You came for Nola in case she didn't go by herself."

"Yeah but she managed to go after hearing my fake confession."

"Correct, but can you tell me what happened when she left the office?"

"When I picked her up? Well, she gave me a hug and we drove off."

"Can you remember everything that happened? Every single thing?"

"Yeah, I believe that... I was waiting next to my car and she came running for me. She hugged me, gave me a kiss, and patted my butt. Then we got in the car-"

"Wait, patted your butt?"

"Yeah. She gave me one of those friendly butt pats."

"Friendly butt pat?"


"Does she do this often?"


"And you are okay with this?"

"Not really."

"You're not? Then why do you allow it?"

"Because it's just a friendly gesture."

"Whose idea was this?"

"Nola's. She said that it was just something girlfriends do when they are really good friends. Since she has none, she asked if she can do it to me."

"Oh my gosh!"


"Elon, you are being groomed."

"Being what?"

"This is not normal behavior, this is sexual harassment."

I sit straight up, "sexual harassment?"

"This problem is worse than I thought. You are being manipulated by her to satisfy her desires. This is bad news. Elon, I need you to tell her to stop touching you inappropriately."

"Uhh... sure..." I'm still confused about what I just heard, but I just agree with the doctor.

"Has she done anything else aside from that?"

"No, not really. Everything else quite normal. She gives me hugs and kisses..."

"What kind of kisses?"

"Just a peck on the cheek here and there, sometimes on the lips. Though sometimes she licks me instead."

"No no no. That's also inappropriate. Tell me everything else she does."

"Well... she sometimes wants me to hold her hand, but I think that's not too bad."

"It's not."

"Umm... also, she likes to rub my back at times."

"I guess that innocuous."

"And then she kind of rubs my chest."

"Okay, that's kind of weird but I don't think-"

"...after I get off the shower."


"Oh, she sometimes helps me dry with a towel, but I'm wearing underwear by that time. She waits outside."


"Though I told her not to rub my nipples anymore. Even I know that is inappropriate. But I kind of compromised by letting her nibble my ear. I don't know why she would want to do that but I figured it wasn't so bad."

"Okay, Elon, I want her to stop making physical contact with you. No more waiting outside the shower. No more of these gestures. Not even a handshake. Keep her hands off your body."

"Really? Even shaking hands?"

"Yes, Elon. Who knows what she does to herself before she shakes your hand."

"Doctor, I'm kind of shocked right now."

"You and me both. I'm going to have a serious talk with that girl."

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